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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I'll be at the Mountain tomorrow and Friday so I'll go check out the area when I hit Terminator. But as for crowds tomorrow what should I expect? I got money for the Gold Flash Pass on Friday.


My daughters school will be there tomorrow, not sure if any others will. I'd expect the crowds to be managable but higher than it would have been a few weeks ago.


Bummer about Mr. Six. I was hoping to get some pics tomorrow.

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I'm guessing it probably has more to do with the permits needed to build stuff in California, which by no surprise to anyone, is a state that can be difficult to work with.




That and I wonder if some of the structure isn't up to code because of the lasting effects of the Hurricane. Perhaps they have to get Vekoma to fabricate new steel for the ride?


Or another thought, perhaps an unexpected amount of their budget was put towards the reprogramming of Ninja or some other unforeseen issue with rides, enough to make them put off building it?

Edited by Skycoastin Steve
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Shapiro asked for custody of the coaster as part of his severance package. They're working on a solution to make it transportable, as he only gets to see it on weekends.

Can't they just give him the Kentucky Kingdom one?

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Well, no big loss here. I was planning to ride it this year, but considering it's just a generic junior coaster I don't really care. I'm guessing that either the park is having permit issues or they just don't want to open the ride without getting the height requirement changed first. Either way, this makes sense. Who knows, maybe they'll be able to have it open in time for WCB 2011 (unlikely, but possible). I just really hope this doesn't alter any plans they may already have for 2011 or beyond.


Now that I won't be able to ride this, my 100th credit will probably end up being Intimidator on the IntimidaTour. I hope the next three months go by quickly.

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Shapiro asked for custody of the coaster as part of his severance package. They're working on a solution to make it transportable, as he only gets to see it on weekends.

Can't they just give him the Kentucky Kingdom one?


You can take the coaster out of Kentucky, but you can't take the Kentucky out of the coaster.




(also applies to Alabama)

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Actually the reason for the delay is all about KidTums.


Clearly the management keeps up on the daily ramblings in the TPR SFMM thread. So they are aware of the Alveys(As well as the countless KidTums Fans) disappointment in the apparent height requirements. So they decide to delay its build date until KidTums can sprout up a bit more.


So hopefully one of two things will happen. Either KidTums will eat 'lots' of calcium rich foods or Six Flags will come to their senses and post height requirements that are KidTums approved!

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That and I wonder if some of the structure isn't up to code because of the lasting effects of the Hurricane. Perhaps they have to get Vekoma to fabricate new steel for the ride?


Wouldn't that have been done before the track even arrived at the park?


Steel that met code in Louisiana might not have met code in California. I really have no idea, just thinking out loud really. However, after putting some more thought into it, my best guess has got to be financial reasons. If there was some unexpected expense that they had to reallocate Mr. Six money into, then I could see how a delay would make sense.

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Well that's disappointing... Not so much for me, but in every ride station operators will scream "Come back in May and check out our new roller coaster!", and a lot of guests probably don't know it's a lame kiddie coaster.

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Actually the reason for the delay is all about KidTums.


Clearly the management keeps up on the daily ramblings in the TPR SFMM thread. So they are aware of the Alveys(As well as the countless KidTums Fans) disappointment in the apparent height requirements. So they decide to delay its build date until KidTums can sprout up a bit more.


So hopefully one of two things will happen. Either KidTums will eat 'lots' of calcium rich foods or Six Flags will come to their senses and post height requirements that are KidTums approved!



While I'd love to believe it's a height restriction issue, I know it's not. It must be something bigger than permits and crap because even if those were delayed you can still put up this coaster very easily and quickly since it's so small.

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Gotta figure it was a permit problem, if it was anything else they would of at least started work on the dirt lot. I mean it was pretty amazing how fast they threw up terminator, but even as simple as this little coaster is to put up, they still would have a lot of cement and electrical, not to mention landscaping.


My daughters gonna be mad, she was looking forward to riding this during he summer vacation.

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Why on Earth would Six Flags park have permit issues with a coaster AFTER construction began? I mean anyone from New England knows that the company is much smarter than that.


I also need to say that this coaster should be Mr. Six's Roller Disco because it has the roller skater train, AND it would be a pimpin night ride. You can't deny it.

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My guess is that it has to do with CA's permit issues also...need a permit for everything. Soon, we'll need permits to do simple tasks like change a lightbulb.


...Or, perhaps this coaster could be modified to be some new kind of Vekoma-made Aquatrax!


Didn't Six Flags start constructing a coaster ahead of time prior to approval in Mexico (Superman Morgan Coaster to be exact) several years ago?

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My issue with the 'permit hypothesis' is that why would it need to be delayed A YEAR?!?! SFMM always gets permits late, but then they get them and start construction...why delay a whole year? It's got to be something bigger than that, and if it isn't, well...

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Why on Earth would Six Flags park have permit issues with a coaster AFTER construction began? I mean anyone from New England knows that the company is much smarter than that.


I also need to say that this coaster should be Mr. Six's Roller Disco because it has the roller skater train, AND it would be a pimpin night ride. You can't deny it.


So because the ride construction process has started you think all permits are secured? Business does not work like that. You couldn't imagine the process and what it takes to make stuff happen in California. My brother and I used to build surveillance systems for Mc Donalds many years ago and we saw the process first hand when they were building new McD's. Mind you, this is dealing with the cities let alone the state. Zoning is another big factor when building things in CA.

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