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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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"No airtime, rough, boring, etc." (SharkTums)


That wasn't the case when Psyclone opened. It was actually rather fun back then. The years of neglect and the damage from the Northridge earthquake are what did it in.



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So who thinks that the Viper is next?


I've never been to SFMM or California for that matter, but I think I won't be too depressed if I won't be able to ride these coasters; even if Flashback wasn't operating to begin with.


Why would you even have an opinion on that if you haven't tried Viper out yourself. I personally don't have a problem with Viper. The restraints can be uncomfortable at times, but its usually managable. I also don't see it going anywhere.


As for Psyclone, honestly, I hope people are joking if they're still saying that Psyclone may be burned...as much as someone may want that, it would never happen. Selling the wood would make sense since they need all the money they can get. I do hope that they at least keep the Psyclone trains and hand them to Colossus. They can race like regular, and then at frightfest, the usual backwards side can turn backwards again...unless that doesn't work, and then it can be a year round backwards ride. lol hey its possible.

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^ Ya, but don't most Dinn/Summers coasters start off as good rides and then eventually crap themselves out over the years?


Honestly, any coaster can turn to crap over time due to natural causes such as age, weather, natural disasters etc.


Since Psyclone was built on a former lake [i believe] an earthquake is the last thing it needed since the land would still easily shift.

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I hope they're going to refurbish Flashback or move it to another park so I can get my 'points' for that one. As for the monorail, I'd like to see the rail car fixed or replaced that goes to the top of that rather large hill where Superman, Tatsu, Ninja, etc. is located. UGH I HATE climbing that hill, it wud be so much easier for us ppl that can't get around as well as others to have that, at least. There's a railcar not being used at the former Dogpatch USA (RIP) site. Perhaps Shapiro or his ppl should inquire about it.

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I'd like to see the rail car fixed or replaced that goes to the top of that rather large hill where Superman, Tatsu, Ninja, etc. is located. UGH I HATE climbing that hill, it wud be so much easier for us ppl that can't get around as well as others to have that, at least.


You're talking about Orient Express? That reopened months ago.

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^ Ya, but don't most Dinn/Summers coasters start off as good rides and then eventually crap themselves out over the years?


Honestly, any coaster can turn to crap over time due to natural causes such as age, weather, natural disasters etc.


Since Psyclone was built on a former lake [i believe] an earthquake is the last thing it needed since the land would still easily shift.

If it was built correctly, there should have been no abnormal ground shifting, and it all would have been included in the engineering of the ride. No I think this ride just suffers from a lack of attention and some of the worst set of trains ever concieved.

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^ True, the trains were part of the problem. Interesting how revered B&M rides are, but the only set of wooden coaster trains they ever built were crap.


However, maybe SFMM will keep them in storage for use on Colossus during Fright Fest. Without their "regular" ride, they'll have no other use.



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well, just a little news, I called the park today and asked some questions. Apparently they are working very hard to get X opened by saturday and the guy said they are working as fast as possible to reopen it. He said theres a very good chance it could happen so yeah. Thats all.

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However, maybe SFMM will keep them in storage for use on Colossus during Fright Fest. Without their "regular" ride, they'll have no other use.


Or even better...reserve one side of Colossus to operate with backward-running trains kind of like what Kings Dominion does with Rebel Yell. I've thought about that a few times, but two things always lead me to believe it wouldn't be done.


1. It's Magic Mountain. They HARDLY ever run both sides of Colossus. Meaning if they DO make one side operate permanently in reverse, you'd probably go to the park to find you can only ride Colossus forward or Colossus backward, and not both.


2. The trains. If the B&M wood trains were that bad for Psyclone, imagine what it would do to Colossus! Running one side backward for October every year is one thing, but year round?

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That's good news. I hope they do open it this Saturday, considering its reopening date has already been pushed back once.


UGH. I'm so anxious to start seeing photo updates of the park being cleaned up. I have honestly had fantasies of the park with all the rides completely repainted, all the building facades fixed up, cracked pathways repaved, and dead foliage raked out. The sad part? NOBODY SHOULD HAVE TO EVER FANTASIZE ABOUT THOSE KIND OF THINGS.

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Regarding Colossus, I think the park ought to invest in some nice new two-bench PTC trains to replace those 20-year-old Morgans. Then the park could run one side forward and one backward and it wouldn't matter which trains they use because they could run the PTCs either way---provided they got the four-wheeled ones.


When SFMM ran Colossus backward in the early-to-mid-'80s with the old three-bench PTCs, that was a blast!


Eric "Has ridden both of SFMM's woodies backwards" L.

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^ Ya, but don't most Dinn/Summers coasters start off as good rides and then eventually crap themselves out over the years?


Honestly, any coaster can turn to crap over time due to natural causes such as age, weather, natural disasters etc.


Since Psyclone was built on a former lake [i believe] an earthquake is the last thing it needed since the land would still easily shift.

If it was built correctly, there should have been no abnormal ground shifting, and it all would have been included in the engineering of the ride. No I think this ride just suffers from a lack of attention and some of the worst set of trains ever concieved.


Exactly, if that were the case then SCBB's Giant Dipper would be running like crap today, having survived numerous earthquakes in it's 83yr history, including taking a direct hit from the 1989 7.0 quake. Still runs smooth as glass, amazing what some actual maintenance and TLC can do for a woodie.

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well, just a little news, I called the park today and asked some questions. Apparently they are working very hard to get X opened by saturday and the guy said they are working as fast as possible to reopen it. He said theres a very good chance it could happen so yeah. Thats all.


Read the thread.



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I have a real hard time buying the earthquake damage theory. If the ride was irreparably damaged, how was it certified to operate? I can't see the ride's insurer even remotely covering the ride if this is true. The most likely scenario is the rolling stock is killing the track. Mark "Spend no money on coasters that don't spin, or Magic Mountain" Shapiro decided it's cheaper to rip the ride out than re-track it. I think PTCs might have made a huge difference for this ride. Most people here probably could care less either way. In any case, we'll never know.[/i]

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Also he said Goliath is basically ready so... yeah. I really didnt expect for it to be closed so I hope they carry out with their plans.


Im probably the person who is most anxious to get on X. I've been waiting for it to reopen ever since the last time I went on it which was in June I believe. As for Goliath, I could care less if it reopens or not but it doesnt seem as though theres any reason why it wouldnt. A three week rehab is pretty long for that ride no?

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