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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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They ran only 1 train yesterday, which was pretty upsetting. I endured the wait, but still am pretty pissed about them having one train and all.

Did you notice if the train was in the transfer track storage when you passed it? I think atem122 is right that they might be fixing the audio on that train. Other than that glad to hear all the effects on X2 and Terminator were working.

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The only reason Terminator would be running 1-train operation is because the other train requires maintenance. It just wouldn't make any sense to intentionally run 1-train-op, not to mention how the park GM has repeatedly said he only resorts to 1-train-op as a worse case senario of operation, with the only other option being to close the ride completely.


So, while I agree 1-train-op can be frustrating, you might want to ask yourself what you would choose between 1-train-op or Terminator having to be closed when you want to ride it?

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The only reason Terminator would be running 1-train operation is because the other train requires maintenance. It just wouldn't make any sense to intentionally run 1-train-op, not to mention how the park GM has repeatedly said he only resorts to 1-train-op as a worse case senario of operation, with the only other option being to close the ride completely.


If I knew this I would understand.


Thanks for your post.

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quick TR from yesterday...


The main point of yesterday was not going to the park for the rides, but for the KROQ concert with Anberlin and Metric, though did manage to get a few rides in.


Got to the park around 12, and I knew I was in trouble when there were cars coming all the way down to the Old Road waiting to park. Not sure what was going on but it did take close to 30 min to finally get to the booths...not good. I wasn't shocked at all when I ended up in the BFE (gravel) lot and I decided even in the 90+ degree weather to walk all the way to the entrance, as it would have took another 15-20 to wait for a tram.


Finally get in the park and go over to get my seating passes for the concert, then we headed over to Tatsu...


I really gotta hand it to the ops on this one, Tatsu had a posted wait of over 90 min, line was just past the stairs up to SS, and we only waited just over an hour, i couldn't believe it when i saw a couple 1-2 min dispatches.


Left the park to grab lunch then came back for the concert, which turned out to be really good. I was actually amazed that they were still handing out passes right before the show started and they only filled up a little more than 1/2 the theater. Premium seat upgrades were available for $20 but I didn't feel like doing that though people that did were right there up close to the stage so maybe for the next one I might do it.


First up was Metric, and they were really good. They did a full acoustic set, and then after about a 30 min break between bands for the stage set up and sound checks, Anberlin came on, and they were amazing. Most of all I was really impressed with the overall sound. It was crisp and clear, and really freakin loud too. The concert was supposed to run for an hour 15 min, but ended up being almost 2 hours which was great cause both bands got to do full sets.


After the concert we decided to check back on Terminator, the wait was 2 hours all day, and even 30 min before close it was still about an hour 1/2. We watched a movie in line so time went by fairly fast but it wasn't till we reached the pre-show that we realized it was only 1 train op. The second train was in the maintenance shed and the mechanics were working on the sound box, they had different components they were installing in it, so I think they were trying to get it up and running to help clear out the line, as they left the Terminator line open until closing.


I'm kinda torn on this decision though. On one hand I applaud them for deciding to take it out of service since the sound is part of the ride experience, but on the other hand it does create a much longer line, and it totally throws off the intended experience with the pre-shows as you watch one but then the sound completely cuts out then you have to wait another 5 or so minutes to move onto the next room. It does ruin the pre-show experience I think, and in case anyone was wondering....the pre-shows do not run on a loop, they have to punch in a code to make them play each time.


A couple pics from the day (the concert pics aren't all that great since i shot them on my iphone)








where I ended up parking


the line of cars waiting to park

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^^I'm sure you were there for Anberlin, but I would have turned around and come back another day. I just cannot legitimize busy days like that considering the park is open in the winter *and* we have WCB and what not.



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I was also there yesterday, arriving about 6:30.


First ride was Revolution (with a one-train wait). I tried to ride Ninja, which had been down most of the day, but after testing and allowing guests in, they still couldn't send the train. For me, there was no sense waiting for them to get it going, so I headed down to Terminator. The queue was full, so I assumed about a 45-minute wait, but soon realized that only one train was running. Our wait ended up being 2-1/2 hours. Honestly, I wasn't too smart for waiting that long, but I got to talking to some people in line who had never ridden it and was enjoying the conversation. I felt sorry for one of the guys I was talking to in line who had never ridden it. When he arrived at the loading platform, he was too big to ride and had to sit it out.


By then, it was about 10:15, so nothing else was open.



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Six Flags really should add test seats for their rides because being to heavy to ride has gotta be really depressing. They should also hand out exit passes for people who at least make it to the stations of some rides only to have them break down.

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I'd like to happily declare the construction outside of SFMM (Magic Mtn. Pkwy./I-5 interchange, Magic Mtn. Pkwy/The Old Road intersection) FINISHED!!!


Enjoy the wider & smoother on/off ramps at I-5, dedicated freeway entrance lanes to South I-5 from Magic Mtn. Pkwy, and hopefully a much more pleasant experience getting in/out of the park's entrance area.


The best part - NO MORE CONSTRUCTION!!! This is so nice to see after yearS of construction in that area. I hope some pictures are posted soon. It's freakish to see 4 lanes heading in SFMM's direction.

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Six Flags really should add test seats for their rides because being to heavy to ride has gotta be really depressing. They should also hand out exit passes for people who at least make it to the stations of some rides only to have them break down.

What if test seats are the new rides for SFMM That would be funny.

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They ran only 1 train yesterday, which was pretty upsetting. I endured the wait, but still am pretty pissed about them having one train and all. Anyone know if this is normal for them to have 1 train or anything during the weekdays I guess?


LOL, running one train on your brand new roller coaster.



Herm, I believe every park has done this at some time or another.They could just be fixing the audio on the other train so they can provide a better experience for the park guests, that's a thought.


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^ Train 2's audio wasn't working on TPR Termination Day, either. I wonder if it's been working sporadically or if SFMM has just been running it without audio till they could get whatever parts or service they need?


For me, the audio is hard to hear during the ride for the most part anyway, and it doesn't add anything to the ride for me.



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I'd like to happily declare the construction outside of SFMM (Magic Mtn. Pkwy./I-5 interchange, Magic Mtn. Pkwy/The Old Road intersection) FINISHED!!!

Whoo! Thanks for the update. I am glad they finally finished construction.

As for the audio I'm glad they are fixing it. I remember last year they took a train off of X2 just to fix the audio so I am glad SFMM is trying to keep there effects working.

Andrew "Glad construction is done" Iorio

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