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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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The primary benefit (to me) is the free parking. At $15 bucks a pop, the savings add up real fast. And the discount on the food and merch is good too. Especially considering the food prices are typical "theme park high", the discount drops the price to a more reasonable level. And, there's the 15 off the price of the Flash Pass/Qbot rental, and that is very, very nice to have on hot, busy days.

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^^ The regular pass covers admission only and you get the coupon booklet.


With the Xtreme Pass, you get that PLUS parking each visit, and a 25% discount on most food and merchandise.


At one time, SFMM had special passholder previews for new attractions, but haven't for quite some time.


As Calicoasters said, the food discount is enough for me to rethink making a trek all the way down to The Old Road to eat. And Bolliger&Mabillard is right, too. Believe me, Six Flags wouldn't offer these passes at these prices if they were losing money.


And I still stand by my thoughts about increasing the price. It's still well worth it.



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Hey guys,


I'm usually giving some help and advice of my own on Six Flags MM but now I think I could use some of your help.


I was planning on going to Six Flags MM this weekend, either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (17, 18, 19). I haven't been to Six Flags MM since Dec 30, 2005. What day would typically be less crowded from your experience?


Also are there any rides that are not in operation at the moment?


Lastly, this question is regarding the season pass. The last time I bought a season pass was for the 2005 season so I forgot a lot of things as to how it works. I know that I have to go through the whole processing process to get my pass. Does the processing place open up prior to the park opening or at the same time the gates open?


I appreciate any help. Thanks guys.

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^^ Atem122 is right about the crowds as I think Saturday it would be really crowded. As for the season pass processing when I went for this seasons pass the people who bought online had a longer line than those who bought at the park. What I always do is just process it later in the day when the lines are shorter.

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^^ I've never been on them, but I think the Flight of Fear rides at KD and KI are both the same model as Joker's Jinx (Premier LIM coasters) and are both indoors.


Anyway, that extreme pass sounds well worth it for the free parking alone. The extreme parking fee is probably the reason I don't visit MM weekly.

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^RnR is pretty much an amped up FoF, sure the layout is a bit different and it has a different manufacturer. But they are both enclosed launched soup bowl coasters, only RnR has much more extra sensory effects to it, therefore it's amped up. I highly doubt SFMM would go after one of these though

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Not sure how many of you have heard about this, but Saturday, KROQ will be putting on a concert with Anberlin and Metric at the park. Is anyone here planning on going? According to the SF website, the show starts at 6 @ golden bear theatre. They will be handing out seating passes before hand on a first come first serve basis. Does anyone know what time they might be doing this? I don't really want to get to the park at opening and was hoping to just come up closer to when the concert starts.

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I can imagine them wanting to build it partially underground say 40-50FT so the prevailing structure would only need to be another 75ft or so. (idk i'm not an engineer)


Make it look hidden or look like a blimp hangar for easy access for maintenance.



Imagine the ride though... Pitch black with some fog, lights, perhaps even a flame burst, and music. They can make the intro rather intense like red flashing lights, sirens, fake staff shouting over intercom, building collapsing... then BAM launch.



Or even as someone suggested a Batman Theme. The launch bay could be a cheap Night Time set and you see the Bat Signal. Then the tunnel being the bat cave. For the ride aspect simply have it pitch black with some music, light up figures like the Mummy Ride, Flame burst in pitch black would be sweet. They could really do a lot in the que and pre-launch to make the ride memorable.



Sorry for rambling but I’ve been fantasizing about an epic west coast indoor coaster since 2003.

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does SFMM really have the room for one?

Ask and ye shall receive...

X's Lift gives you the best view of the park, seeing how it faces the park from the edge of it, and realy puts into perspective how much airspace the park has to work with.... MM has many coasters, but very rarely do any of them 'interfere' with one another...It's full of coasters, but it's not "crowded" with them, if that makes sense...most of the coasters tend to sit along the outer rim of the park.
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Processing opens with the park, but there is a shorter line for people who do it online, there practically isnt any wait for it at all, and Friday would certainly be the best day to go, the weekends are much worse


^^ Atem122 is right about the crowds as I think Saturday it would be really crowded. As for the season pass processing when I went for this seasons pass the people who bought online had a longer line than those who bought at the park. What I always do is just process it later in the day when the lines are shorter.



Thanks for the information, guys.


I'm definitely going to go on Friday then.


I'm probably going to buy my season pass at the park, I have to get there pretty early around 830-9 ish to meet up with some friends....so I don't think the season pass processing line for me would be that much to deal with.



A couple of final questions about the season pass: 1 Do you pay for it at the ticket booth as if you were to buy a general admission? 2 It's the same price as online right ($63.99)? 3 I'm considering processing it later as you (cooksta) made reference to; can I get into the park without having everything processed


Sorry about forgetting something as simple as this haha. Thanks for all your help. Just want to be sure on things like the price because I'm coming with limited cash, about $90.


Thanks for all your help guys.

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^When you buy the season pass at the ticket window if you buy it at the park. About getting into the park you can get into the park the day you buy your season pass without processing it I believe.

Andrew "Glad I can help" Iorio

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^An enclosed soup bowl, hell just a soup bowl alone couldnt really interfere with another ride, it would need its own space for most if not all of it


Obviously it would take up some room but a lot less than another Scream. The soup bowl would make it less obtrusive of a structure to the horizon.




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Thought I'd post this in here.


I got back from the park late last night (around 11 ish). I was going to post something like this then, but was too tired. This was my first trip to the park since Dec 2005, so there were a lot of changes to the park from the past. One being the way they do season passes, others include the prices for things haha ; but I was amazed at how the park was quite clean. I enjoyed riding X2 and Tatsu. I'll get back into a few things regarding these later.



Anyway here's my ride report. I wanted to get in all the coasters that I could in a day. This is definitely feasible on a Friday I guess.


Rides Rode (in order)

Goliath 2x (4x overall)

Scream 1x

Colossus 1x

Batman 1x

Riddlers 1x

Tidal Wave 1x

Goldrusher 1x

Superman The Escape 1x

Terminator Salvation 1x

Viper 1x

Tatsu 1x (3x overall)

Roaring Rapids 1x

X2 1x

Tatsu 2x (3x overall)

Deja Vu 1x

Goliath 2x (4x overall)


Left the park at 9:25 PM


Rides I didn't feel like riding:




After this, rides I won't ever come to MM to ride again:






Terminator Salvation was pretty good, but not worth waiting 125 minutes for. They ran only 1 train yesterday, which was pretty upsetting. I endured the wait, but still am pretty pissed about them having one train and all. Anyone know if this is normal for them to have 1 train or anything during the weekdays I guess?


The preshow seems pretty pointless to be honest. I really didn't care for it much aside from it getting us out of the sun. I didn't really understand what was happening either. Haha


The audio was working as well as the fire and everything.


Other than that, when I first rode Tatsu, it was pretty good. However, my train got stuck prior to being unloaded. So we had to wait 20 minutes in that upturned position until maintenance arrived to manually unlock us to get us out.


We got an exit clearance for this (flash pass in a sense), but we could only redeem for any ride other than Deja Vu, X2, or Terminator. My friend I chose Roaring rapids since that had a real long wait and we intended to ride it.


X2 was really great. It slightly broke down twice when we were in line I think. The audio, fire, and everything were working as expected.


I didn't have a lot of head banging to worry about being that my head exceeds the shoulder restraints, etc. However, at near the end of the ride, there's a part where the train jerks or something where my legs are forcibly swung and so they kept hitting against row of the train. That hurt and that was crazy. I don't quite know how to explain it. I guess it is like when the train jerks or something.


Other that, it was a solid experience just like X and the next time I return to the park I will run :lmao: to X2 first and ride it a couple of times.

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They ran only 1 train yesterday, which was pretty upsetting. I endured the wait, but still am pretty pissed about them having one train and all. Anyone know if this is normal for them to have 1 train or anything during the weekdays I guess?


LOL, running one train on your brand new roller coaster.



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They ran only 1 train yesterday, which was pretty upsetting. I endured the wait, but still am pretty pissed about them having one train and all. Anyone know if this is normal for them to have 1 train or anything during the weekdays I guess?


LOL, running one train on your brand new roller coaster.




Tell me about it. When waiting in the queue, you'd only see the train once every 4-5 minutes. Train 1 was only one being used (judging by the back where it has a number). Train 2 was off the track and stored to the right in that section where you just about finished the ride.


Really upsetting when it wasted a lot of time. I don't know if this was a ploy to make the ride look extremely popular or what, but many people didn't like the wait they had to endure. Many people entered the line and exited.


I saw the Michael Jackson Dangerous thing on the Tvs (the re runs of the same things) about 3-4 times LMAO.

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