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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Considering Tidal Wave might be on the way out, you have a HUGE area, including the Batman overflow line that used to be the backlot danceclub(i am getting old,lol)


You might have enough space for a fun unique to so cal family coaster and a little skate park next to it. A place to sit down and watch people do there tricks, nice entertainment for parents to rest while kids do there thing at no cost to the park..hmmm...i should be working there,lol

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^That's actually a pretty smart idea, I'm sure they could fit a launch coaster somewhere, but I'm not sure if there's space in flash back's old spot or in free fall's area though. Eh they could find a place to fit it somewhere

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Does anyone know when this was done? I don't remember seeing it when I went on Saturday. But then again I might have just totally not noticed it while walking to Terminator. I really like it though. SFMM is doing a lot of small things to make the park look better. And it's really working out for them.


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The area from behind Viper to about behind Deja Vu is pretty hilly, but not as much as the terrain in the park (It can be seen from Viper's lift) With sublte leveling, such a ride could be built, or dare I say the world's first terrain based rocket coaster? (Rita excluded).

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I personally don't think a coaster would look good in Tidal Wave's spot. That would make 3 coasters all piled up in that area, and I think they risk looking too Knotts-ish. There are plenty of other open spaces in the park for a coaster besides that spot. I like the splash battle comments or just...something else right there.



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I'm all for a new coaster at SFMM, but I don't want the park to end up like Knott's. I hate how Knott's crams rides into each other, which is another thing I like more about SFMM. All their rides are in open and landscaped areas.


I hope SFMM's next coaster is an Intamin terrain coaster. I'd rather have a ride that sticks to the terrain than a Kingda Ka clone. I also think it should go in between Viper and Deja Vu. Other than that, I think SFMM already has a great collection of coasters, and should try and get more flats.

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I don't think the park would install a Intamin Rocket Coaster without first getting rid of Superman The Escape. Besides it would be way more affordable to build it along Colossus (and loose parking lot) than move/build around all that earth. A terrain rocket would be totally awesome, especially if they give it giant inversions like Storm Runner, but I would love to see SFMM take the speed record back from those Germans!


I actually don't think I like the idea of a splash battle replacing Tidal Wave. Don't you get completely soaked on those things? If it was to end up in The Movie District that would be awesome if it had a movie theme.

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I agree with everything you just typed. A Tony Hawk ride in Freefall's old spot would suit the park well. I hope they go with an Intamin spinner though, and push the limits a little bit with a new design and a grander, more interactive theme.


The idea of an Intamin spinning coaster actually seems pretty realistic, because at WCB Park Management mentioned that they were working with Intamin right now. When they said that, I instantly started thinking of an Intamin rocket coaster running along Metro's layout (but with different track of course), even though that is pretty unrealistic. The only other Intamin ride I can think of SFMM getting soon is an Intamin drop tower...which I think would be great.


As far as the rocket coaster idea goes for running along the Viper-Deja Vu area, I'm definitely up for it, but does SFMM even own that land over there?

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Here's a couple possibilities..


They could use the front facade as the loading station for the new ride, and remove the stadium seating and stage, for land for the track, maybe a dark tunnel, or something, and have it fly up and around the area, above the track of Superman: The Escape. A launch coaster Intamin..that would look good in that area, if they can pull it off.


The third possibility, is to build a ride high up and above, Superman: The Escape, where the Golden Bear Theatre is located.


I am not sure what this is, a storage shed for Roaring Rapids rotting boats, but if they own this land or not, they could develop this land for a future expansion themed area for the park, and widen the entry way to Deja Vu, to give it a more larger openness to get to the new theme area. It may cost some money, but in the long run, the park would be nicer looking with a small expansion.


The land behind Terminator. I am not sure if they own the land, but they can buy the land, build a kick-ass coaster, and use the current entry way to Deja Vu, as a main walk-way to the new land, or the third bridge over to the right of Terminator used for vehicle access as a main opening to the new ride. I am sure they can do wonders with that. Having it over by Deja Vu, might be a little hidden.


If they remove Tidal Wave, that does leave a big chunk of land to use for something, and use that little bit of land where Freefall used to be, and perhaps use the land behind Riddler's Revenge for something. They also can remove Cyclone 500, and Dive Devil, and build something on those two pieces of land. They have possibilities, so we'll have to see what they have in store for 2010 and 2011. They can build a coaster and develop new park land up on that hill side where over by employee parking, and have a large bridge for park guests to walk too. I mean, a big theme area based on a film or something. They would have to buy the land of course, but not sure if they would go that route.

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SFMM is not getting rid of the Golden Bear Theatre any time soon. It's still used quite a bit from what I've seen. Plus, the park needs a large capacity venue for shows. The Magic Moments Theatre (where we do our TPR events) seats about 1200; the Golden Bear seats about 3400.


As for where the next coaster goes, I have a feeling that SFMM will surprise us.



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Does anyone know when this was done? I don't remember seeing it when I went on Saturday. But then again I might have just totally not noticed it while walking to Terminator. I really like it though. SFMM is doing a lot of small things to make the park look better. And it's really working out for them.


It was there last Thursday during the KROQ event.


There is also one at Hurricane Harbor:


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SFMM is not getting rid of the Golden Bear Theatre any time soon. It's still used quite a bit from what I've seen. Plus, the park needs a large capacity venue for shows. The Magic Moments Theatre (where we do our TPR events) seats about 1200; the Golden Bear seats about 3400.


As for where the next coaster goes, I have a feeling that SFMM will surprise us.




I remember Jay saying that he wants to balance out the park, so that everyone won't run to the left towards X2, Tatsu and now Terminator. Scream didn't quite do the trick, so I can only deduct that at some point something interesting will go on that side of the park again.

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Has anyone else thought that maybe scream will get a makeover? Management has said that scream is on their to do list. I know they said they are going to get a new coaster but I wonder if that is also going to happen next year? That ride badly needs theming and landscaping as we all know and with how well terminators themeing came out I think six flags could really do something great with scream, maybe a few tunnels

And excavate around the supports and fill with water and some sweet light effects. That would be pretty sweet!

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^ I would also really like to see Scream get some grass or at least something to make it look nicer, but I don't think it will get an X2/Bizarro style revamp. I can't picture Six Flags revamping two rides at the same park, especially with everything SFMM already has. I think there's more things SF needs to work on at other parks rather than giving SFMM another revamp...and probably another coaster too.

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Scream would be a very risky coaster to revamp. All the bells and whistles in the world won't undo it's parking lot reputation, or it's similarity to Riddler's. And I just don't see them ripping up that concrete underneath the ride. And then after all that effort, people would still run to X2, Tatsu and Terminator, and Scream/Bizarro would still be off in that corner, fairly ignored. Just my opinion.


imo, only a new coaster will draw people the other way. Something special.

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