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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^The most bad@$$ thing that's happened to me in Goliath's death helix is my voice going up a pitch lol. Only time I've ever greyed out, well got close, was in Viper's 3rd loop on my 3rd consecutive ride of it. After that I figured it would be smart to stop

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I've never blacked out or even greyed out on any ride, even before they started slowing you down to a crawl on the mcbr on Goliath. I have heard that dehydration can lead to blacking out on a ride, but I'm not a Dr. so I can't confirm that!


I heard that during safety in the morning the MCBR barely brakes at all and it goes crazy fast through the helix. I would love to ride it like that.

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I heard that during safety in the morning the MCBR barely brakes at all and it goes crazy fast through the helix. I would love to ride it like that.

Yea I remember when Goliath first opened it seemed like they barely hit the brakes on the mcbr. The helix was pretty intense back then. In SFMM's defense, I would have slowed the ride down as well to prevent a possible lawsuit in the future, even though the lady had died from a pre-existing condition.

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^ I remember it being there in January. And possibly march. But when i went in early april it was gone. The area looks to empty without it.


It's gone...? I didn't even notice that it wasn't there. The line would look pretty boring without it...I still can't believe I didn't notice. But I was kind of rushing to get on Batman before the park closed

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I blacked out yesterday, twice. It's happened before and it'll happen again. It's not very fun but I'm used to it by now I still love Goliath.


You were at Six Flags on Sunday? I saw someone in Goliath's station with a WCB shirt on, but it was too late to say something. Was that you?


Anyways, I love the helix on Goliath because of the crushing g's. It's definitley not my favorite feeling, but there's just something about the feeling of being pushed into my seat that I love.

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^I love the feeling of being pulled down the second drop. When riding in the back seats. The helix is also one of my favorite parts as well. And the pung noise when the train goes through the turn after the camel hump into the MCBR. I love that ping. Makes me feel like I am at home.

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"I saw someone in Goliath's station with a WCB shirt on..." (FitchCoaster)


Could have been me. I was at SFMM on Sunday with Diana and we rode in Row 3. If I recall, we rode about 6:30 or so.



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^ 6:30 sounds about right, but the people I saw rode in the last row and were pretty young. I probably saw you too though, I saw a couple WCB shirts that day.


I think he just called you old Eric.

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