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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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My family and I are possibly heading to SFMM today (Friday) for a trip. I doubt crowds will be light, but are there any tips? I plan on heading back and getting X2 first, and then everything else is free game.



Thanks! PTR to follow.


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^ I know Diana was planning to be at SFMM as well, but she was still unsure as of midnight last night. This might be a nice weekend to get out there, but I already have plans and was just out there last weekend anyway.



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I got back from the park at about 5:30pm (from Valencia to LA). From 12-5, I managed to snag every credit excluding B:TR and Terminator. With repeats.


The park was deserted. The longest line I had was a 20 minute wait for Deja Vu. All of the employees were remarkably nice, and some of them even asked how my day was going. The park was BEAUTIFUL. In my opinion, at least. It's a great place, no doubt.



Terminator's sign now has lettering on it. I have some 200+ pictures to upload, which I can post once I get back to New Orleans on Sunday.





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I don't get back home until Sunday night, so I hope you guys have snacks for the wait.


But it looks VERY cool. They were hammering on that sucker almost the whole time. Especially the station area.






[EDIT] I was talking to a ride supervisor, and apparently Terminator is slated to open on the 23rd. So take that for what you will, but it seems plausible.

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And 21st is hopefully Media day. But I think this has already been established a while ago in the Terminator thread.


My friend is at the park today but she said that everyone in her group refuses to ride Goliath. I could understand being scared of X or Tatsu. But Goliath?

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And 21st is hopefully Media day. But I think this has already been established a while ago in the Terminator thread.


My friend is at the park today but she said that everyone in her group refuses to ride Goliath. I could understand being scared of X or Tatsu. But Goliath?


The height may have something to do with it. Did they say it was busy? I'm going tomorrow...hopefully lines aren't too bad.

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My daughter rode X long before riding Goliath. Diana refused to ride it because of...the height of the drop. Whenever she went with friends, they sat and rode while she walked through the train and waited at the exit.


One day she was out there and as usual, waited with them. But this time, one of them sat her down and stapled her---she was going to ride whether she liked it or not.


Goliath is now one of her favorite rides.


Just goes to show that you have to at least try a new ride. If you don't like it, just don't ride it again.



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Wow...for SFMM's coasters, I went:

- Canyon Blaster

- Gold Rusher

- Revolution and Ninja

- Colossus, Viper, Batman, and Scream

- Superman: The Escape, Riddler's Revenge, and Tatsu

- Goliath and Deja Vu

- X2


It actually took several visits for me to get on X2...it was definately scariest for me to get on, but also the best IMO. I'd probably have to say Deja Vu is the scariest though, even though none of them really "scare" me anymore.

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^Yea Deja is the scariest IMO also.

Colosus, Batman,Goldrusher,Psyclone (deceased), Ninja,Revolution,Tatsu,Viper,Scream,Riddlers Revenge,X,Goliath, X2,Superman the Escape. All in order. Superman was the hardest to get on, I don't know why but I was scared of the height.

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No pictures to show of this but...


...Colossus Cookery, between Gotham City and Scream!/Colossus area, has re-opened as SFMM's 2nd Ben & Jerry's. The first being a small outpost inside Food Etc. This one is in a much larger building that is all its own. Very nice to see this particular food service installation open again with a renewed purpose.

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^ Especially in a place when during the summer the temperature can be be more than 100.


And my friend said that it was the height. But I find it funny that people could ride X and be scared of Goliath. I think that X's drop is more intense. Well in the back. I've never been too scared to get on a coaster. But I used to get nervous for Deja Vu because I could never remember what to expect on the hill. Just a long drop. And she said that the lines weren't that bad. But i think its her first time going so i don't know what she is comparing it too.

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Isn't the Colossus Cookery the place that used to have the "Eat Out Loud!" signs? I was wondering when they would do something with that location.


I can understand the apprehension about Goliath due to the height. I was one of those who would always run for Tatsu or front row on X/X2 but for some reason was made nervous by the height on Goliath, the fact that the restraints are so minimalist, and the way it stops up there at the top until I had ridden a few times and got used to it. (The only part I still don't like is how I black out in the helix.) I still don't ride Goliath every time I go-I tend to prefer the coasters with inversions. (However-the Goliath at SFOG is in my top five coasters, best non inverting steel I have ever been on.)


Deja Vu is the only ride I am apprehensive about. Very cool ride, just don't like the prolonged hanging there vertically on the backwards climb up.

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^I am like the opposite. I love hanging on Deja's drop. And I ALWAYS have to ride Goliath everytime I go. Otherwise I get sad. I know its not the best coaster ever, but i've grown quite accustomed to it. I've never blacked out on the helix. Hopefully one day. It seems like it would be interesting.

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Isn't the Colossus Cookery the place that used to have the "Eat Out Loud!" signs? I was wondering when they would do something with that location.


I can understand the apprehension about Goliath due to the height. I was one of those who would always run for Tatsu or front row on X/X2 but for some reason was made nervous by the height on Goliath, the fact that the restraints are so minimalist, and the way it stops up there at the top until I had ridden a few times and got used to it. (The only part I still don't like is how I black out in the helix.) I still don't ride Goliath every time I go-I tend to prefer the coasters with inversions. (However-the Goliath at SFOG is in my top five coasters, best non inverting steel I have ever been on.)


Deja Vu is the only ride I am apprehensive about. Very cool ride, just don't like the prolonged hanging there vertically on the backwards climb up.


I agree that Goliath can be quite intimidating to some people, including the fact that the restraints really do not feel all that secure. I, myself, think that the back row of X is possibly the most intense experience I've ever had on a coaster.


Deja Vu is a pretty cool ride, but I agree that the hang time is definitely not my cup of tea.




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Has anyone heard of the group Waiting for Wyatt? While looking at Pollstar for local concerts in the area, I noticed they are performing several times throughout July and August on either Friday or Saturdays at MM. I have seen other Six Flags locations holding concerts and having them posted on their web sites under events, but did not see this one listed on MM events page. I know Pollstar is not always accurate, but then found the Wyatt myspace page and they have all the dates listed. Not a totally unique sound but they do sound better the Raven Symone.

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^I am like the opposite. I love hanging on Deja's drop. And I ALWAYS have to ride Goliath everytime I go. Otherwise I get sad. I know its not the best coaster ever, but i've grown quite accustomed to it. I've never blacked out on the helix. Hopefully one day. It seems like it would be interesting.


I blacked out yesterday, twice. It's happened before and it'll happen again. It's not very fun but I'm used to it by now I still love Goliath.

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