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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Trust me, they have been brought up. Cell phones would still be a slow response method to any security issue. Not to mention it would be the talk of the town if someone snapped a photo on here of a cell phone being used.


Keep in mind leads look exactly like ride operators. Nothing would beat a quick acting radio.

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I always suggested the dark green polo shirts for the leads. Nothing fancy, but it does single them out.


But dressing all fancy won't help you if you still don't have any means of communication!

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Even Leads at DL at KBF get radios. In fact, the radios at DL are basically Motorola/Nextel radios that can send and receive text messages. It'd be great to see SFMM's ride leads using radios but I doubt the park would be willing to spend the money for them.

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Like a style in between a supervisor and ride op. However, I have seen some leads dress in nice clothing like the sups do.

I think Magic runs it like GADV where the rides manager (who is a working lead, but also one step above a regular lead) dresses in business casual now. Considering the manager is still working a position and does not have a radio I think the only reason they have them dress differently is so when theres an angry guest someone with a tie is there to talk to them when they demand a supervisor and they dont have to phone for one. That being said many SF parks still dont have a rides manager position.

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I am looking for track layouts of flashback because my friend is building one in RCT3 and we can not find anything of it.


Here are a couple photos linked in from other sites. Just looking at them makes my neck hurt.



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Thought I'd share this little gem. My bud Chloe and I have a tradition of ending up with on-ride photos featuring our gleeful faces and absolute terror happening around us. I felt so bad for the little guy behind us.


Now, it's not caught in the photo, but we were in extra high spirits in the photo because the woman in front of us had her hair weave fly off at this exact moment. She was able to catch it... there's nothing funnier than seeing someone go through the helix trying to keep the remnants of their $25 hair weave in their hand. She dide handle it well... mock outrage, but you could tell she couldn't wait to tell others that the ride was so insane that it pulled out her weave.


Aw the poor kid is in terror

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So now that we know in 2010 SFMM will have 17 coasters does that mean those insane SFMM vs CP flame wars from 01-03 will start up again?


Those were some good times

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Took a quick run out to SFMM for the evening. Rode in order:


Ninja (20-minute wait, two-train operation)

Gold Rusher (five-minute wait, two-train operation)

Goliath (45-minute wait, three-train operation)

Riddler's Revenge (15-minute wait, two-train operation)


X2 was closed; so was the Sky Tower.


Terminator is looking nice. I peeked into the hole in the fence right at the entrance and noticed some black metal cage-looking thing just past the bridge. Couldn't tell what it was, but thought it might be the first part of the pre-show.


Made for a nice evening. I ran into Jahan and talked to him for a few minutes.



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