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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Every rollercoaster there except Gold Rusher, Deja Vu and Superman have breakrooms under its station. With 7 people in Dispatch, including the panel operator, means 1 is operating the ride, one is training, and 5 are trainees. When do leads/trainers train 5 people at once? And if they're attendant training, why would they be in dispatch?

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On a different note...

During my recent 4 day visit I was only told to "have a magic day" twice, and I agree the friendliest employees were the foodservice/retail ones. I didn't play any games but it seemed all the ride ops did not want to have anything to do with the GP, mostly they just kept to themselves. And at Deja Vu there was no grouper so the girl at panel was telling people at the turnstiles, in kind of a rude way over the P.A.... "go to #1...okay keep going... Okay stop...you in the red shirt, yeah you go to #6 etc.' It was anarchy because the people in the regular line and the people in the single rider line were getting confused and they didn't know who she was yelling at and when to go through the turnstiles. It was bad. So then you ended up with rows that had 1, 2, and sometimes 3 people in them. Maybe they were short staffed but it sucked not having someone at the turnstiles. It didn't go smoothly at all.

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Well, let's see the two rides I spent the longest time at was Revolution and Scream. Revolution didn't have a breakroom. There was an area below the transfer track area next to the PLC room that had ONE small chair next to a giant pile of dirt. Scream had a fairly big breakroom...had a table or two. Nothing else...oh yeah AND the air horn was located in the break room! Yeah, the hospitality was lovely. Although I agree, usually workers have no place to go on their short 10 minute breaks!



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I guess that would explain why the ride ops aren't exactly overflowing with friendliness. I know the job can be boring (from experience) but it helps pass the time and can make it not seem so dull when you interact or just simply go out of your way to be friendly to the guests. A simple 'hi' or 'enjoy your ride' makes a difference. I'm not talking about having lenghty conversations with every guest but don't completely ignore them. Even just a simple smile or wave would do.


And why is the air horn at Scream in the breakroom? Was that a design oops or was the breakroom put there after the fact? That would suck not being able to take your break in there. That thing is pretty loud and I can only imagine what it must be like in an enclosed space. Couldn't they just simply run a new airline and relocate it outside? Seems like a simple solution but there's probably more to it than that.

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I don't think the breakroom changed locations. As its simply a room with walls that don't go all the way up to the ceiling.. and the track literally right on top of you. In fact the next time you guys go on scream... when the floor drops look to your lower left and you'll see it! Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the airhorn opened with Scream. So it was probably placed in after the construction of the rooms downstairs. The reason for having it there...and leaving it there is probably a combination of lack of caring for employee satisfaction and lack of money. The two and two go hand in hand quite often.



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Its very enlightening to hear how varied our experiences have been at the mountain the past few months. In my visits this summer everyone (including the ride ops) were all about the "Have a Magic Day". They were very good about multiple trains with the main issues usually stemming from the GP not following instructions or size concerns. Test seats would really help at Tatsu and Riddler especially, even for normal sized folks to "practice" before boarding. Those two rides seem to have the most re-checks that take a long time.


My main peeve for the year as a whole has been the internationals. Some have a hard time communicating in english...even simple questions.

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SORRY PEOPLE FOR THE LONG RANTS, but I feel these things MUST be said!



So, as for Magic Mountain not having many well placed breakrooms, and some rides nothing at all, that's something that employees should seriously take into consideration into talking with their supervisors, or even better, Jay Thomas himself. I'm sure that he'll love the fact that employees are reaching out to him. I know how enthusiastic he is when the GP reaches out for the park's sake. Seriously, any SFMM employee reading this, do NOT be afraid to reach out. If it's for your own good, you should really try it. It never hurts.



Trainees all hanging around at Dispatch? I would completely understand if I saw something that LOOKED as if they were being trained. Like...them being shown what button is what, or how to do a spiel. Also, if I were being trained, I would be paying some SERIOUS attention, not just sitting down, talking to others, looking as thought they're NOT being trained. I went to Disneyland this past Sunday, and I saw several trainees at Toy Story's Midway Mania and California Screaming. Yeah, they were standing around, but the difference is that they were TRYING! They would say hi to people, and they would try to answer questions, and they would ASK questions. I even saw a couple of them taking notes! Hanging around at Dispatch and the person training is teaching something you know? Then do something to make a difference. Wave bye to the train leaving, ask if you can do something helpful.



Now, as for the whole Trainees with Cell phones, I know that when I was trained at Universal Studios by JOEY(gosh that was hilarious, yet very informative) I remember him being very descriptive about the NO CELL PHONE policy. I even got verbal warnings, as well as MANY of my ex-coworkers for using our cellphone. Even while walking through the park on our Breaks or Lunches, those cell phones needed to be out of sight! I know a whole lot of Disneyland Employees that have told me that some of them have even gotten in trouble for checking the TIME on their cell phones. Honestly, you texting on a cell phone on ANY JOB, be it a ride orperator or not, makes you look like you DON'T CARE! Like the cell phone is what you care more about than what you SHOULD be doing. It honestly makes you look like you have poor work ethics, which in turn makes the park or whomever hired you look like they have poor hiring ethics. Like they'll just hire ANYONE! Which then makes the costumers or guests begin to have a different outlook on the place.



Take our very own SFMM! Years ago, I would seriously say that I would NEVER go back and waste money on that place, even if I DIDN'T have to pay anything. I had a passionate hate towards SFMM until I saw how a couple of people put serious effort into making it a better place. They replaced that WOW factor that SFMM had when I was little! And that's what made me want to go back more! It's not about the fact that I like the rides, but the fact that the atmosphere has changed DRAMATICALLY, towards the better. Just think, if you do one simple thing, like saying HI to a person, or even making eye contact, it could honestly make a persons day WAY better!



Ok, so, I'm done for my ranting now. Sorry ya'll.

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The problem is that many of the employees are kids there for the summer and could care less about the lack of a break room or other usually mandatory benefits. If someone starts complaining then there's nothing saying they won't just hire more and more kids who don't care about those things to out voice those who do. There's absolutely no union either for anyone to talk to, so don't go looking there for help. From personal experience and experience from a close friend if you do go out of your way, spend your OWN money, and such to create a nicer break room or one at all. Things WILL get stolen! Things will go missing! Over $50.00 worth of things I bought for a ride were stolen within a 48 hour period.





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On another note, I've been thinking about the coaster that was rumored to be built in 2009.


I'd love for Shapiro to put his money where his mouth is if he is serious about creating family rides, and add a Disney-esque, quality themed indoor-dark ride. And not like the Dark Knight...


If only they could pull it off...

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In terms of employees with cell phones, while I was working at the park there were some problems getting me a radio, so I very seldom got to carry one. So I was told by the department to use my cell phone, given the correct phone numbers, and that was that. I only had to use it a couple times to call for help, but just pointing out that I was given a valid reason to carry a cell phone.

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I don't really rant to much but I feel like this should be said. One time when I was about to get on Jet Stream, the ride op was talking on the phone she was cussing while she was talking (the person on the other line was obviously her friend) . It kind of pisses me off when employees do that, especially since they are trying to become more family friendly and a ride op isn't even paying attention, all she was doing is yelling cuss words on the phone.

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I don't really rant to much but I feel like this should be said. One time when I was about to get on Jet Stream, the ride op was talking on the phone she was cussing while she was talking (the person on the other line was obviously her friend) . It kind of pisses me off when employees do that, especially since they are trying to become more family friendly and a ride op isn't even paying attention, all she was doing is yelling cuss words on the phone.


WOW! Sad to hear. I haven't been to the park since 2002 and the employees were my biggest complaint; I was hoping things would have changed.


Well, I'll still be going in Sept.

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