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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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On 11/10/2021 at 5:31 PM, Zand said:

Just asking because I genuinely have no idea how long a coaster repaint takes in a year round park...

Should I have 0 expectations of Tatsu being open in mid January or is there a chance it will be done by then?

Technically that timeframe is doable considering Cedar Point painted Mantis very quickly, and still even ran it as Mantis with Rougarou's color scheme before they closed for the year in 2014. So it really comes down to how long they want it to take.  Yes I know, different setting, on a hillside vs flat land, and so on.  But realistically, as Bill said, probably a long time considering this is Six Flags.

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4 hours ago, mikeykaise said:

Just something I've always wondered before but why not use an air sprayer as opposed to rollers to do repaints, seems like it'd be more cost efficient and would go on better.

With spray, do you have to mask all of the trees and ground for overspray? 

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2 hours ago, FeelTheFORCE said:

Technically that timeframe is doable considering Cedar Point painted Mantis very quickly, and still even ran it as Mantis with Rougarou's color scheme before they closed for the year in 2014. So it really comes down to how long they want it to take.  Yes I know, different setting, on a hillside vs flat land, and so on.  But realistically, as Bill said, probably a long time considering this is Six Flags.

at least they have Baynum Painting doing the work.  hopefully they went with whatever coating they used on X2 and this one lasts a long time.  anyway, my point is, they've hired an excellent company. 


3 minutes ago, SoCalJasonland said:

With spray, do you have to mask all of the trees and ground for overspray? 

did you ever notice all the white all over when they painted revolution?  they sure didn't worry about paint spills.  eventually, most of it disappears. lol  

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20 hours ago, coasterlvr said:

at least they have Baynum Painting doing the work.  hopefully they went with whatever coating they used on X2 and this one lasts a long time.  anyway, my point is, they've hired an excellent company. 


did you ever notice all the white all over when they painted revolution?  they sure didn't worry about paint spills.  eventually, most of it disappears. lol  

Good point.  Some times it is difficult for me to identify the line at where Six Flags stops caring and where California government cares too much. 

It is good that they are using a quality painter and may it look great for many years.


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Does anyone know if mobile flash pass is still available?  Planning on going Friday after Thanksgiving. 

I would like to be able to skip the line to buy a flash pass and wear a watch, and instead just use my phone as a flash pass watch instead. 

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Six Flags Magic Mountain DC Universe updates... 

The following has been removed and/or demolished:

- DC Universe Entry Arch

- Building facades behind current Wonder Woman ride.

- The Flash queue and part of the ride building.

- Restrooms.

Screenshots from YouTuber: @ThemeParkERT





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Theme Park Review was invited to the first night of Holiday in the Park.  We received a hot chocolate cup and s'mores kit when entering.  No formal party this year so I didn't get to taste any food.  The lights are excellent as usual.  I'm not sure if the snow was working yet, we didn't see any in the snow zones.  But the snow makers were around the Gleampunk District.   The arch that was in DC Universe is now in The Underground.  SFMM had a decent amount of entertainment actors roaming in the different areas.  A nice touch for sure.  S'more fire pits were in their usual spots...near Santa across from the theater, by Justice League, up near Roaring Rapids and Tatsu, and a new location in The Underground.  Here's some pics...

























































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21 minutes ago, DBru said:

^Anyone know what that ride buried in the trees at 1:37 is?

It appears to be your standard kiddie coaster with a faux wooden structure around it. Assuming to replicate a mini version of Colossus. You can get a better view of it at 3:16 and a few seconds before it.

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8 hours ago, BRTeller said:

It appears to be your standard kiddie coaster with a faux wooden structure around it. Assuming to replicate a mini version of Colossus. You can get a better view of it at 3:16 and a few seconds before it.

I'm pretty sure there used to be a mini-colossus kiddie coaster at the park.  I seem to remember riding one when I was a kid in the early 80's, but I don't see it anywhere on RCDB.

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2 hours ago, Mike240SX said:

Surprise opening. Maybe because Superman is still closed as of 2:00?






According to Theme Park ERT on YouTube:

"Tatsu's paint job has been paused temporarily due to a lot of the crew getting sick and them not having enough painters to continue efficiently. So, with the holidays coming up, they've decided to halt all work on it until the New Year. This is very unfortunate considering they were trying to meet a deadline, but the good news is that Tatsu will open today and remain open until the New Year. What are your thoughts on this?"

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