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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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looks like Batman Action Theater is being torn down for a future development


I honestly miss the old days of the Batman and Robin show. It was cheesy to the max, but I watched it every visit.


on a hot day it was nice to go get dip n dots.. go to the very top.. kick back and and take a load off for a few. I miss it too

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Any update on Green Lantern recently?


Yes... as of today it still sucks. I'll keep you posted and let you know if anything changes.


Touché. I have ridden it once - and it was god awful. This may be a sign to not give it a second chance for redemption. And apparently I'm not the only one that thought my collarbone was going to snap in two.

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Any update on Green Lantern recently?


Yes... as of today it still sucks. I'll keep you posted and let you know if anything changes.


Touché. I have ridden it once - and it was god awful. This may be a sign to not give it a second chance for redemption. And apparently I'm not the only one that thought my collarbone was going to snap in two.

That in part is why I love it. Unlike almost every other coaster, it's the only one that still freaks me out because on Green Lantern no matter how many times I've ridden it I still never quite know what's going to happen. (Though when you're either staring at the sky or face down going up the lift, you know it's not going to be boring!)


Sometimes, it tries to tear your face off and give you a hernia and you curse it. Sometimes it's completely painless and boring and you don't flip at all and you (figuratively) want your money back. And sometimes you get that great ride where there's no pain and you flip 6 or 7 times. I like the rush of rolling the dice and hoping for that great ride. The risk of the rip your face off rides makes it more interesting.

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Any update on Green Lantern recently?


Yes... as of today it still sucks. I'll keep you posted and let you know if anything changes.



(Still a fan of INSANE, over in Grona Lund Park, Stockholm Sweden.)


Hey Lantern! How you doing? TPR 2009 Scandi Tour.

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Screamscape is saying that SFMM is rumored to be considering a B&M dive coaster for the future. I'm not sure how much that rumor is going around, or if logistics allow for one in the park, be it on the mountain (per the report) or elsewhere. Maybe it's silly to speculate on a rumor, especially with New Revolution not even done yet, but would anyone else be kind of disappointed if they went this route?


My biggest reason for not wanting one at SFMM is that the park's (adult) coasters are already overrun with inversions/flips, and aside from Superman and Apocalypse (when it's not running rough), I'm generally not into the ones that don't have any. I did generally enjoy Griffon and Shiekra when I went on them, and am looking forward to riding CP's Valravn this year. And I could see that model being a hit with the SFMM crowd, especially since there's no dive coasters out west. But for me personally, there's just not much to those rides beyond the two drops and the Immelmann loops do nothing for me.


I would love another SFMM coaster that has zero inversions, and just focuses on drops, speed, and airtime. (Maybe that's logistically or even financially impossible, too—I dunno.) What non-inverting, non-spinning coaster options does the park have left and might feasibly incorporate, given its existing space constraints and ride profile?

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^ I agree... The only thing I could think of would be a Maverick style ride, but I feel like YOLOcoaster is too close...


I could see an RMC T-Rex style ride with a super steep drop "steepest drop on the west coaster" type ride coming in... It could fit in with Six Flags "we don't want to spend too much on one park" concepts!

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Revolution really is coming out excellent. Who is designing the cars?


They're being designed in-house and having a 3rd party manufacture them. For a classic coaster such as Revolution, probably was their only option without employing too many safety features like what some manufacturers would of wanted to install.

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Dive coasters are a ton a fun and it would be unique from anything the park already has. There's only 3 in the whole country and none out West, so I think a dive coaster would be a huge hit for the park. Although I wouldn't be mad if the park got a Giga like Fury!

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Just a suggestion, but maybe they could design and build a giga coaster that encircles the

entire park? I always like those kinds of coaster (without inversions) that could give you

a Really Speedy look at the park you're in, lol. And they could run it literally all over the

place, as long as it stays true to the plan, and encircles the entire park.


Hmmm? A T-Rex design track, maybe?

Edited by Nrthwnd
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What would be the point of a dive machine at MM??? They already have a huge vertical drop in Superman, yes I know there is no holding brake at the top...big woof. After riding Griffon this summer, a dive machine is really tame compared to MOST of MM's coasters.


It's time for Six Flags to stop being cheap and install gigas at their flagship parks. There is no reason SFMM, SFGradv, and SFGAM shouldn't all have gigas by now. All three of the parks are totally capable of seeing a return for that investment.

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What would be the point of a dive machine at MM??? They already have a huge vertical drop in Superman, yes I know there is no holding brake at the top...big woof. After riding Griffon this summer, a dive machine is really tame compared to MOST of MM's coasters.


It's time for Six Flags to stop being cheap and install gigas at their flagship parks. There is no reason SFMM, SFGradv, and SFGAM shouldn't all have gigas by now. All three of the parks are totally capable of seeing a return for that investment.


The only benefit I see in SFGAdv getting a giga is shorter lines for El Toro

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