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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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According to Screamscape, one of Roar's trains is coming to Six Flags Magic Mountain for Apocalypse! Yay!!!! Maybe they won't have single train operations for much longer. Then again, Ninja has been running one train since Spring Break.


given how much flak the ride gets, i doubt roar's trains will be much better on it.


if they can at least always run 2 trains, i guess that would be plus.

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today's visit continued. ... rode goliath 6 times without having to get back on line. rode lex 35 times in a row. rode tc 4 times. rode phul thrahhtal 4 times. Then checked into knotts hotel. I visit knotts park tomorrow for the first time in my life.


35 times in a row, that's pretty awesome. my nephew and i did like 10 in a row at a Slurpee ERT night. it was kinda boring cause it was just the two of us. lol


man, now i'm thinking i might have to go do some TC marathoning this week.

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Sucks when work gets in the way of getting out to the park on the very obvious dead week of operations.


Glad some of you guys get to take advantage of it!


35 times in a row on Lex Luther? With a 3 minute ride cycle, what is that, like 2 hours of ERT?


Only problem with Twisted Colossus is it really takes a toll on you physically after about 5 rides in a row. During the promo video shoot thing, they sent us around about 8 times, and even though it was a lot of fun, I had enough and was ready for a break.


Thanks for the updates everyone!

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In response to the TR a few pages back mentioning Scream's roughness:


I know people tend to exaggerate at times about a ride's roughness, but all my rides on Scream the past 2-3 years have been unpleasant. This coaster was JUST rehabbed and both trains that were running last week were terrible. There is a very evident rattle going down the first drop and you feel it for the majority of the ride. The cobra roll bashes you around and the corkscrews are pretty bad too.


Scream was my absolute favorite coaster when I visited for the first time in 2006. It's a shame it's turned into such a piece of crap, especially considering that it's a B&M.


Additionally, I did not see any repainted train. Wasn't the word that one train was supposed to be painted and refurbished for the opening of ScreamPunk District and the other two would be altered at a later rehab date? I didn't see a third train, and the two trains that were running both donned the old color scheme.



Speaking of trains, it's now nearly September, and TC has yet to get a fourth train. It's probably not going to happen.

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TC did take its toll on us. I've ridden it 5 times in a day before, but I think today's gross weather wore us out. When we went back for final rides, we were going to marathon it, but after the first time round the circuit, we both felt beat up and called it a day at that point. It was the perfect day for marathons, but not the best weather.


I rode Scream three weeks ago and it seemed relatively okay to me. The corkscrews have always been a bit bumpy, and the bottom of the first drop had some rattle, but I've never experienced this much before. It wasn't head-banging into the restraints kind of rough, but it was more like skull rattling. Really unpleasant stuff.

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Scream has been rough since the beginning, though the ride has become almost unbearable now. It's crazy how smooth Scream's sister Bizarro is though, not sure what happened there. I dont think it's just a lack of maintenence on MM's part because again the ride started out rough.

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35 times in a row, that's pretty awesome.



it was awesome. normally, I use the single rider each time, but yesterday, they let me stay in my seat which allowed me to ride without interruption.


twice, I saw 2 women who almost didn't ride because they were INCREDIBLY terrified. One of them was totally frozen in her seat even though the ride was over. People were leaving their seats but she just sat there with her head down as if someone beat her up.


One of the lex employees told me she only rode it once in her life because she is afraid of heights which I found very interesting.


The employees were very friendly and enthusiastic about my lex marathon.

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35 times in a row, that's pretty awesome.



it was awesome. normally, I use the single rider each time, but yesterday, they let me stay in my seat which allowed me to ride without interruption.


twice, I saw 2 women who almost didn't ride because they were INCREDIBLY terrified. One of them was totally frozen in her seat even though the ride was over. People were leaving their seats but she just sat there with her head down as if someone beat her up.


One of the lex employees told me she only rode it once in her life because she is afraid of heights which I found very interesting.


The employees were very friendly and enthusiastic about my lex marathon.

Haha the irony of strapping thousands of people into one of the tallest rides in the world daily, yet being afraid of heights.

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Scream has been rough since the beginning, though the ride has become almost unbearable now. It's crazy how smooth Scream's sister Bizarro is though, not sure what happened there. I dont think it's just a lack of maintenence on MM's part because again the ride started out rough.
Medusa up north at SFDK is also buttery smooth. Scream is the only one that's in relatively rough shape.
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When we rode Scream a few years ago we thought all of the complaining about it was totally overblown. It's possible that it's a wheel issue though if it's really that bad now. Nitro's been having issues with them and it really feels like riding on a jackhammer when it happens. I'd assume they'll fix it and the ride will be back to normal eventually (I was going to say "soon" but it's Magic Mountain so I went with "eventually").

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TC's 4th train (Green) is at the park. They just haven't had to use it yet since they've had 3 trains on it almost every day since it opened.


has anyone seen it? i know someone had said that one of the RMC guys said it was there already during the commercial shoot. but you'd think there would at least be one picture.


oh, and btw, one of the RMC guys told me Alan would be there for the opening as well, which he wasn't. so...

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TC's 4th train (Green) is at the park. They just haven't had to use it yet since they've had 3 trains on it almost every day since it opened.

That's what I heard as well. It's probably in the shop, ready to be swapped in for whichever train heads to rehab first.

I am heading up there Friday for the Honda ERT. By the sounds of it, the whole park is ERT this week. Hopefully, this trend continues.

It usually lasts through this Friday, which is the deadest day of all, then weekend crowds will return come Saturday. After this week the park is only open weekends.


I always say it, this year I decided (obviously) that wcb would be better, but next year I'm really gonna do it - I'm going to plan right now to take a trip down to SFMM on the last Friday before weekend operation. I have to experience that at least once in my life.

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The mystery of the green train, I can't wait to see what it looks like


I'm not psychic or anything, but I bet it is probably going to look like the other TC trains... But green. Just a random guess though.


if it's been indoor all this time, maybe the seats are still black.

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The mystery of the green train, I can't wait to see what it looks like


I'm not psychic or anything, but I bet it is probably going to look like the other TC trains... But green. Just a random guess though.

None of the TC trains are one solid color, it will be interesting to see if it's green and purple, green and blue, or green and orange.

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The mystery of the green train, I can't wait to see what it looks like


I'm not psychic or anything, but I bet it is probably going to look like the other TC trains... But green. Just a random guess though.

None of the TC trains are one solid color, it will be interesting to see if it's green and purple, green and blue, or green and orange.


Exactly, I have been on it 10 times and I can't tell you which colors because it was hard to tell lol.

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How busy is the park usually during Fright Fest? I'm only interested in the rides, not any of the mazes. I'm considering going either the weekend of October 3 or October 24. Seems like it would probably get busier closer to Halloween, but I'm wondering just how busy. I expect the park will be even more full of annoying teenagers but hopefully they go more for the mazes than the rides. I need to get my first rides on TC. It's a shame that I live as close as I do and I haven't been yet.

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