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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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So my partner and I headed out to Hurricane Harbor yesterday, it was my first and his third. Since I'm a gold member I had a free pass for him. We were only there for 3 hours and from where we were sitting , TC only dueled twice. From the looks of it, it was only running 2 trains and sounded rough going into the hi-five element. Now back to my visit, it was nice but HH needs a face lift. The park looked dirty and in dire need of some paint. After that we shiwered, changed and went into MM for Police and Fire Fighter night. It was nice and not too crowed. Can't wait for Freight Fest. Love the teaser at the front gates.

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so this came up when I visited the SFMM website today…. Did not come up when I visited two other random SF parks




I tried it, and it only comes up the first time I visit the website. In order to get it again I had to close the browser and reload the website. For me it came up at the national homepage, not any particular park.

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^ Yeah I wonder if that's chain wide, rather than one specific park.


Then again, the last SFMM e-mail I got stated a *BIG* announcement was coming. But that could be taken so many ways. I wouldn't get excited just yet.


Funny there are usually strong rumors by now, even if it's just something like Superman going backwards. But nothing this year.

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^ Yeah I wonder if that's chain wide, rather than one specific park.


Then again, the last SFMM e-mail I got stated a *BIG* announcement was coming. But that could be taken so many ways. I wouldn't get excited just yet.


Funny there are usually strong rumors by now, even if it's just something like Superman going backwards. But nothing this year.


Looks like its going to be chain wide with updates based on your zip code.

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I'm honestly surprised we haven't heard anything this year as well. There was a rumor floating around internally that Cyclone Bay would be the next area to get some much needed TLC, but I was under the impression that it would be happening next year, not this year.


I'm kind of looking forward to being surprised for once, even if it's something small. Surprises are fun.

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I hope its a updated area. I think they should keep the colossus fair theme and remove some of the games, johnny rockets and add fair style flat rides. Finally get rid of the monorail station and trim the hell out of the trees. That would make a great addition to that area.

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I'm still wondering if SFMM will get a 400 foot SkyScreamer. The wording for the 2016 announcement certainly would be fitting.


that announcement is generic for the entire six flags parks. i got it on all the different parks emails i'm subscribed to. so, huge probably just means the huge amount of info they always give in their yearly announcement.

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I'm still wondering if SFMM will get a 400 foot SkyScreamer. The wording for the 2016 announcement certainly would be fitting.


Huge doesn't mean tall and like the poster below you said, that's the announcement for the whole SF chain. What would really be nice is if all the parks not getting a coaster, get's

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I'm pretty sure SFMM and SFNE are getting the same flat. The Zamperla Air Race XL prototype.


Isn't that what people are thinking that Fiesta Texas will be getting? I know I had read that at some point at least...



I'm still wondering if SFMM will get a 400 foot SkyScreamer. The wording for the 2016 announcement certainly would be fitting.


I'm not sure this will ever happen, but I would love a 400 foot SkyScreamer on top of Samurai Summit! Imagine the insane views, and how freaky that would be! I know they already have the Sky Tower, but this would obviously be a completely different, and more thrilling experience!

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Just got off Wicked Cyclone... now I've been on both 2015 RMCs... To my surprise.... I actually think I like Twisted Colossus more I thought WC would get the slight edge. I may feel differently after more rides

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