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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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No kidding, I would have thought they learned their lesson with bright colors in the southern California sun.


You mean bright colors like the ones for Twisted Colossus?

What bright colors, the white wood or the track? That's not normal track paint, I don't think the same conditions apply there.


I mean lessons learned from how bad Scream (blue, yellow, and purple) and Tatsu (Orange and yellow) look when faded.

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No kidding, I would have thought they learned their lesson with bright colors in the southern California sun.


You mean bright colors like the ones for Twisted Colossus?

What bright colors, the white wood or the track? That's not normal track paint, I don't think the same conditions apply there.


I mean lessons learned from how bad Scream (blue, yellow, and purple) and Tatsu (Orange and yellow) look when faded.

I think he meant the track colour.

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Right, but I don't think that blue and green RMC track is painted in the normal sense like other steel coaster track, I don't think it's subject to the same sun bleaching that normal track paint is. I remember someone from RMC talking about it previously when they were talking about how the track can be ordered in all different colors.


How does NTAG and IRAT's track look now? Is the red/orange faded at all?

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No kidding, I would have thought they learned their lesson with bright colors in the southern California sun.


You mean bright colors like the ones for Twisted Colossus?

What bright colors, the white wood or the track? That's not normal track paint, I don't think the same conditions apply there.


I mean lessons learned from how bad Scream (blue, yellow, and purple) and Tatsu (Orange and yellow) look when faded.


I know. I was being facetious. Hopefully they've learned their lesson and are using a more permanent based paint like they did on X2 and Superman.

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Yeah looking at that last pic, it looks like it's supposed to look to me.


what are you seeing? i've blown that pic up and it still looks flat to me. hard to see from the pic. here's what i thought it was going to be...






track is all "twisted" in the video. lol

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Right. But the track straightens out before the lift.


in the video, it twisting into the lift. there's no long flat section. plus it's low to the ground, which it is not now. obviously small differences, but it looks to be a train length of flat track before the lift.


that part looked like it would be a great diving element, but now it looks like it might be half of what the video shows.



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Looks like a train's worth of straight track there to me. If there is a mid course going in there it would make the ride a lot more lame.


I don't see how that would work though, so maybe it is the way it is supposed to be, but I don't see any twists.

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That section does not look flat to me. Look closer at that last pic. There is a twist. It's tough to see from that angle.


i can't see what you guys are seeing. i've looked at that pic and others online and they all look the same to me. even looked at them blown up on my retina macbook. hhaahahaha

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I work for a 3rd-party vendor for the park. We'll be doing some backstage IT work tomorrow. Anything specific that I should be taking photos of, besides Twisted Colossus? LOL (within the guidelines of what I can do - nothing sketchy)

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Assuming this "straight track" is a block brake, that would make sense, as it would allow the blue and green side to disengage from the lift hill at the same time. If it goes straight in to a second chain lift (as the video shows), it seems that the green side would always have to go down the drop first since there is no block between the first lift and second lift. Sorry if that sounds confusing, but if it does end up being a straight section of track, this could be it. What I'm wondering about is why they didn't put it in the video. As we've seen from the past, RMC promo videos are nearly identical track-layout-wise to the real thing.


Although nothing is really credible until we see some better, closer-up photos.

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Assuming this "straight track" is a block brake, that would make sense, as it would allow the blue and green side to disengage from the lift hill at the same time. If it goes straight in to a second chain lift (as the video shows), it seems that the green side would always have to go down the drop first since there is no block between the first lift and second lift. Sorry if that sounds confusing, but if it does end up being a straight section of track, this could be it. What I'm wondering about is why they didn't put it in the video. As we've seen from the past, RMC promo videos are nearly identical track-layout-wise to the real thing.


Although nothing is really credible until we see some better, closer-up photos.


i saw a better pic that it's completely straight and flat. don't want to use without permission though. but also think it might be a block brake. makes total sense in the positioning too.

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If it is a block brake, there must be some really strong braking power because the train is going to be flying into it and the straight section looks pretty short.

The block brake doesn't have to be there all the time, it may only end up being used in emergencies.

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