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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I think some of you are missing the point of the discussion. I actually prefer minimal theming done right, to attempts at extensive theming that isn't kept up beyond the initial year. Sometime SF gets it right ( LL:DOD for example), and sometimes they get it very wrong ( YOLO). Some consistency would be nice.

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I, for one, am fan of coasters above anything else.



The entire park could be set on cinderblocks in a dusty barren fairgrounds somewhere (and to be completely honest parts of the park aren't too far away from that description) and as long as they've got the coaster collection they currently have I'd still go, have the most amazing day, and still be incredibly appreciative that I live within driving distance of such amazing rides.

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I, for one, am fan of coasters above anything else.



The entire park could be set on cinderblocks in a dusty barren fairgrounds somewhere (and to be completely honest parts of the park aren't too far away from that description) and as long as they've got the coaster collection they currently have I'd still go, have the most amazing day, and still be incredibly appreciative that I live within driving distance of such amazing rides.



Love the positive attitude. LOL!

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I think some of you are missing the point of the discussion. I actually prefer minimal theming done right, to attempts at extensive theming that isn't kept up beyond the initial year. Sometime SF gets it right ( LL:DOD for example), and sometimes they get it very wrong ( YOLO). Some consistency would be nice.


I think you're missing the point. This is a discussion about Dawson, and how he has somehow managed to look 40 years old for over 17 years now.

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I, for one, am fan of coasters above anything else.



The entire park could be set on cinderblocks in a dusty barren fairgrounds somewhere (and to be completely honest parts of the park aren't too far away from that description) and as long as they've got the coaster collection they currently have I'd still go, have the most amazing day, and still be incredibly appreciative that I live within driving distance of such amazing rides.

I agree with you in that I would still go and I would still enjoy myself, but I would enjoy myself so much more if there was a quality environment around those same rides. I love riding the coasters everywhere, but the day at a park like Cedar Point, KBF, or DLR is more enjoyable overall because there's so much more to enjoy than just the coasters. tl;dr: This is good, but it could be so much better.

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I, for one, am fan of coasters above anything else.



The entire park could be set on cinderblocks in a dusty barren fairgrounds somewhere (and to be completely honest parts of the park aren't too far away from that description) and as long as they've got the coaster collection they currently have I'd still go, have the most amazing day, and still be incredibly appreciative that I live within driving distance of such amazing rides.

I agree with you in that I would still go and I would still enjoy myself, but I would enjoy myself so much more if there was a quality environment around those same rides. I love riding the coasters everywhere, but the day at a park like Cedar Point, KBF, or DLR is more enjoyable overall because there's so much more to enjoy than just the coasters. tl;dr: This is good, but it could be so much better.



i get the feedback surveys after every time i go. they are always the same answers. place is filthy, etc. etc. but i'll keep coming because there are some good rides.

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... and how about operations next? LOL


It's more of a maintenance problem than an operations problem now. Operations are fine on pretty much every ride other thanTatsu as long as there are at least two trains running. When there's only one train operating, the crew tends to be a bit sluggish.


Sure, they aren't the fastest crews, but as long as trains don't stack, no capacity is lost. They could, however, benefit from assigning rows when the line is really long so that entire rows don't go empty.

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Operations are fine on pretty much every ride other thanTatsu as long as there are at least two trains running. When there's only one train operating, the crew tends to be a bit sluggish.


Sure, they aren't the fastest crews, but as long as trains don't stack, no capacity is lost. They could, however, benefit from assigning rows when the line is really long so that entire rows don't go empty.

I'd say Tatsu operations have improved as well since even though theyre still slow loading the trains, for the last several months they've been using both stations on a regular basis. It used to be extremely rare to see both going at once.
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Operations are fine on pretty much every ride other thanTatsu as long as there are at least two trains running. When there's only one train operating, the crew tends to be a bit sluggish.


Sure, they aren't the fastest crews, but as long as trains don't stack, no capacity is lost. They could, however, benefit from assigning rows when the line is really long so that entire rows don't go empty.

I'd say Tatsu operations have improved as well since even though theyre still slow loading the trains, for the last several months they've been using both stations on a regular basis. It used to be extremely rare to see both going at once.


I like both of these quotes.


To SFMM geek: That is probably the biggest issue at the park. Lack of employees being present definitely leads to a lot of "guests doing whatever they want with the line" and can lead to a lot of inefficiency as far as organizing rows to improve capacity and move lines.


However, I feel like the "no preferred" seating when they do this at any park SUCKS. The purpose of the person assigning rows is to organize parties in a way that maximizes capacity. But they should also be concerned with simple moments of providing guest satisfaction, and let guests feel important. And sometimes they like to power trip, and they refuse to let you sit when you want, even when the line is a walk on! When I was a ride op, I always said "Of course you can sit wherever you want!" They're a PAYING guest! And if you know how to do your job, it may create a longer line for a certain row (which means nothing), but it also gets other riders who don't care where they sit through the queue to fill the trains faster. It was never an issue for me as a ride op EVER.


To singermfrc: Tatsu is a HARD ride to operate, IMO. The station is long, the check pattern is strenuous. Each seat is cleared by the computer, and if there's a no-go on locks, they usually hustle to that seat and click the restraint properly. It's definitely a B&M flyer thing, because the ride experience and restraints are so unique and important. So I can understand being a ride op getting sick of constantly re-checking seats - no matter how good you get at checking the first time around. However, it's good to hear Tatsu is operating better than it used to.

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You're right, B&M Flyers are complex coasters to run and check. That's why I usually give them a pass for how long it takes to dispatch a train, but that's why B&M designed them with a second station, and why it used to aggravate me when MM wouldn't use that second station when there was a demand for it.


I have noticed an overall improvement in operations throughout the park in the last year or so. They're still nowhere near a Cedar Point or DLR, but I feel like they've come a long way from where they were before.

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I think it depends on what kind of orange we're talking about here. A light yellow-orange like batman at SFFT? A "standard" orange like Raging Bull? A red-orange like the track of Wicked Cyclone? Or maybe a burnt orange? I think a red-orange like Wicked cyclone would look alright.
Its not what it looks like when its painted that scares me, it's what it looks like when it's faded, like Tatsu does now. Bright colors end up looking like sucked on skittles and its really tacky.
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