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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I'm just upset because this was sfmm one real shot at a top 10 coaster, and there's not one top 10 coaster with a twisting drop. Just saying



You're worried about a top 10 ride and it hasn't even been announced yet? People never learn.

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Don't twisting drops provide less airtime than traditional drops?


I feel this is true. or, different feeling at least. i like being flung over the lift. something that's missing at SFMM. after taking my trip to chicago and ohio last month, and being able to ride SFGA Goliath, Raging Bull, MF, Banshee, Diamondback, etc. I still long for an awesome straight drop at SFMM.


whatever RMC does, i'm sure it will be awesome no matter what, but i do prefer straight first drops.

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If it's not 500 ft with a triple heartline roll drop then it sucks!

I completely understand that this was a joke, however, maybe that's it... First DOUBLE twisting drop on a woodie?... Now that would be amazing!


These last two days will be so painful!.. And knowing SF, they won't even release a full POV rendering lol. Remember IRAT and Medusa?

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If it's not 500 ft with a triple heartline roll drop then it sucks!


I'll be the first on the record saying this is going to be a RMC wooden aquatrax.


Either that or SFMM is planning on shocking us all and adding elements onto Bench: The Ride.


--Here's to hoping somebody here has any clue what I'm talking about with Bench: The Ride!

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My head is hurting reading some of these posts and the complaints about a first drop on something that is just speculation at this point You guys, they will be announcing this thing in a couple days, then you can complain all you want about how its not fast enough, too many inversions, I don't like the color of the track, etc. I'm just happy that we are possibly getting something in California that could finally be good enough to be called our own and not another coaster I have to travel to the East to ride. If RMC is indeed involved, I don't care what kinda of gimmick SFMM will try to market this coaster; I'm just simply salivating at the fact that this will probably be the best coaster on the West Coast. I'm looking very forward to seeing the official release from the park so I can start bragging that we will be getting something unique, and awesome to one of my home parks.

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Yeah, I'm sorry. This complaining about a ride's first drop before any concept art, videos, or stats are released is the most ridiculous thing I've read on here in a long time. RMC knows what they are doing. I mean, look at Outlaw Run, Goliath, New Texas Giant, Iron Rattler, and Medusa. All of three of those that were open last year ranked in the top ten in the Mitch Hawker polls. I haven't heard that many reviews of Medusa yet, but of the ones I have read they all agree that Medusa is spectacular. Goliath has also gotten rave reviews (even though many agree that it is too short).


Enthusiasts are really getting harder and harder to please. Sure, in some cases it makes sense, but the amount of people whining about an RMC coaster (before it's announced!) is ridiculous.

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I'm looking forward to RMC Colossus. The only RMC product I've been on is topper track on Tremors and to have a RMC ride in the same time zone will be nice.


There's no doubt this will be the best coaster on the west coast, regardless of the precise ratio of inversions and ejector hills.


I hope this will be the best - and last - coaster addition to SFMM, I doubt they will need any more after this. Their long list of things to fix might be a bigger priority than going for 25 coasters.

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I'm looking forward to RMC Colossus. The only RMC product I've been on is topper track on Tremors and to have a RMC ride in the same time zone will be nice.


There's no doubt this will be the best coaster on the west coast, regardless of the precise ratio of inversions and ejector hills.


I hope this will be the best - and last - coaster addition to SFMM, I doubt they will need any more after this. Their long list of things to fix might be a bigger priority than going for 25 coasters.



although i do enjoy some of the coasters, i would welcome SFMM to use a previous coasters space for something newer and better. i'd only be upset if they got rid of drop of doom, which isn't even a coaster.

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