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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Red and blue sounds good. I can't wait to see Iron Colossus (if it is truly happening.) It will be very interesting to see what RMC will do with a rather mediocre layout. I imagine that the elevated turns will be twisted up and maybe lowered. Think iRat's old helix area atop the cliff.

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Red and blue sounds good. I can't wait to see Iron Colossus (if it is truly happening.) It will be very interesting to see what RMC will do with a rather mediocre layout. I imagine that the elevated turns will be twisted up and maybe lowered. Think iRat's old helix area atop the cliff.

I'm sure they'll squeeze a barrel roll or two in there. Other than that, I'm imagining an 85-degree drop, 90 banked turns that will be low enough to go really fast, and hardcore airtime hills.

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If they're going to tear down Colossus (not), then

put all the wood under Scream, light it, and hope

the metal melts good and fast!

I like this idea..at the very least it will burn off that ugly faded purple "sucked on skittle" colored paint.

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That would actually make a lot of sense to move the entrance right next to scream. It would eliminate the need for trams, and allow them to expand the waterpark more.


I agree move the main entrance to where Colossus and Scream seem to have a walkway type area that would feed into the Country Fair area. Would need to build up the area with a berm about 15/20 feet as there seems to be a current service type road that front Colossus. LA Zoo built up their entrance so could SFMM, It would then put entrance about dead center with the 160 acre parking lot. Not sure about HH entrance area but could be worked on.


And why close Colossus on Aug 16th and not just wait for end of summer season 2 weeks later on Sept 2nd?

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^True, true., And I shall admit it... I AM A SFM NERD, too!


Me and Marvin - Marvin and me. I hope he will be there at La Feria next spring. It's not SFM, mind.

But an awesome part of the TPR Mexico Tour.

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Okay, lets think about this. What stupid record will MM go after with this? First wooden Coaster with three lift hills? First wooden coaster with a launch? Largest loop on a wooden coaster to match their record for the loop on YOLO? This should be good!

How about just simply "Tallest. longest, & Fastest racing hybrid coaster?"


Seems like that would be a perfect marking statement for them!


--Robb "Seems like it would be easy to beat Gemini" Alvey


I hope they do something sweet with this classic ride. I agree the tallest longest and fastest hybrid coaster is something MM would market and yet it still has the potential of being good. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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The closing date is also National Roller Coaster day, I doubt that is a coincidence. Maybe they are planning something cool for its last day.

I doubt SFMM knows was "National Roller Coaster Day" is.

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Maybe RMC could also plant some grass under Scream while they're working on Iron Colossus?


But wow, this is potentially very exciting news! Iron Colossus has been rumored for so long, it's weird to finally witness a concrete step in that direction.


While I agree that the announcement of Colossus's closure seems similar to other pre-RMC transformation announcements, I'm not going to get too excited until I see an official announcement.


Couldn't the park simply tear Colossus down and build something completely unrelated in its place (like how they did with Log Jammer)? Or, even if the park retains the Colossus structure, there's no guarantee RMC will use all of it in a transformation. While a racing coaster or a single-track wonder with the title of "longest coaster in the world" would certainly be awesome, it would be incredibly expensive, too--and SFMM has proven rather stingy as of late (cough cough not purchasing a third train for FT cough cough). Perhaps, if this comes to pass, RMC will only use a portion of the structure and build something a bit less spectacular.


With the ride closing before the end of the busy summer season, I agree that the park seems intent to do something with Colossus's site. But what that something is, and how jaw-dropping that something will be, I suppose only time will tell. And regardless, I'll be a bit sad to see a relatively enjoyable classic coaster bite the dust.

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definitly stay with the white wooden supports on colossus, but ...how about projection mapping the track to burn at night.... Fire Colossus!!!!!


I have been working with exactly the right company for something like this. Pull the trigger on that one Magic Mountain and I will set you up.

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This IS fantastic news!! I can NOT wait to see what RMC does with this. I hope it stays a racing/dueling coaster. I would die if it turned out to be the "Dueling Dragons" of the wooden coaster world!! *Here's to hoping*

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I still stand by this statement.


I'm still loving the Idea of having them retracking one side with Topper and restoring it to it's original footprint. Before all the alterations that removed the decent amount of airtime it used to provide. Circa 1978. Call it Colossus Classic. That way it could still be considered a wood coaster.


Now take the second track and put the Iron Horse treatment to it. Add 30-40 feet to the first drop, keep the triple up and double down, throw in a couple of fancy schmancy airtime hills, maybe a few overbanks, a dive loop, a 0G stall, and a couple of barrel rolls just before the brake run for good measure. Call it Colossus 2.0, or Iron Colossus, I-Coli, I-Cali, I-Carly, I-don't give a fu@k! Whatever!


You still keep your coaster count, and you get two great rides. One that will draw an all new XTREME contingent to that otherwise dead area of the park, add to their ever famous inversion count, and thrill the always hungry, "I want something new" pack. On top of that, you also pacify the Colossus die hards that had the opportunity to ride it in it's heyday. (I count myself in that pack.) And trust me when I say, it was good!


If they were to preserve one side of the track as it is, they wouldnt announce Colossus' closure would they? It would just temporarily shut down as they Iron Horse the other side. I'd say the wording of the announcement suggests nothing of the old track will remain for use.

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I may be in the minority but I really hope Colossus' layout is changed completely. I've always felt Colossus was just big and boring, I would like to see a video of it come crashing down much like the footage of Son of Beast getting axed.

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The closing date is also National Roller Coaster day, I doubt that is a coincidence. Maybe they are planning something cool for its last day.

I doubt SFMM knows was "National Roller Coaster Day" is.


Six Flags already stated that they will celebrate "National Roller Coaster Day" in there parks this year, hence, the date is certainly no coincidence.

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When I rode Colossus last month it was actually pretty good. My big issue was actually the tiny lap bars combined with strong ejector that hurt my legs. I'd have been content with just new trains with better restraints but this would be an epic RMC conversion.


An idea I've had for this coaster was for it to have a sort of 360-degree high-five element. It would have a section where both sides zero-g roll, one over the other, onto the other track and switch sides. It'd be hard to support but if it could be done I'd love to see it. I would also expect the high turns to be like Medusa Steel Coaster's, nothing too crazy.

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