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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Here is a mini-update from this weekend...


Signs of work on the new slides.


Some parts sitting out by Colossus.


More work in Hurricane Harbor.


Having trouble with the Biometric scanners. These help up the line at the entrance for quite some time. Grrr...


YOLOstage is back!


YOLObar is open!




Take a look at the new interior.






More menu




Yes! Cement!!!!


Still in pieces.


Gertrude is back!


Random photo of old Thrill Shot footer. (Exciting, no?)


lol Shady restrooms! =)


Someone has even tagged the plants!


Nice to see Colossus in this Rocky wall.


Quality SFMM merchandise! lol

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Nice to see Colossus in this Rocky wall.

That is a nice way of putting it.


As for the "trendy" merch, the saddest thing to me is not the predictable tackiness, but just the fact that parks always seem to start/keep selling things years after the trends are (or should be) old news!

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First YOLOcoaster now Come At Me Bro merch? Ugh. They really are trying even harder than before to make me hate the place.


Silver Dollar City had YOLO and #Wildfire shirts, so it isn't just Six Flags.

I didn't know that they did. Hmm never saw them. But I never stop in the shops. Non stop coaster ridin' all day

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Seeing that photo update doesn't make me regret not renewing my Six Flags pass. I just have no urging desire to visit that place again until WCB.


As for YOLO Sports bar, it doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. I just miss the high sierra theming that was once there. It saddens me to see a once beautiful area be turned into a concrete slab. I feel like SFMM is doing everything backwards. The "Come at me Bro" merch doesn't make it any better.

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Has anybody attended the AAA auto club private party event? It is scheduled for May 9th, curious as to what the crowd levels are like and how much of the park is operating?


The sports bar is ok looking, a bit on the bland side. Sometimes I do wonder if they actually hire interior designers or not. The food menu doesn't look bad but not sure I want to take the risk on eating in the park given past experiences.


Merchandising has always been a issue with the park. This generic Hot Topic style of merchandise must sell to someone somewhere in the SF chain as this style of wearable garbage has been in the park for a long time. Like a fungus, it never really goes away, just mutates into a new form.

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Nice to see Colossus in this Rocky wall.

That is a nice way of putting it.


As for the "trendy" merch, the saddest thing to me is not the predictable tackiness, but just the fact that parks always seem to start/keep selling things years after the trends are (or should be) old news!



Old news..exactly! Completely agree. I like the idea of the Sports Bar; Tacky merch, not so much.


Thanks for the update!

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The sports bar is ok looking, a bit on the bland side. Sometimes I do wonder if they actually hire interior designers or not.
I did hear that the scoreboard display hanging from the ceiling was thought up and built by some of the park's maintenance technicians.
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