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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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If Sky Tower got replaced by a good Intamin, GREAT!

If Sky Tower got replaced by a bad B&M wing rider, hell no!


I've heard there is a museum at the top of Sky Tower that shows the history of the park or roller coasters. Maybe they will find another place for that? But again, it's SFMM, they might want to build another kiddie coaster instead of a coaster/park history museum.

No way a roller coaster would replace the Sky Tower and the museum was removed a little over 3 years ago.

What if it's a Poler Coaster? An observation deck at the top with A/C and another coaster credit? First of its kind on West Coast.


Thanks for the info about the museum!

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If Sky Tower got replaced by a good Intamin, GREAT!

If Sky Tower got replaced by a bad B&M wing rider, hell no!


I've heard there is a museum at the top of Sky Tower that shows the history of the park or roller coasters. Maybe they will find another place for that? But again, it's SFMM, they might want to build another kiddie coaster instead of a coaster/park history museum.

No way a roller coaster would replace the Sky Tower and the museum was removed a little over 3 years ago.

What if it's a Poler Coaster? An observation deck at the top with A/C and another coaster credit? First of its kind on West Coast.


Thanks for the info about the museum!

Great idea but unlikely considering the cost. Maybe a small 100-150 ft. version but still those Poler Coasters don't come cheap the building is a large portion of that cost. Also I don't see Six Flags corporate spending that much money on a coaster/observation deck, but again great idea although I think this type of ride is out of a lot of parks budgets.

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Sky Tower closes every year during off season so it doesn't need to be staffed, and every year there's speculation about its removal.


Does anyone have any real evidence pointing to a removal, or are people just going off the metal barricades that are always put up since the park knows Sky Tower won't be open to guests for months?

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It sounds more of a hassle than a convenience to remove the tower. After demolishing the 300-foot tower and its deep foundation, it would open up...what...a 20-foot diameter space?


I believe the park can add many more roller coasters and rides without getting rid of the iconic tower.

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Via screamscape


(1/6/14) According to a Screamscape reader who contacted Six Flags Magic Mountain about the status of X2, the email sent back said that they were hoping to have X2 reopen in the next couple of weeks, so hopefully before the end of the month. Given the number of delays we’ve seen already, I’m just going to have a wait-and-see attitude about this one.
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Also via screamscape


2015 - Rumor - Iron Colossus - (1/6/14) At this point I’m fairly confident that we’ll see Colossus close sometime in 2014 in order to get transformed and upgraded into a new experience for the 2015 season, but the real question is the timeline. Has anyone heard anything more about when Colossus’ last days will be?

With “Colossus Backwards” promoted as a “limited time” 2014 attraction starting in Spring 2014, it remains to be seen if they will be able to continue to run Colossus throughout the Summer or if it will close down at the end of the backwards run promotion before the start of Summer. Anyone know more?

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Also via screamscape


2015 - Rumor - Iron Colossus - (1/6/14) At this point I’m fairly confident that we’ll see Colossus close sometime in 2014 in order to get transformed and upgraded into a new experience for the 2015 season, but the real question is the timeline. Has anyone heard anything more about when Colossus’ last days will be?

With “Colossus Backwards” promoted as a “limited time” 2014 attraction starting in Spring 2014, it remains to be seen if they will be able to continue to run Colossus throughout the Summer or if it will close down at the end of the backwards run promotion before the start of Summer. Anyone know more?


Unless Iron Colossus isn't really happening. Isn't it all just speculation at this point?

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Also via screamscape


2015 - Rumor - Iron Colossus - (1/6/14) At this point I’m fairly confident that we’ll see Colossus close sometime in 2014 in order to get transformed and upgraded into a new experience for the 2015 season, but the real question is the timeline. Has anyone heard anything more about when Colossus’ last days will be?

With “Colossus Backwards” promoted as a “limited time” 2014 attraction starting in Spring 2014, it remains to be seen if they will be able to continue to run Colossus throughout the Summer or if it will close down at the end of the backwards run promotion before the start of Summer. Anyone know more?




Assuming this is true, we have to remember we are talking about SFMM. They could close Colossus on July 4th, and RMC not come to start work until Jan 2!

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Even if the park closed Sky Tower, they would just leave it standing there. Not tear it down. As far as Colossus goes, if the transformation happens I feel like they would still keep it through Fright Fest to run backwards before closing it.



That sounds logical, but I would not be surprised if it is closed at least by Labor Day. (Again, strictly speculation at this point)

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Even if the park closed Sky Tower, they would just leave it standing there. Not tear it down. As far as Colossus goes, if the transformation happens I feel like they would still keep it through Fright Fest to run backwards before closing it.


I agree. Too much of a hassle to tear it down. They would just leave it as a memorial so to speak.

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