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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Just got back from the park and MAN was it dead. By about 3, X2 only had a station wait. Longest wait I saw was about 30 minutes for Tatsu. And that is strange.. Because the parking lot was 100% full. There must've been a lot of people at Hurricane Harbor... Riddler and Scream were running 1 train.


Also, I saw 1 test run while on the X2 lift, but that is all I saw. Looks to be about the same speed as the videos.

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Found this nice video with a lot of runs from different points of view. Interesting enough, there were a few comments mentioning the way soft/hard wheels affect speed. It looks like now everyone is an expert on types of wheels just because Cedar point released that video where they were mentioned.

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^^I love how the hard/soft wheels has become a huge thing people turn to now when a coaster looks slow in testing. Like how do you even know it has soft wheels unless your an engineer on this? I find it quite hysterical!

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This video is great! Thanks for sharing. At about 1:09 in the video, when the train is coming over the loop it looks to be going pretty fast. At least a lot faster than other videos, so hopefully that is a sign of the future. We'll actually get some airtime over the top!

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looks like the launch into the loop at the start could be prone to rollbacks maybe, but I'm liking the concept of this coaster now, looks great, the track over the loop look like it could give great airtime.

Do we know if there will be any effects in the tunnel when it first goes into it to simulate its going into a backwards launch??I'm thinking a scenario like flashing red lights,Warning lights,Malfunction noises etc to really build up some drama and make it exciting???

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^There will be effects, but we don't know what. They will be a surprise at opening.


Spoiler alert: A dubstep song with someone screaming YOLO and a projection of a dinosaur skateboarding over a building.

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^There will be effects, but we don't know what. They will be a surprise at opening.


Spoiler alert: A dubstep song with someone screaming YOLO and a projection of a dinosaur skateboarding over a building.



I wouldn't mind the dinosaur.

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^There will be effects, but we don't know what. They will be a surprise at opening.


Spoiler alert: A dubstep song with someone screaming YOLO and a projection of a dinosaur skateboarding over a building.


This is such an amazing idea, there is no way it will actually be anything this good.



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^There will be effects, but we don't know what. They will be a surprise at opening.


Spoiler alert: A dubstep song with someone screaming YOLO and a projection of a dinosaur skateboarding over a building.


Couldn't be any better!


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I can just imagine the following dialogue played over speakers in tunnel:


Boy: "Hey, why'd we stop?"

Girl: "It's time to go [actual name of the coaster]." [pitch black is cut by strobe-light lightning, robotic voice booms "REVERSE THE BEAT"]

Boy: "Wait, we're going backwards?!"



Dubset slams into your ears as the train rockets into reverse. Upon re-entering the tunnel riders question whether the boy and robotic voice are also yelling "YOLO."


I imagine you would have previously met these characters on cardboard cut-outs in the queue and memorized each placard due to the three-hour, one-train assisted line. They probably have futuristic names like "Treble" and "Wah-Wah."


The End.


But I like the skateboarding dinosaur, too.

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Thought I'd sign up instead of just coming on here everyday to see if any progress was posted.


I just bought tickets for the Midnight Opening of Full Throttle - Hopefully it isn't to crowded (You wouldn't think it would be, but who knows.) Glad that it comes with a lovely YOLOshirt and YOLOmeal. Can't wait!

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^There will be effects, but we don't know what. They will be a surprise at opening.


Spoiler alert: A dubstep song with someone screaming YOLO and a projection of a dinosaur skateboarding over a building.


This is why I love Wes.

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