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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Do any of the SF parks have a giant swing? The only ones I can think of off the top of my head are CF and Hershend parks. Forgive me if I spelled Hershend wrong.


SF parks have Funtime StarFlyers called Skyscreamers of varying heights opposed to the 301' Mondial Windseekers at the CF parks. SFDK (150'), SFOG (242'), SFGAdv (242'), SFSL (236'), SFFT (200'), La Ronde (148') and SFOT(400') have them already. Supposedly SFNE is getting a 400 ft one like SFOT next season.


Alright now back on topic, SFMM and YOLOcoaster!

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Great update Gregg! In all seriously though, they're going to lose a lot of money by not having this thing open already. As long as it opens in the summer, it should be good, but with all the other stuff still dragging, time really is money. I still can't believe they had a goal for Spring. I haven't been since before Green Lantern came out. Just went last week and it was a relatively busy day. Not kidding, EVERYTHING was running one train. Not to mention the constant ad's everywhere. Viper had a nice hair gel advertisement all across one train. A TV monitor is in almost all of the queues now with cartoons and large amounts of ad's! Is this what SFMM has come too? Do they really need the money this bad? I really do hope Full Throttle helps. I'm stoked for it! It's SFMM's first original ride in a while, given Green Lantern is Insane in Sweden and Lex Luthor was just a drop ride, although record breaking . Overall, this ride needs to hurry up.

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^ I think they'll lose "some" $$ but not a whole lot. In the grand scheme of things losing 1-2 months on a ride that you hope will be around for 25-30 years isn't really that big of a deal.


As for the ads, I find it funny that they are so adamant that "Full Throttle Land" doesn't interfere with High Sierra Territory yet there is a HUGE Got2B ad attached to the front of Mooseburger.


Although walking past Golden Bear Theater I did hear the awesome Bluegrass version of Hot for Teacher. Definitely a +1.


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Speaking of defunct, does anyone know what is going to be done with the old Batman theatre? It's a really nice theatre and the show was really good too, but it just disappeared. Then they tried that BMX stunt stuff in there but that was quick to go as well. Will it be torn down?... Or saved for another Batman show? Also, who wants to start placing bets on how long that stupid bungee-cord flat ride outside of Apocalypse will last? I put down one year.

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One thing I'm noticing about this picture is how much extra space there is. Is it going to be a large plaza here or what?[attachment=0]image.jpg[/attachment]



Hmm, another coaster could go in there and have it's track go right through YOLO's loop.

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Another coaster? Already? Let this onen up first, guys


Heck, a couple of the best coasters ever built are already at the park. Unfortunately they've been in horrible conditions for years. I mean, they wouldn't set the world on fire if restored, but they would be HUGELY popular. 2 elephants in the room. Or 3, if you count Colossus counts as 2.


But more coasters!? When you do stop? Fix what's there. Maybe a couple flats, a Screamin' Swing would be nice. Some sort of people mover system would be great.


A Phantom's Revenge makeover of Viper - but keep the loops! There are so many coasters already there, with a little imagination, some of those could be turned into truly WORLD CLASS rides. The quantity is there, let's go for quality now. I know NEW is good for marketing, but old stuff REDONE could be marketed as well. It did wonders for Steel Phantom, and the Premier launch coasters, to name a couple examples.

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I'm sure you could fit an average sized B&M loop inside without any clearance problems . Although I think it'd be cool if they created another path up that hill and maybe have it thread the loop and wind its way up to the riddlers area. That'd give another way to get to that area and provide some cool new views for sure.

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You could put a Screamin' Swing swinging through there, a monorail, a Log Jammer type ride, a very wide walkway and still have room to spare. There is potential for all sorts of creative and cool visual yet practical things. But this is Six Flags. We aren't in Europe

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Yes, the all too elusive, but hopefully imminent GIGA coaster can make one of its passes thru there.


I was thinking more along the lines of a WingRider doing a flip through the loop but Giga works too. You know they'll go with the WingRider though.

That would look pretty cool!


Another coaster? Already? Let this onen up first, guys


Heck, a couple of the best coasters ever built are already at the park. Unfortunately they've been in horrible conditions for years. I mean, they wouldn't set the world on fire if restored, but they would be HUGELY popular. 2 elephants in the room. Or 3, if you count Colossus counts as 2.


But more coasters!? When you do stop? Fix what's there. Maybe a couple flats, a Screamin' Swing would be nice. Some sort of people mover system would be great.


A Phantom's Revenge makeover of Viper - but keep the loops! There are so many coasters already there, with a little imagination, some of those could be turned into truly WORLD CLASS rides. The quantity is there, let's go for quality now. I know NEW is good for marketing, but old stuff REDONE could be marketed as well. It did wonders for Steel Phantom, and the Premier launch coasters, to name a couple examples.


More coasters? It's MM, they will cram coasters in there until they can't possibly fit anymore.


A Phantom's Revenge makeover keeping the loops would be like..... Viper wouldn't it except with Vekoma trains, not that that would be less painful.

I agree, some of the existing coasters there need attention and it would be absolutely wonderful if they got the attention they deserved (Revolution) but this is MM and the way the park seems to be run, being realistic, those pipe dreams probably will not happen for a long time, unfortunately.

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Is it just me or does it seem like there could only be little, if any at all, airtime over the top hat? I'm just going to hope that this is just a slower testing speed, which it most likely is. I just hope in time it does speed up and SFMM doesn't pull an SFMM and take away potential with a ride that could possibly deliver.

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Two things:


1. Do we know if that is the actual full speed?



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