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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Why is Presidents Day weekend so much busier than MLK Day weekend? I am really curious why, since ey are essentially the same type of weekend.


Christmas break hangover. Students are still getting back into the swing of things and people are still worrying about holiday expenses.

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That's good, hopefully we should oh see supports and track going up by the end of next week, unless it rains again.


EDIT: Link removed. That site is banned from TPR for a reason. Please respect that-Joey


DOUBLE EDIT: There is a crane at Magic Mountain. That is all anyone needs to know about the subject of this post

Edited by _IntaMAN_
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Just took a survey for new attractions for next year and here's what I put on what I would like to see:


*Note that I made myself try to sound like a GP as much as possible so that I did not sound like I'm not apart of their core audience.


I would like to see more rides in a building like Disneyland to cool off from the whether. Roller coasters are fun, but I want a ride to take a break on. Also I want to see more roller coasters that have the flying out of your seat feeling like Texas Giant.


Hopefully they won't catch on that I'm someone from TPR and void it.


*Link removed* After taking the survey, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to post the link on here. One of the sections they asked about is confidential. I just found it interesting that they asked a lot about the Universal and Disney themed rides though (Which wasn't in the "Secret section".


And to be honest, I would like to see SFMM try to have a dark ride in their park. I would love to see that Justice League ride they opened up in Movie World in the park.

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I'm going to the park this Saturday. It's been 4 years since I've been there. Anyone care to take a guess on how crowds will be? I see that the weather is looking pretty nice so I have no idea. Also does anyone have tips on what order to go in ride wise? I'm going with a group of people who have never been before so they are trusting me! One more thing, we are traveling with a two year old and I was wondering if they have the partent swap thing like other parks have where one rides and the other partent waits and rides after.

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And don't forget this Sunday the 24th is "Ticket #1" in the "Fun Book" for BRING A FREE FRIEND DAY for season pass holders of the fun book. This weekend should be back to more normal as it was slammed last weekend during presidents weekend holiday. Looks like great weather (for feb anyway) again this weekend.


I offered pictures a few weeks ago but nobody wanted any. Tell me 4 pictures you want and I will take them Sat or Sunday and that's 4 only and not of piles of dirt as I don't really care about build out of a ride or logos of a big "S" that needs repainting.


Perhaps you want a picture of a new drinking fountain or perhaps like to see the new colors on the Rock Wall Challenge or new prizes available in the gaming area. Maybe I could go Rambo like The Woo and do some undercover assignment in Suzette's bakery and film them while they make me a funnel cake? .. 4 pictures and 4 pictures only taken from my IPhone3 .. ya sorry that's all I have.

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Just took a survey for new attractions for next year and here's what I put on what I would like to see:


*Note that I made myself try to sound like a GP as much as possible so that I did not sound like I'm not apart of their core audience.


I would like to see more rides in a building like Disneyland to cool off from the whether. Roller coasters are fun, but I want a ride to take a break on. Also I want to see more roller coasters that have the flying out of your seat feeling like Texas Giant.


Hopefully they won't catch on that I'm someone from TPR and void it.

Well, then posting it here was a brilliant move.

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