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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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From page #2521, I'm still going with this....



Wouldn't it be interesting if Six Flags built Superman at SFDK from Premier Rides as a 'test' for this type of coaster and built the bigger version of it, 'Full Throttle' at SFMM for 2013?


Im going to call it and go with that as my guess. Not the same ride but launched with the world record loop, similar to Superman.

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This is so awesome. We're so spoiled out here on the West Coast to get new attractions all the time. Even if they're not always the biggest installations, we always have something to look forward to with so many parks around.


The way the park is hyping this up it sounds like it's going to be a big deal. I am stoked. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!!!

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^^ 5th in 3 years? Where do you get that?


In the last 10 years


2003 - Scream (wasn't even supposed to go to SFMM in the first place)

2004 - Nothing

2005 - Nothing

2006 - Tatsu - Removal of Psyclone

2007 - Removal of Flashback

2008 - Nothing

2009 - Apocalypse

2010 - Nothing

2011 - S:EFK (doesn't count) - Road Runner Express - Green Lantern - Removal of Deja Vu

2012 - No Coaster


So in 10 years that's a total addition of 5 coasters and the removal of 3 coasters (Deja Vu, Psyclone, Flashback). So that's a net gain of 2 coasters. 3 I guess since Flashback shouldn't really count. But Green Lantern is just as crappy as that ride was.


You also have to factor in they've removed 2 water rides, at least 1 flat (Tilt a Whirl that I can think of off the top of my head).


SFMM is also a park that doesn't add non-coaster rides, well at least not until this year. Before LL:DOD I guess the last non-coaster ride was the relocated Scrambler?

Edited by Sir Clinksalot
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Now they are just trying to be the best.


I don't follow your logic. Should they not be trying to be the best? They have a great waterpark, kids areas, and they are a flagship six flags parks. Flaships need to have big guns like Tatsu, X2, and now Full Throttle. Coasters are what gets people through the turnstiles my friend.

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This park doesn't need another coaster. This is, what, the fifth in three years? They can stick with the amount they have. Now they are just trying to be the best.

You don't know much about MM. If you did you'd realize they focus 99.9% of their time and effort on coasters, this is the go-to coaster park. Nothing more nothing less. SF tried the "multiple coaster plan" back in the early 2000's, and it worked for MM. They're still going with that momentum.

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This park doesn't need another coaster. This is, what, the fifth in three years? They can stick with the amount they have. Now they are just trying to be the best.


I like how "Now they are just trying to be the best" is negative thing?

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^^ 5th in 3 years? Where do you get that?


In the last 10 years


2003 - Scream (wasn't even supposed to go to SFMM in the first place)


Oh, sorry, I missed following that. Where was Scream originally supposed to go? The decision was probably a last minute one, explaining why it is a parking lot coaster in a forgotten corner as opposed to a star attraction at the top of the mountain.

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Just wondering, what SFMM rides have single rider lines?

According to the Ride Hopper iPhone app, Batman, Scream, Goliath, and Riddler's Revenge have single rider lines. I’ve also heard from various sources that Green Lantern, Lex Luther Drop of Doom, and Viper also have single rider lines.

I'm wondering exactly what rides have SRLs and where they're located (separate path, up exit ramp, etc)


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Just wondering, what SFMM rides have single rider lines?

According to the Ride Hopper iPhone app, Batman, Scream, Goliath, and Riddler's Revenge have single rider lines. I’ve also heard from various sources that Green Lantern, Lex Luther Drop of Doom, and Viper also have single rider lines.

I'm wondering exactly what rides have SRLs and where they're located (separate path, up exit ramp, etc)


Rides that have single rider lines:


Green Lantern


Drop of Doom


Riddlers Revenge







Neither X2 or Tatsu have them.

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We're so spoiled out here on the West Coast to get new attractions all the time.

Um.... While 2012 has been much more fruitful than previous years, I gotta be honest, there hasn't been *THAT* many amazing "gotta plan a trip for" attractions that have been built on the west coast in the past ten years.


I mean, we lived in California from 2003 - 2011, and other than a couple of coasters at SFMM (Tatsu & Terminator - and even those are kind of a stretch), I didn't really feel there was THAT much to be "spoiled" by...


When the west coast gets an "El Toro", "Expedition GeForce", "Superman: Ride of Steel", "Kumba" or "Montu", then you can call yourselves spoiled! But until then, it's a bit more like "Wannabe spoiled!"


--Robb "Unless you think that old-attraction re-vamps, mediocre B&M inverts, and junior launched coasters are something to write home about..." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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I agree, living in CA my whole life I'm sure I have a different view than those on the outside looking in. While We do have a number of unique rides that are the only of their kind in the US, we still lack anything that is a truly good ride.


CA certainly makes up for it in other areas though.


I'm sure this new ride will be fun, but I'm sure it will still focus on being unique rather than just being a good all around ride.

Edited by SLUSHIE
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CA is spoiled by quantity, but not at all by quality. It is almost humorous that in the state with the most coasters and theme parks, the steel coaster wih the most airtime is 30 feet tall. Second place goes a coaster at a Disney park. In terms if wood coasters, the best one in the entire state is at small seaside park with two adult coasters.


With how many coasters there are in California, there is no way every coaster can be a world class coaster. However, that certainly doesn't mean there should be no world class coasters.*


SFMM is the park with the most coasters in the world making them the worst offender. I will most likely be disappointed by Full Throttle.


*An exception may be made to that statement IF Ghostrider gets a full refurbishment, as in topper track on the entire ride, and new trains.

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I'm sure this new ride will be fun, but I'm sure it will still focus on being unique rather than just being a good all around ride.


Well I have to admit, when I first heard the new ride would be from Premier rather than Intamin, my first thought was, "yet another missed opportunity". Great launches, but ZERO airtime.


I hope I'm wrong and we're in for something unexpected. But recent history isn't on our side. When you put ONE airtime hill on a hypercoaster which is suppose to be designed for airtime, someone in charge clearly wants to avoid it at all costs.

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I must say I sometimes think that we coaster fans supposed only supposed to love the great rides. I'm not like that. If you have 17 roller coasters gathered in one park there sure are going to be more bad then good rides. I mean come on they may not all blew your mind, but those that make a coaster bad? You can tell me a lot but I think I won't believe that X2 and Tatsu are boring, unless I got a change to ride them myself and experience it.

I'm not saying the whole park nor California is the best place to go to. Because even I can see that there are much better rides all over the globe. But I'm still think this is going to be one of my favorite parks because of the amount of coasters. But I must say a Intamin Prefab woody sure would be a great addition.

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Best Rides in CA (IMO)


1. Xcelerator

2. Tatsu

3. Medusa


Those are the only rides that I see worthy of visiting CA for.

While I agree that Xcelerator and Tatsu are both VERY good...I'm not sure they are "trip worthy", you know? I mean, I don't think I'd go out of my way for any B&M Flyer, to be honest, and Xcelerator, while yeah, still my favourite in So Cal, and a "must ride" when I'm visiting, I'm not sure I'll suggest someone plan a trip for it.


Medusa? To me is a 'middle of the road' B&M floorless at best! I'd probably tell people to check out California Screamin' before I'd suggest Medusa...

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