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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I wonder if the park was open this weekend. These fires are really bad. I hope that nobody else dies from this.


Jebus, that picture looks gnarly.

I'll try and post a report after my trip to SFMM this coming Sunday, hopefully the blaze will be under control by then. I plan on taking some pictures of the hills surrounding the park from the tower.

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That Picture looks really cool and scary. I remember when Florida was completely on fire all the parks remained open and I was mad cause i wanted to be inside and instead I was working breathing smoke along with every weird person in the park that had nothing better to do but to harm themselves with smog and smoke

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Wow, that video on CNN is creepy. There was one shot (I think about 17 sec in) where the smoke was drifting off to the left of the screen, and it really did remind me of a video of the WTC on Sept. 11th from across the river.


Wasn't there a fire last year that came pretty close to SFMM? If there was is it in the same location as last time?

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Great action picture and nice backdrop, this shows how much of a mess MM has become.




How do you work out it looks like a 'mess' from that picture? All I can see are some coasters against a smoke background.


And although I have read the fires are moving away from it, if it DID ever actually have major fire problems, I wonder if it would be revamped or just get flattened and sold for real estate?

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I doubt a fire would really flatten the park very easily. There are some areas that would burn, but remember much of the park in cement. If it burned I'd imagin Six Flags would wish to keep a presence in Los Angeles and it would be fixed.


I remember working at the park during the Simi Valley fire back in 2003 and being able to see flames clearly coming over the ridge off in the distance. When you have a park surrounded by bursh close calls will happen.

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I was there on Sunday and it was nuts... aside from most of the rides being down, our one ride on Goliath was kinda miserable. I couldn't keep my eyes open because of the smoke/soot. It was like it was raining ash. Here are a couple pictures from the trip.




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^ I'm sorry you feel that way. If you were able to look at the attendance figures for last Sunday, you'd see that despite the ride closures and wild fires, the majority of guests chose to remain in the park and take advantage of the open rides and Fright Fest offerings. Obviously the majority of guests weren't too pissed.




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^ I'm sorry you feel that way. If you were able to look at the attendance figures for last Sunday, you'd see that despite the ride closures and wild fires, the majority of guests chose to remain in the park and take advantage of the open rides and Fright Fest offerings. Obviously the majority of guests weren't too pissed.





I'm curious to know what rides are remaining open, and why certain rides are being closed. Can you shed any light?....campfire light is acceptable, just remember.....



Glad to hear the Alveys are safe n' sound.

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