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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Last year, SFMM's survey I recieveed was all about the Free-fly that went into great adventure...so don't count on it happening to Magic Mountain... Not saying it will not show up... But just because they sent you "that particular" survey, doesn't mean it's going into our park.... Last year I was excited for a free-fly....whoops....




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HEY SIX FLAGS!!!. Why arent you using your massive property to help with the fire?...evacuation spot, seeing as how all the others are getting full or chased out by the fire...do something right for once...god forbid you have to close for a day or two, people shouldnt be out at amusement parks in this horrible air anyway....im sure the residents of santa clarita are at least a notable portion of MM's income, how about giving back?......no? ...didnt think so

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The fire is on the other side of the valley. You can see the smoke, but with the way the winds have been, the park has not been under a blanket of smoke at all. Yesterday it rained ash for the second half of the day (no smoke though), but today was fine all around.

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HEY SIX FLAGS!!!. Why arent you using your massive property to help with the fire?...evacuation spot, seeing as how all the others are getting full or chased out by the fire...do something right for once...god forbid you have to close for a day or two, people shouldnt be out at amusement parks in this horrible air anyway....im sure the residents of santa clarita are at least a notable portion of MM's income, how about giving back?......no? ...didnt think so


I'm not expert, but typically local schools are better suited to help as evacuation spots. They can provide much needed shelter in gyms and cafeterias, as well as having nearby facilities--and I believe I've heard local schools have already been providing shelter. Magic Mountain isn't really set up like that (like, where exactly would you put them for shelter?), so not sure exactly how you'd want them to help. I've never heard of any amusement park helping out in this manner during a natural disaster, and I'd imagine it's because they're not set up for that, not because they're selfish.

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HEY SIX FLAGS!!!. Why arent you using your massive property to help with the fire?...evacuation spot, seeing as how all the others are getting full or chased out by the fire...do something right for once...god forbid you have to close for a day or two, people shouldnt be out at amusement parks in this horrible air anyway....im sure the residents of santa clarita are at least a notable portion of MM's income, how about giving back?......no? ...didnt think so


I'm not expert, but typically local schools are better suited to help as evacuation spots. They can provide much needed shelter in gyms and cafeterias, as well as having nearby facilities--and I believe I've heard local schools have already been providing shelter. Magic Mountain isn't really set up like that (like, where exactly would you put them for shelter?), so not sure exactly how you'd want them to help. I've never heard of any amusement park helping out in this manner during a natural disaster, and I'd imagine it's because they're not set up for that, not because they're selfish.

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Right, but all those local schools are filling up, now they are opening up spots as far as woodland hills and malibu..i feel like MM could if not provide indoor shelter at least use their huge parking lot as a place to go as well as provide water/supplies...why should these displaced people have to drive to anotger city with all they have and animals when tgey could potentially stay local

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Ha, so Magic Mountain is right next to the fire and has clear skies. Meanwhile here in Vegas it looks like friggin Beijing with the amount of dust and smoke from that fire being carried here in the wind.

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So I was suppose to be visiting SFMM for the first time this week with some friends. But one of them just told me they closed the park for a week because of the fire. He said he saw it on the news but I've seen no news anywhere else? Can anyone else confirm if they herd this?

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I would imagine they would place that on their website...and it's not there, so.....


I also imagine that they are shorter staffed than usual because of the fire though.

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So I was suppose to be visiting SFMM for the first time this week with some friends. But one of them just told me they closed the park for a week because of the fire. He said he saw it on the news but I've seen no news anywhere else? Can anyone else confirm if they herd this?


Park is wide open and I'm heading there around 2:30. Parking is into middle 3rd lot so only people to stay away seems to be you and your group. True many workers from AV are calling out as take yesterday with full closure of the I-14 freeway for 45 miles many were unable to make it to work. And today looks like partial closings of the 14 that no reason a min paid worker needs to be stuck on the wrong side of a closed freeway for a 5 hour shift. Seems like the wind is shifting towards NE and as of right now (2:15) SFMM is under nice blue skies.

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So I was suppose to be visiting SFMM for the first time this week with some friends. But one of them just told me they closed the park for a week because of the fire. He said he saw it on the news but I've seen no news anywhere else? Can anyone else confirm if they herd this?


Park is wide open and I'm heading there around 2:30. Parking is into middle 3rd lot so only people to stay away seems to be you and your group. True many workers from AV are calling out as take yesterday with full closure of the I-14 freeway for 45 miles many were unable to make it to work. And today looks like partial closings of the 14 that no reason a min paid worker needs to be stuck on the wrong side of a closed freeway for a 5 hour shift. Seems like the wind is shifting towards NE and as of right now (2:15) SFMM is under nice blue skies.



3rd lot is a light day! Last summer, it was parked in the dirt everyday and wasn't even that crowded.

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I was suppose to be going tomorrow and wednesday! And yeah the news got it mixed with a national park thats closed, sorry about that.


But that's good that the park isnt crowded. Hopefully it's like that tomorrow

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I was at the park yesterday. The fire looked apocalyptic but the air wasn't too bad.


Latest addition to the dirt was a bulldozer, so maybe that's the new ride? Along the exit path from Riddler's you can see stuff to make footers like those circle-disk things and cement molds. I know someone mentioned that these could be for Riddler's but that, also, no one had ever heard of it being done, right? What the hell could they be for?


Tidal Wave was open and had a healthy line all day.


Beyond that, nothing too exciting. Multi-use lockers rule, by the way. I started using the system when I went to the midwest last year and it's just so much easier than worrying about someone stealing your sh*t or getting your cup mixed up with someone else's or whatever. Now they just need them for Full Throttle. I use the one's at Scream for Twisted Colossus.

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I think they do need to enforce a mandatory-locker policy in the park. It would make operations so much better. Just look at X2. They already have this policy and it's the most efficient coaster in the park. They get the trains out very fast! At least they definitely need to do this with TC and YOLO for sure. This would make the lines go so much faster for those two.

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Pfft...that's just a cash grab for the parks....


I agree. (Feel nickel and dimed to death). I'd be okay with paying like 10'bucks with the ability to drop in and out of all the sets near rides....



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West Coast Bash 2016 Tickets Now on Sale!



Any idea what the "other company" is that we're sharing the park with on Saturday night, or what kind of attendance numbers they'll be contributing?


looks like it's the Hallelujah Jubilee.


actually, while it is the same day, wasn't it last year too?, i'm not sure that has anything to do with the extended hours.

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