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Do you talk to strangers in line with you?

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what my mom says a lot when i go to parks '' DON'T talk a lot with other guys in the lines or ride ops. ''

she doesn't wanna me to get seemed to be kinda stranger so i try not to do that thing then.

i start to be into talking with them when she's gone like ' i wanna try that ride and then i'll go get on that. '

i can sometimes learn something from what ops or guys in the lines talk to me so i think talking to them's are real good for your improve in knowing about g forces, layouts, concepts, and you've got to see how they feel on the op job.

break the ice if you wanna make friends! why're not most guys gonna try to be friends with them?

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I was recently at Magic Mountain and the lines were so long, that you couldn't help but talk to the people also waiting. It was so busy and hot there that I only rode 3 coasters, but I'm proud to say that the first one was Tatsu! Since it was so hot and the lines were so long, there was plenty for us to talk about...from topics like "why aren't the misters on?" to "are we there yet?". In general I'm not a chatty person, but when it comes to rollercoasters, I just can't shut up about them. Like you can tell by this post.

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In a word, no, I don't ever talk to people in lines when I am by myself. This past week at Carowinds, the only word I said to anyone besides my mom was when a ride op asked the kid in front of me if I was his mom, and all I said was "What?" since I was looking in another direction at the time.


My mom is the kind that will talk to anyone about anything, and it gets on my nerves when I am with her. Whenever she watches Fantasmic, she comes away with life stories of everyone sitting around her. I personally hate it when people try to start conversations with me (unless they are hot guys, but that has only happened once! )



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Not necessarily in lines for rides at parks, but talking to strangers you don't know can be a good time. You can meet so many interesting people that way. For example, I was sitting in a cafe last week and someone happened to mention to me that they had read the book that I was reading at the time. It became an interesting conversation.

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I always seem to talk to everyone around me in line, even if i'm with a group. It's the only way I can social with anyone. I know they won't run away after waiting 30 minutes for a ride already. I'm very social with strangers, but not people I sort of know.

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I like overhearing someone talking about how scared they are, then getting them more scared by talking up the ride.


I was on Nitro with my buddy, and we got sat next to 2 like 12 yr olf boys. They asked me in the station if Nitro was scary, and I'm like, "Naw, you're gonna have a fun!" Then we're on the lift hill (point of no return) and I lean over to them, "I lied guys, last time I went on this ride I pissed myself...!"


The look on their faces was...priceless!!!

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