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Attempted kidnapping at Worlds of Fun

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On July 4th, a man was arrested at Worlds of Fun with the attempted kidnapping of a 6 year old girl...you can find more info at www.thekansascitychannel.com/news/9473554/detail.html


What is happening to theme parks...we're having fights, drivebys, deaths, and now kidnappings...what's next?


Don't forget perve, 50 yr old petefiles, with video cameras at SFGAm's HH.

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Unfortunately, if you allow thousands of people into any one place at any given time, there are always gonna be a small percentage of, umm, undesirable people there, whether they be thieves, paedophiles, gang members, whatever. I guess a lot of parks, particularly Disney and the like, are prime targets for people who want to look at/abduct children, simply because one of the primary audience groups is families. At least the guy was unsuccessful, thankfully.

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It really can't be that hard to kidnap someone from that park, all you'd have to say is "hey little kid, you want to go some place that's actually FUN?"


Guess Jimbo here couldn't come up with a clever enough line to draw the kid away. He should have fun in prison, with that purdy long hair and all.

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It doesnt suprise me that this happened at WOF, they have pratically NO security. When I went, I gave the people my ticket and just walked in, no metal detectors or ANYTHING! I didnt believe I was in the park already, I was like "there has to be more than that!" As for the six year old, its a good thing they ended up safe.

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It doesnt suprise me that this happened at WOF, they have pratically NO security. When I went, I gave the people my ticket and just walked in, no metal detectors or ANYTHING! I didnt believe I was in the park already, I was like "there has to be more than that!" As for the six year old, its a good thing they ended up safe.


I think not having Metal Detectors is a good sign of the park. Even if the park is in KC, it's at least in a good part. The signs must work, because I don't see anyone carrying gats around at the park.

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