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Trip Report - Six flags magic mountain, 7/2/06

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I didn't know if i should make a new thread for this or not but,


I went to Six Flags Magic Mountain today.


There wasn't that many people there. much to my suprise!




Got there around 10:30

First ride of the day, Revolution - It was really good to ride this classic for the first time in a year. It was pretty smooth.


Next i went on Psyclone - It was way rougher that usual, but not that crowded, so i was able to get on it twice in a row. it was ok.


Then i headed over to Goliath - Rode it once, but i could of rode it twice. not that many people wanted to ride it today.


Then i tried to ride Collosus - They changed the restraint rules. Now you have to get it to click 3 times in order to ride it. I was really pissed.


Then i rode Scream - Sucked as usual, nuff said.


Then i walked up the HUGE hill to samuri summet. Ninja was closed. But it opened later that day.


I tried to ride Superman - It too, didn't have that many people in line for it. The restraint went pretty far down for me, but just barly didn't make it to where the green light went on. DAMN!


so i went back down the hill and rode...


Goldrusher - Same old, same old. just rode it because its sorta a tradition of mine to ride it every time i go.


I tried to ride tidal wave, didn't fit.


Then i waited for 1 and a half hours for Batman. (THERE'S THE LINES I WAS LOOKING FOR! lol) I JUST BARLY didn't fit. GOD DAMMIT!


Then i went for Riddler's Revenge. again, a two hour wait aaaaand guess what? DIDN'T FIT!


at that point i was pissed so i decided to go back up the hill and see if Ninja was open. YES! it was open. i rode it for the first time ever. it was really fun. but i know its nothing compared to Batman, even though i've never been on that either.


Tried Superman again, didn't fit again.


then i went back down the hill. Tatsu time. i stood in line for a good half an hour and it didn't even move. i decided screw it. maybe another time.


I decided to head over to viper. i saw along the way that Revolution was broken down that sucked. it was stuck on the lift hill.


I got to Viper and once again, NO LINES! YES! I rode it 3 times in a row, once in the front, and twice in the middle. It was kinda rougher that usual, but it was still fun.


So once i got off i decided to go and see if they got the revolution problem worked out. YES! it was up and running again.


Last ride of the day - Revolution - WOW!!!! it was extreamly fucking rough all the sudden. i got banged around more than i did on psyclone! daaaam!


left around 7. all and all it was a pretty good day. there wasn't that many people there and that worried me. mabye the rumors about Magic Mountain being up for sale are true. i dont know.

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Then i rode Scream - Sucked as usual, nuff said.


Haha I don't like Scream! either. I think Medusa at SFMW is much better.


Last ride of the day - Revolution - WOW!!!! it was extreamly fudging rough all the sudden. i got banged around more than i did on psyclone! daaaam!


Yeah I only ride in the front row on Revolution, mainly because of how rough it is.

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You see this: "N"? That's an "n"! It goes between the U and the T on MOUNTAIN. WOW!!!


It's not *that* difficult, is it? I guess I expect too much from an Avenged Sevenfold fan.



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Thats kind of how it was for me on Saturday. It wasnt too bad but it could have been worse. I would be pretty pissed walking all over that park and standing in line and not being able to fit on the rides. Anyway sounds like just another trip to Magic mountain. I was wondering if X is still runnin a 1 train op.

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