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Photo TR: Six Flags Great America

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The day began in the early afternoon. Tsuki picked up MerryDeath, our good friend Andy, and myself.


After a pit stop at KFC, we were on our way.


Watch out for the Trash Receptical!

We out smarted it and went the other way.


Those Trash Recepticals are always trying to kill us.


Eventually, we made it to the park....


where are friend Jenna was waiting...




Raging Alcoholic was first.

MerryDeath was excited...Our good friend Andy was still trying to figure out where he was.

They got umbrellas, here...is that new?

This poor guy was furrier than Robin Williams. Must've been a hot day for him.

I caught these guys mid EXTREME High Five.

Afterwards, we gave the Bull some love.


Then it was time to play "Who can make the goofiest face on Giant Drop"


Next is the amazing flying cow ride!

The line is longer than normal, so some of us stay productive

Oh, good. Lucky 13.

"I'm still not awake", says our good friend Andy.


Here's two rides we didn't ride today....


This was the longest line we waited in all day. No exaggeration, it was 25 minutes. That slushie thing BETTER be worth it, Andy.


Next, was Vuja De.

Vuja De- The ride that is always open.


So, our good friend Andy, was it worth it?

Hmm....I guess so. You got lucky.

This music ROCKS!

"I see you there, Trash Receptical. Trying to sneak up on me? You thought I didn't recognize you without the sign? I see your buddy back there, too."


To pass the time, everyone had a spitting contest.

And, for those who've been to Great America recently and have been wracking their brain while in line trying to figure this out, now you can play the home game!

It made our good friend Andy's brain hurt even more, so he decided to get some rest.

"Yay! Vuja De is actually open!"


On our way around the back of the park we run into the incredible edible James!

Hmmm....scary to think that HE'S the guy who tells you how to be safe.



Jenna needed to leave and Tsuki and our good friend Andy decided to take a break. So MerryDeath and I hopped on V2.



Then we found our friends.


They were sittin' by the fishies

Fishy fishy fish a fish! A fish a fish fishy ohhhh...


Ride MerryDeath? It doesn't look safe...


"You WILL ride Condor!"


Arousal? This park is dirty.


Our food friend Andy sure does love that big ball in his mouth....




Not even Raging Bull could awaken our good friend Andy from his trance...

Poor guy.

As a result, the Bull pole got no lovin....


And as we left....we saw the most amazing thing....ever.


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