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Against Leather and Animal Testing !!!!

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Housepets? Like cats and dogs? No. They aren't against that at all. They are just strong advocates of neutering and controlling the population so that stray animals don't suffer. They are big on adoption. They are certainly not against having housepets.


Wait, I thought they were for "complete animal liberation." There was a video fo the founder of PETA saying that posted earlier in the P&T video.

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It's kind of hard to let domestic animals run free and wild since they have been domesticated. The best that can be done is to is to help control the pet population since there are so many without homes already, it is kind of senseless to have cats and dogs bred when there are plenty of animals in shelters.


You know, just do it Bob Barker style.

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One major thing that I think PETA does that annoys me is that they seem to always focus on the negative. Nature has checks and balances, so eating other animals is not going to mess up nature. The only time it does is in the cases of mass hunting to extinction, which we all know is fought against by many people not just PETA.

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Another thing to take into consdieration is the spreading of Development projects that are casuing deer, coons, and other animals to into the city. PETA was up in arms when the MetroParks rangers started to do some population control by extermination a few dozen deer.

Keep in mind, we had an over-population in NE ohio. We had deer running thru downtown, where they were getting maimed and killed after getting hit cars, buses and trucks. It wasn't pretty.

I'm not fond of PETA. IMO they are just another non-profit Organization that several people are getting very rich from.


If we'd had no animal testing at all, could you imagine where we'd be?



ps. good luck hitting 1000

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So basically, you're saying YOU are for population control(which is understandable). Last I heard, PETA didn't like pets.


No. I'm saying that PETA is for that.








I'm not fond of PETA. IMO they are just another non-profit Organization that several people are getting very rich from.


Call me gulible, but I actually believe their financial data and believe they use as much money as they can into what they do. I believe their highest paid are their lawyers, at about $60,000. Their president set her salary somewhere around $25,000 I believe (of course, the funds are paying for her travel too).

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i just read an article on PETAs website saying that eating meat causes global warming . even though what they meant to say was: farming animals makes there be more methane released into the atmosphere becsause they fart alot. and they forgot to mention that global warming is BS.


i find it annoying how they are trying to convert everyone to be like themseleves, it really pisses me off.

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^ WTF is wrong with you? Seriously, I have no idea where I stand on these issues, which is why I've just sat back and read this thread without commenting, and let everybody else continue the debate. You don't seem to have anything constructive or inoffensive to say... Why bother?

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Thanks Lou.


Should I start a global warming thread to go along with the stereotyping thread


No need to thank me, to be honest I'd be inclined to disagree with many of your views, but you and a couple of others in particular, and many more to an extent, have argued your points intelligently and articulately, and I don't see why it should descend into some immature name-calling discussion, which is what seems to happen whenever goleafsgo posts here.


Probably the best thing to do is to just ignore his posts in this thread and carry on around him, IMO.

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Goleafsgo, If you think global warming is kook science, you are a fool. The earth's average temp has risen by almost 3 degrees in 50 years. Anyhow, you are an idiot, you manage to say something offensive in every post. Most members even tried to respond politely to your foolish posts.

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So basically, you're saying YOU are for population control(which is understandable). Last I heard, PETA didn't like pets.


No. I'm saying that PETA is for that.








Ah, okay. However, I could have sworn I read somewhere that they didn't support having "pets." I could have misinterpreted something, but I was lead to believe they didn't want me having a dog.

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goleafs, you wouldn't happen to be related to a Mr. Octane, would you? Just curious. And I'm kind of like Lou on this....the thread has gone so many different directions, and I've got so many conflicted feelings on just about everything posted, so I've just decided to watch from the bleachers while those of you with intelligent material continue to debate (you guys know who you are ).

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