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Against Leather and Animal Testing !!!!

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And for the record I'm a hardcore Vegan that could care less about or ever look down upon someone for what they eat.


Don't you mean you "couldn't care less" ?

My bio teacher last ear gave us a whole lecture about that saying...



lol, work on your quoting. it makes me look like the nice guy



and i also hate people who say i could care less. (not really, but yeah...)


Man, I used "could care less" and I'm vegan. I must be your public enemy number one.

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Oh fiddle-sticks.

Actually, soy milk is better than regular milk.


Yup, is true indeed. There is even more calcium in soy milk compared to animal milk. I heard that at first and didn't believe it until I looked it up.


just wondering, where to vegans get their protien? do they have ot eat tofu and stuff?


Well, there are two types of protein: complete and incomplete.


Complete protiens are protiens ONLY found in animal flesh and are mostly seen to be highly beneficial in muscle development of the human body.


Incomplete protiens are protiens found in nuts, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables. While they are not complete, they are still complete enough for a human body to function off of. Otherwise you'd see vegans dropping dead left and right or getting infectious or termianl diseases at higher rates than meat eaters. You just won't see many Vegan body builders.


There has yet to be any conclusive study, least that I or any Vegan I know have seen, that says your health is at a much higer risk if you eliminate animal protiens from your diet.

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^^ You get more and more mature by the minute.


Yes, nuts have protein but I tend to stay away from them because of their very high fat content. You would be surprised by the amount of protein in green vegetables like spinach and broccoli. That is where I get a lot of my protein.


Carniverous animals have developed through out time to be the way that they are. They have sharpe teeth, claws and other natural weapons to allow them to hunt and kill. They also have the instincts to hunt and kill their food and do not need to cook their meat. Humans do not have any kind of natural weapons of their own, and have to make weapons and such to use while hunting or killing animals. Humans also have to cook their meat to make sure there are no deadly toxins. Having to cook meat shows that humans have not developed to become meat eaters, and cariverous animals have the ability to break down raw meats without fear of death.


It's also an issue of it is proven that humans have been able to live solely off of fruits and vegetables. We are more free thinking and able than most other mammals out there, and can make decisions. Of course, people do make the decision to eat meat, I am not denying that or trying to make meat eaters the bad guys here. It is just a point that we don't have to treat animals inhumanly.


Inhumanly isn't necessarily me preaching about the sole act of killing animals. I know it is next to impossible to get people to stop eating meat and I don't want to try to push that on people because I hate it when people push things on me and I don't like being an ass about stuff. It is just the fact that animals could be have better and healthier and happier lives (ironically) before they get slaughtered.

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Where do you get this information from? Try going out into the Midwest. If you talk to a farmer, all they talk about is how they hurt the animals and treat them poorly. They almost get off on it. It is almost sick.


I'm not saying that all of them do, I don't want to stereotype or anything, but there are a lot that make jokes and make fun of the fact that they abuse their animals.


Just because there are fields and such, doesn't mean that the animals get beat, are malnourished, are given all kind of steriods, are packed into barns and other buildings....

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Housepets? Like cats and dogs? No. They aren't against that at all. They are just strong advocates of neutering and controlling the population so that stray animals don't suffer. They are big on adoption. They are certainly not against having housepets.

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Don't they beat up a calf?


Not quite... the baby calf is either shackled or kept in a confined spce to allow little to no movement. The thing that kills the taste of veal is muscle development in the baby cow. Thus the baby cow is raised to not move so that the flesh is extra tender and "better tasting".

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And for those of you who like swimming in the ocean... where do you think all the aquatic life from clams to whales pee and poop? Thats right! In the same water we beach-goers swim in.


So, being a pig or chicken cant be all that bad.


Enjoy your summer vacations at the shore everyone.

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