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What is your Job

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When I am at school (VT!) I work as a textbook clerk.


Right now until Aug. 22nd and then into the future since I absolutely LOVE IT! and there are TONS of job oppurtunities, I am a Mining Engineer. In the internship I am basically a training foreman doing a little bit of everything and when I graduate I will do the same thing only eventually moving up to managing a whole plant.


Jobs I do there,


Maintenance, shoveling rock (WOO! not), driving 35, 50, and 60 ton haul trucks, video taping blasts (EXPLOSIVES FRIGGIN ROCK!), overseeing small projects, breaking rock with a hammer (Machine not actual lol), running samples, and running the plant (Crushers, belts, and screens!)


Yeh it is a good life for me because I work outdoors, I get paid well, I get to see blasts and drive huge trucks, and I get to be a manager.

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A&W (Canada). I work the front, which basically includes cashier, drive-thru, and keeping everything clean that the lobby entails. It's hard when you have a dinner rush and you can't get away long enough to tend to the ever-increasing pile of glass mugs...


Personally I think I'm a rarity in that I work for a fast-food restaurant and I actually have confidence in my job!

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The only job an amusement park enthusiast should have: ride operator. I work at Coney Island (the retarded Ohio one, not New York), and I've really grown attached to the place over the last three years. Sure its nothing spectacular, but after my Knoebels trip, I can really see how a few small improvements like Cosmotron-izing the Flying Bobs and installing a few newer flats could make Coney Island Ohio a great park once again. Of course, a medium wooden coaster wouldn't hurt either

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^Wow! Those look pretty cool!


I am a cartoonist for a teen magazine and a video gaming website. I also do graphics for Flash games.


Example of my cartoonwork. The guy is saying "The Sims have too many expansion packs."

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I go to area used car dealerships and take pictures of their cars for the dealer websites and put the window stickers on the cars that tell about the car and the warranty. I make a generous salary, plus commission for the cars I do, plus mileage and paid benefits. I work 15-20 hours in a normal week. I love my job!

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I recently made the switch from automotive technician (which I've been doing since I was 18 years old) to automotive instructor. After several years of mentoring entry level technicians as part of my regular job duties, I realized that teaching was my true calling. I'm amazed that it took me as long as it did to find what I believe is my real purpose in this world, but I simply look back on the years up to this point as preparation for what I'm doing now. I have never been happier about what I'm doing with my life.

Edited by Mechanic
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Currently, I buy and sell video games . I usually scout yard sales, pawn shops, thrift stores, rummage sales, etc and pick each game up from $1-$4, and sell them for a MUCH higher price. (NES, SNES, and N64 games fetch a really good selling price)

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I work as operations manager for 3Dimerce. I run our interactivity department, with 7 dedicated people working on CGI based interactive products. Our company excists of 18 people at the moment, but we are growing steady. Making sure the interactivity team is able to perform in the best way possible is my main focus.


My role also is to make sure we are ever-improving customer service and quality of our products. Furthermore I am managing the operational proces and the development proces of new products. The one thing that I enjoy most is working with our interns and keeping contact with schools (Also the school where I had my study.) I am giving readings there and I am examinator with the students final exams. I really, really enjoy that part of my job! Wonderfull to see people grow towards what they want to be

Our showcase if you wanna have a look

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So I have two jobs, one as a sales associate at Bath & Body Works one day a week, and one as a dog groomer at PetSmart. I'm second-guessing the dog groomer thing, though. I've only been at PetSmart for like 5 months, my arms are already scarred from bad dogs, and yesterday one of our more experienced girls got pretty much attacked by a dog. Stitches around her eye and everything. So yeah, I'm now considering starting to apply around again. That stress of possible injury plus certain difficult people to work with are starting to really not look worth the good hours/pay. I might go for something closer to my field of study - tourism. Any suggestions (I live in a fairly small town about an hour outside of Toronto)?

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I'm unemployed now, but my most recent job was Backroom at Target. Before that I worked at SFMM as a ride op, and Knott's as a ride op. before that.

Almost two years later, this statement is now valid again. Was laid off early June from bartending...so I'm on the hunt again

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So I have two jobs, one as a sales associate at Bath & Body Works one day a week, and one as a dog groomer at PetSmart. I'm second-guessing the dog groomer thing, though. I've only been at PetSmart for like 5 months, my arms are already scarred from bad dogs, and yesterday one of our more experienced girls got pretty much attacked by a dog. Stitches around her eye and everything. So yeah, I'm now considering starting to apply around again. That stress of possible injury plus certain difficult people to work with are starting to really not look worth the good hours/pay. I might go for something closer to my field of study - tourism. Any suggestions (I live in a fairly small town about an hour outside of Toronto)?


Jazz - I worked for a hotel for a long while and got alot of experience in the tourism industry. Our city has a Tourism and Leadership Council as well. I'd recommend starting there. Learning about different reservation systems and such really comes in handy as you move around in that field.



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I'm a Graduate Student Researcher in a veterinary genetics lab, which of course also means I'm a graduate student. Finishing my Masters this summer, as a matter of fact! Basically, I do research on naturally occurring feline genetic traits and diseases, and I oversee the health and breeding of our cat colony. My thesis is on familial aggregation of response to catnip. I also work at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at my University, as a clinical Microbiology assistant. There I set up animal clinical samples and then run various biochemical tests and immunologic assays in order to isolate and identify microorganisms that cause disease and quantify their susceptibility to various antibacterial agents.


Last but not least, I start my first year of a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine program in a month and a half. I'll keep my job at the VMTH but won't be doing research during the school year anymore.


And for anyone who thinks grad school is putting off "the real world" or whatever...look between my index and ring fingers for my opinion on that.

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