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Does Anyone have any surgury!

Guest WillCoaster06

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Hi Guys i just wondering if you guys have any surgury.


Me i have like 12 surgury in my life. Because when i was born, i have a hole in my heart. And when i was 14, i have a surgury for my leg.

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Hi Guys i just wondering if you guys have any surgury.


Me i have like 12 surgury in my life. Because when i was born, i have a hole in my heart. And when i was 14, i have a surgury for my leg.



Can you ride coasters with that history ???

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Guys i just wondering if you guys have any surgury.


Me i have like 12 surgury in my life. Because when i was born, i have a hole in my heart. And when i was 14, i have a surgury for my leg.



I believe about 1990 or so, we had a guest who had a similar condition and when they came off the LNM @BGE he went into 'shock' and was groaning and crying and screaming as if he was having a heart attack. I'm not sure if your condition and his are the same (or if is a symptom), but I thought I read in a report that it was because the victim had a condition "hole in his heart". I could be wrong, but if that is true-do you experience a similar condition if you ride coasters (or exciting rides)?

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I chopped my finger off and the sewed it back on. Does that count?


Ok not litereally chopped, more like, skinned my finger. I bascially cut all the skin (fingernail included) from my middle finger on my right hand, off. The bone was still attatched and all.


Anywho, THANK GOD for Navy Docs and free medical. Or else that would have cost a $hitload.

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Have I had surgery...No!


Surgery's meant to have had....alot. The big one's are two knee reconstructions due to ACL damage in both knee's. Never had it done.

On waiting list to have spinal surgery for 3 disc's (and that is all that they have checked on) bulging onto the spinal cord in my lower back.


The doctors have told me that they won't do the surgery until I loose some weight. So now on a diet and exercise plan that should have me loosing about 20kg in the next 6 months or so.


Funny thing is that if I loose the weight, they might not have to do the surgery.....less weight = less stress on the spine. So I guess only time will tell.

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