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Casey's 4 day Disneyland Update

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Day 2

Hey guys. Sorry I didn’t have captions I am writing this from my hotel at 12:00 and am very tired! Anyways here’s day two!


Starting the day off with…

Yay! Splash Mountain


Strike a pose!


After that we hit up The Haunted Mansion. Short wait….yay….


Dole Whip’s are gooood!


After the crowed of Field Trips and ECT we decided to hit up the “not as much” Field Trip park California Adventure!




10…9…8…7…6…5…4 **LAUNCH* * where’s 321?


This is for you Missy


Plain tower…


Tower w/ nerds….haha yeah i didn’t know they were behind me at that moment…


Overall a fun TIREING day full of snobby middle school students and LONG LINES…but other than that a GREAT DAY!!!

See you tomorrow!

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UPDATE: Day 3/4




What’s up! Day 3 of our trip and things are getting a little ugly. Sore feet, go go go, no sleep that whole deal. But we are still getting a LOT done and having a BLAST!!


Surprisingly we had a good day today...


Under the tarp…secretive about future attractions…Here’s an up-close picture from The Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage.


Next we hit up Space Mountain two times!!!


Must..Eat..Nora..ooooo flashy lights!!!


The second time we tried to ride Space Mountain we ran into this….

Broken down station …but kinda cool because of we got a pass to get on ANY ride of our choice….haha…funny thing was we have 6 people…2 chickened out…4 rode it once, 2 were SUPOSE to ride it two times, but it ended up we got more than we bargained for and all 6 of us rode it the second time…yes, even the chickens!!


Pit stop at Matterhorn for the FAMOUS 10 minute line even if its long!




So Wet…So Cold…but…..


We can pose for a quick picture!


Yay, newly updates Pirates! Complete with waterslide….well actually yes but whatever…


For an extra $5 you get to see Jack Sparow…well……actually…..


He was too drunk to notice us there…..


I’m Casey and that’s a mouse on a slope….yeah….see you guys tomorrow

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys! I FINLAY RECOVERED THE PICTURES (yay) so here the forth day of the 4 day Disneyland update sponcered by Hollister Co.


Day 4

Last Day (must...not...cry)


What that? The best iMax type "movie" in the world? yeah it is!!


"I love soarin'!!!"


Its time for a little Hollister and Tower action...haha


Its one of thoose mirror picture, BUT notice im in The Hollywood Tower Hotel and wearing Hollister....yeah big difference!


hummmmm......must feel the power of the tower...shhh!


But for real lets get Goofy!!!


"Its the same as SuperStar Limo but Monster Themed"


Woah....look at thoose fish, there like almost human!!!!


I got fat in 2/3's of a second....ouch....watch the $3 churos...



We took a break and watched the movie Cars at AMC DTD



Thrusday.....Last couple of hours, let hit up EVERYTHING WE CAN LETS GO!!!


Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace Mountain is AWWWWWW....w...W..w.WWSOME!!!



This is where my camera DIED and that is it.....sad.....but i recovered the files even know they said they were corupt....yeah i know im good.


Disneyland is truly an American Original.....If you havnt been to a Disney Theme Park, you are missing out and need to know that when they say "theme" park they mean "theme" park....2 thumbs up Dinsey:-)


This is Casey, until July 17-18, im OUT!

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