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MAJOR Intamin wooden coaster (VIP only!)

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Ok first.... A 85 degree drop is not straight down... It is a 90 degree drop by definition. A 400 ft wooden coaster is all but impossible as it would be prohibitively expensive to build the supporting structure necessary for it. Finally you haven't even included a file to add onto nor said what game or anything else...

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A 400 ft wooden coaster is all but impossible as it would be prohibitively expensive to build the supporting structure necessary for it.



"All but impossible" That would mean it is possible. The correct term would be "Nothing but impossible".



Is for the coaster i would take it on but i just got No Limits 2 days ago and i'm not good persay. Although i think i am advanced for a beginner.


I'm soon going to post my first track "Omen".

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I guess I'm the best designer on the forums... I'll check it out...


Way to be full of yourself, I personally dont think your all that and a dancing monkey, your tracks are just okay in my honest opinion. Im not trying to be rude, but I have been holding it back for a long time, try being less cocky unless you really are superior.

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Eh, I put in two stations mostly because there was a lot of space there and another airtime hill wouldent have fit, think of them as an offload and onload type duel station. And that is nowhere near close to what I can do, but I was bored so eh I just threw a couple elements together.


Colin C

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Eh, I put in two stations mostly because there was a lot of space there and another airtime hill wouldent have fit, think of them as an offload and onload type duel station. And that is nowhere near close to what I can do, but I was bored so eh I just threw a couple elements together.


Colin C


Another hill would have been completel realitic, just not a big one.


Honestly, I would have just dragged the layout some more. i think it's odd ending so soon.

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Way to be full of yourself, I personally dont think your all that and a dancing monkey, your tracks are just okay in my honest opinion. Im not trying to be rude, but I have been holding it back for a long time, try being less cocky unless you really are superior.

I don't think you can talk until you prove it! Post something...


There is nothing better than self confidence...

^^You're contradicting yourself.

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Way to be full of yourself, I personally dont think your all that and a dancing monkey, your tracks are just okay in my honest opinion. Im not trying to be rude, but I have been holding it back for a long time, try being less cocky unless you really are superior.

I don't think you can talk until you prove it! Post something...

What does his skill have to do with saying you're full of yourself (a view I quite honestly agree with). He may not be the greatest designer (I'm sure you know I'm not trying to insult you there CP_Rules), but he's still entitled to his opinion. What makes you think you are the greatest on these boards anyway?
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I don't think you can talk until you prove it! Post something...


I think I am doing pretty well for a No Limits beginner... I have only had the game two and a half months and Im already putting out some decent tracks in my opinion. Im not saying that im better than you, I am slimply saying dont be so full of yourself!


And I have posted a few things, and being I am humble, I am going to say none of them are perfect or superior or absolutely awesome, but Im still proud of them!


One has a DL down there, and another can be found Here.

Black Forest Spirit.nltrack

Black Forest Spirit, my latest NL creation.

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