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Posts posted by rachelmadcow

  1. I was thinking that if there is a b&m wing in the pipeline then it would be as a replacement for anaconda. The scale of that wing in the video would fit nicely over the lake. I don’t know if they’ve said it was going to go in Congo for sure. Especially since we didn’t know Volcano would be removed. It’s likely anaconda was going to be closed first.


    I wonder who they’ve approached with replacements for volcano and timeframes. I want them to just get a 200’ wing. Seems like an easy record to take.

  2. The park seems to be pretty busy on weekends despite being the only thing operating in the mall except a skating rink, them having an incompetent marketing team and the price point being way too high for what the park is offering right now (considering two major coasters are still under construction).


    I don't think travel time is an issue. People bus up to Woodbury Commons from NYC in droves which is much further away and is just a premium outlet center with no entertainment options to speak of.


    It’s almost like when your park can fit only 7500-10000 guests and your market is over 40 million people - you’ll never have to worry about attendance.

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