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Posts posted by rachelmadcow

  1. Anyone from the New York metro area who expected this place to be reasonably priced hasn't lived here long enough. This is exactly where I expected the price point to be. Doesn't Coney Island charge like $8 to ride a Zamperla Volare once?


    It’s almost as if they have a team of accountants and marketing professionals deciding what the prices should be, and aren’t targeting cheap-a** coaster enthusiasts who want to get in for practically nothing and spend no money once they’re there. Weird.


    Okay, I'm with you on the sentiment but there are clearly no people with any competent marketing people working at this place. Let's not get carried away. This place is succeeding because in that location it's a license to print money but it's succeeding despite their atrocious marketing efforts, not because of them.



    But just a few pages ago you were saying it’s a guaranteed flop because nobody can afford it. Anyhoo.



    The amount of billboards for this place on 95 is not consistent nor are the billboards in Times Square.


    Their bread and butter customer is a tourist. The locals are not a part of their marketing plan.

  2. Installing both a giga AND a hyper might be a little too ambitious to consider, however I do think a B&M hyper is very possible (and likely) in the next 5 years. Something along the lines of Mako or Candymonium would be perfect.


    The day the West Coast finally gets a B&M hyper will be a very happy day.


    CF might lead off with a giga since cali doesn’t have one (Superman is exempted for argument sake) and I think they could say it’s the tallest longest fastest full length in California. I’m not gonna check on rcdb but this seems right. Then follow up with a hyper. Either way one of them is guaranteed and that is awesome.

  3. I was thinking that after the spike if there was another switch track. While traveling between the first and second launches. That sent you to the brakes (and a full circuit) - it would be crazy. So many direction changes.


    The train should have the seats in split directions. 3 cars forward 3 backward



    As is though - if it’s right - keeps BGW as a top worldwide park

  4. The spike will start in a valley and extend to the full 355 height clearance. So the spike will be around 375-395 feet tall meaning the top speed will be over 100mph.


    If it doesn’t meet that speed then why even install this. I also wish it was a full circuit and it featured a non inverting loop. Or pantheon had the non inverting loop and this had a top hat. Either way.

  5. I think the price point is tough to swallow. Until you get there and realize it’s a complete park with only cutting-edge brand new rides.


    With that said I did feel like the park needs sandy in order to be well rounded. Because I wanted something intense to follow my ride on Blues Skidoo and only shellraiser is available.


    I do think it needs an expansion By 2027 to keep people interested. Needs a RMC and a family inverted.

  6. So shellraiser definitely has a shuffle entering the corkscrew and the dive loop. Last time I rode (early dec) it gave me a headache after a couple rides. So maybe they’re still tuning the trains as others have stated. I rode it 5 times.


    Shredder added new drive tires at the base of the lift. And the lift is nearly silent now while before it was RMC loud.


    Slime streak - still a whippy kids ride. Wish it had magnetic brakes or even drive tires for a brake run. Needs a second train.


    I rode the Intamin skateboard - my first. I thought I wouldn’t like it but ended up really enjoying it.


    Sandys bronco was testing briefly - then they were cycling the light system in a rainbow color. That’s all.


    Skyline Scream is top 3 best S&S tower ever. Fight me.


    Oh the park was slow today they let you keep riding Shellraiser without getting off. Same with all the other rides.

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