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Posts posted by rachelmadcow

  1. seems strange that one of the stops is the gulf of mexico which is literally right there...im sure you can get better more authentic mexican food literally anywhere in SanAntonio. That's not a comment on Sea World but a compliment on the top tier nature of Texan Mexican food. 

    Seems like a strange choice and doesn't really feel 'exotic'. 


    Don't get me wrong I came here just to look at the offerings bc I love when they do this. My family and myself have all enjoyed Busch Gardens and SWO's food festivals. 


    Now that I think about it... 


    Sea World should double down and make these food festivals year round with different themes alternating maybe 4 times a year. 

  2. 13 hours ago, BotanicalStig said:

    Unless we find out that the restraint check system told them that the rider wasn't secure, I don't think we can say it was the operators fault. 


    I would like to think that people would know that he didn't look safe, but come on. 


    This is so sad. A belt between his legs could have saved him. It wouldn't have been fun, but it should have been there. 


    Honestly, the safety systems and engineering behind these restraints just seems sloppy. I know that other manufacturers have made mistakes, but we need to learn from them. I don't mean this to be rude, but they need to consider the safety of larger passengers. Either make sure they're safe, or make sure the ride won't let them on. 


    IIRC those Gerstlauer restraints lock at any position. Then again on a cramped Eurofighter, a rider as tall as the victim (6'5") would be able to push his feet against the train and push himself into the seat - in that instance having the restraint only hold some of him it would be acceptable. I know this is how I ride Eurofighters at 6'3", I keep myself pushed into the seat with my feet and the restraints mainly secure only my chest and shoulders. 

    It is sloppy - they didn't go the extra mile to ensure a flawless product. of course this is why Gerstlauer is less expensive than Intamin and B&M who do go the extra mile to ensure a flawless product (only talking about trains,seats and restraints) 


    Upon initial survey of the ride I didn't understand how it tilted because it is a subtle tilt and it remains tilted until the ride is complete. Returning to upright before braking just seems obvious (especially after Intamin laid the groundwork).  It just wasn't well engineered. They didn't want to come up with a way to return it to upright that wasn't off-the-shelf hydraulics. 

    This whole ride is off-the-shelf parts. Separately these parts are fine but putting them together in this manner created something so unique. obviously not what the original designers of the Gerstlauer restraints had thought of when creating that design. 

    FF is literally a marvel of engineering and Ive always thought that. 

  3. 8 hours ago, DougMJr said:

    It seems to me that the manufacturer didn't take the tilt into account when determining the restraint tolerance/threshold. The victim's body type only allowed the restraint to close to what looks to be about 30 degrees shy of vertical, closely matching the tilt of the ride. There really wasn't much in way of the victim falling out, aside from the little bump molded into the front of the seat.

    While I do think that the ride operators should have erred on the side of caution upon seeing how high the restraint was, my opinion is that the manufacturer holds most of the blame here.


    Yea if the ride didn't tilt this would not have happened. He just would have had a harrowing ride. 

    Funtime is 100% responsible with the operators only being responsible if they didn't follow protocol. The park is the one who will pay the 2nd biggest price (after the victim of course). 

    • Like 1
  4. ICON Park was looking for a record holder and didn't want to spend a lot of money here we are. 

    Funtime wanted to make a record holder but didn't want to spend money designing testing seats/restraints so here we are. 

    This is the exact reason why parks do not mind paying top dollar for a Bolliger and Mabillard. The cost of one mistake is literally worth the millions. 

    I recall Mack showing off their new restraints (now old because it's on many of their rides) and they clearly spent a lot of time researching it and ensuring it would be safe and comfortable. I knew when they came out with that restraint design that their sales would spike. I think it was at an IAAPA expo but can't find a clip. This change in restraints and intro of a hyper model literally made Mack an Intamin/B&M alternative when it used to be a Zeirer alternative. 


    Gerstlauer needs to stop letting 3rd parties use their technology. It's ruining their reputation. I noticed these are the same restraints as TMNT etc. 


    The guy riding FF appears to have the restraint just as high as the victim on Icon Park's tower. 


    Again such a tragedy and so sad he was from out of town. 

    • Like 3
  5. This is a complex situation. 

    Doesnt this ride tilt like falcons fury? 


    The restraints on this ride are not appropriate for the tilting and Im sure its because this is a less expensive brand. 

    This repurposing of existing parts was exacerbated by the 14 year olds size. 


    After seeing the restraints and tower set up I would not have ridden this personally. I really only trust Intamin and S&S towers. 


    Sad and traumatizing experience for everyone including on lookers. 



    • Like 1
  6. Six Flags STL hasnt been long for this world in nearly a decade. Six Flags is over due to sell off a lot of parks anyway. They should have never bought Premier Parks back in 1999 or so. 

    STL is an amazing city but there is no money everyone is going to branson where the urbanites have a harder time getting to. You could take a cab from Florissant to SFSTL but can't take a cab to SDC. 

    Scream from SFMM seems unbelievable SFMM isn't going to lose any attraction unless it's literally falling apart a-la Psyclone. 

  7. I haven't been to any dry disney park in nearly 5 years. im more than fulfilled at typhoon lagoon and blizzard beach. They're both very large for water parks and the only thing missing are master blasters. 

    Disney needs a 3rd water park not an expansion of the present ones. Doing a Pixar themed water park seems almost too obvious. Really they need 2 more water parks, a Pixar one and a contemporary redo of River Country. Since they love IP they can apply Princess & The Frog to it.

  8. As far as Pantheon goes; 

    I personally think this whole crazy inversion is a trend that will flame out. This ride looks uncomfortable and a lot of it seems to be jerky for the sake of being jerky theres no philosophy behind it other than 'look how outrageous the track is shaped'. 

    There is almost no 'flow' in these rides. The only part that made me say wow was the outward banked turn, the placement in the ride is perfect. The spike section ruins the pacing and makes the ride feel very short despite being 1:30 long. It reminds me of copperhead strike in that there are lots of pointless hops and bumps throughout... 

    I just think these models will become dated quickly a-la Mack Bobsleds. The launch track in the middle of the ride is really puzzling. 

    Busch should've ordered up a Taron to compliment Apollos Chariot and have two types of 75mph+ roller coasters. A classic out and back and a classic twister. 

    BUsch has always built classic rides IMO 

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