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Posts posted by rachelmadcow
just rode IG twice. i liked it so much i actually queue'd for it since my fast pass included only one ride on it.
it stomps SV and i do not see this ride being bested for at least 10 years. it's truly spectacular. BGT has one of the best lineups in the world. Montu, Kumba, IG and CH are all Iconic.
As far as operations go, im new to SE Florida but it appears everyone is critically understaffed at the moment.
Its a tourist hub looking to transform into the Orlando of the West. All I know Glendale for is golf courses. Thats not better since kids dont go to golf courses en masse. Mattel has to hope people go to Glendale while in LV you already have people coming.
Who wouldnt go to just see what a Mattel park is like? Its a curiosity perfect for Vegas. It would prob have sell out dates if Im frank and they execute it as well as described. Needs to be wizzarding world level immersion to truly work IMO.
Glendale AZ… ok… should have built it in Vegas
Yea Icon Park is TOAST.
ICON park as the lessor has the duty to ensure their lessees aren't killing people. That's like Ford saying they have nothing to do with their dealerships.
not you all being confused lol. what's confusing??
They will never redo wildcat because it sits in a crucial part of HP's lineup. LR will also never be redone because it too sits in a crucial part of HP's lineup.
If Wildcat does get replaced it will be for a Zeirer launched family or similar. Certainly not an RMC.
That area of the park has been themed to an old timey boardwalk since it's inception - wildcat literally perfectly captures that energy. LR does as well.
HP treats WC like it's a historic woodie - and if they keep doing that - WC will eventually be a historic woodie .
Best one could hope for is replacement of Storm Runner with an RMC launcher.
Now that HP has popped their top on very similar rides in the same park Im expecting a B&M wing and B&M dive up next.
Everything I say become a new debate. They say he is out of touch he cannot relate!
Din Tai Fung is Taiwanese I'm stunned Disney is doing business with them seeing how China has basically implied they can snatch back the Chinese Disney parks at any time.
I went to a Dim Sum buffet in Vegas that had a 90 minute maximum - I expect high traffic establishments to start instituting a time limit.
If China did snatch back their Disney parks you wouldn't see half the hand wringing and sobbing that you saw over their loss of privilege in Florida.
Disney can leave if they dont like it and can sell all their parks to CF SixFlags SeaWorld Parque Reunidos - all who would die to have the Magic Kingdom et al maybe not epcot lol
Disney isnt going anywhere and I doubt DeSantis cares that the most liberal counties in Florida will be forced to pay more in taxes. Its similar to what Trump did with I think healthcare? which ended up making blue states pay more. That is skillfull manouvering. I know that my taxes in New Jersey went up while my taxes in Louisiana were cut in half.
AFAIK disney doesnt even pay its employees well so its not like the jobs lost will be valuable ones.
I think most people were stunned that disney had the ability to not report rapes and murders in the improvement district. Im sure conspiracy theorists are losing their minds over that.
My sister and Brother in law have season passes to disney world and own a home in Orlando specifically so they can spend weeks at Disney. they havent even mentioned this because they do not care. My BIL is the disney customer, he loves spending on experiences for his kids. Again, they havent even mentioned this
nobody has a problem with what happened. Only corporate bootlickers could really be mad. Corporations are getting too powerful and finally someone is stopping the madness.
Me to Disney;
Six Flags is in the same position as American Auto Manufacturers were in the early 2000s. Their bad reputation is so many years in the making it will take a long time to reverse course.
Six Flags has been known to have bad food for 20 years. Their stop gap was to allow Panda Express etc to operate inside the park, of course that should be only temporary since it reduces the exclusivity of the park. I mean who is paying 15 dollars for a PE plate that everyone knows is only 9 dollars at the strip mall PE down the street. The CEO realizes that nobody is that dumb and the guests would rather not eat.
Six Flags used to be the Costco of amusement parks. Rides by the foot. Now it has changed into like Dollar General but with very high pricing. Cedar Fair has become the new Costco of amusement parks, their parks feel like values despite the ticket cost.
18 hours ago, Mike240SX said:
I'm not particularly "mad" at them...just lost faith in their ability to operate. And yeah, everyone who stopped complying with the terms of contracts that they had entered is just as bad.
That last comment...again, please share whatever is clouding your mind. It must be some good shit!
Im sure they don't care. Obviously the banks didn't lose faith in them which is all that matters.
I mean you tried to use their ability to raise billions in funding as a negative. I don't think it's me that is clouded. Like I said I didnt know they tried to buy CF.
Six Flags is a better fit for SeaWorld because they can get access to DC comics characters which is what they really need to compete with Disney.
You know someone learns about net 30 and suddenly they are a Rothschild. Paying the people that deliver shredded lettuce to the qdoba someone works at doesn't give the payer a full scope of the economy.
8 hours ago, Mike240SX said:
So you're in the camp that believes the reason they didn't open Iron Gwazi, Pantheon, or Ice Breaker last year was because they didn't want to, not the fact that they hadn't finished paying for the rides?
And no, it's no "good business." In the business world, typically contractors like to be paid when they're supposed to be, per the original contract, not on whenever the customer decides to pay them. I would not be surprised if Intamin, RMC, and Premier kindly decline working with them for the near future.
The same "fiscally conservative" company that tried to buy Cedar Fair last year? Also realize how contradictory your last sentence is there to the entire point you've been trying to make.
Whatever you're smoking, please share with the group.
Why are you so mad at sea world not paying rmc and premier. a lot of people and business stopped all spending because nobody knew how long we would be shutdown and people kept dollars in house.
no youre right the people working at these places are contractors theyre not business people. Seaworld already made it clear they don't care about working with them when they didn't pay them.
That just means they can raise a lot of money in financing, which is what i said. I didnt know they tried to do that.
Seaworld should buy SixFlags and just keep the core parks selling off SFA and darien lake, great escape...frontier city
14 hours ago, pianojohn said:
Have you ridden both?
I have. And I prefer Steel Vengeance.Only SV. The final bunny hops were terrible and I smashed my globes in that final sequence.
I generally think RMC's are backbreaking though. They're the new Arrow Multi Looper.
IG appears to be next gen and features a lot more swooping elements rather than tight geometry.
It might sound illogical but because B&M is Swiss I trust that they thought of everything. I'm sure someone in your situation came up in the design process, I don't see them overlooking something like that since, again, they clearly think of everything and check it twice.
4 hours ago, Mike240SX said:
Yep, the company that couldn't even pay for their rides needs to add 6 coasters to one park alone. That makes sense.
And news flash - PETA has been trying to shut down SeaWorld since the beginning of either. It's nothing new.
Not paying for a ride when it won't be used is just good business. Disney obv did the same but Vekoma was too scared to talk about them.
Seaworld can definitely get loans to install them, not really a question. Seaworld is just very fiscally conservative and they don't like having a bunch of loans being paid back simultaneously. Like they wait for the whole ride to be paid back then install another.
PETA gave out anti seaworld gifts to the people attending the 2022 Slap Oscars. ..
I just cannot believe IG is not better than SV. I find SV to be not as good as NTG if I'm frank....
I think they need to replace drop zone with a 300 ft version and put it in the new area obv.
On 4/14/2022 at 10:05 PM, KBrylczyk said:
It's a sit-down train with OTS lap bars, similar to a Mack train, but the actual seats have shock absorbers that allow them to float up and down for added silliness on hills. That's according to (supposed) leaks, at least, so take it with a grain of salt until anything's comfirmed.
That seems like a mechanical nightmare that is asking to break. I don't see B&M creating something so ludicrous, that's Intamin territory. If anything it's a reimagined stand up with less extreme forces so that it's re-rideable. That's why it's called surf, it probably has lots of smooth gliding turns with minimal forces. Im expecting something like Icon or Taiga. Not saying those have minimal forces, talking about the turns and lack of large drops.
What is Sea World doing? ice breaker just became even more pointless. Now - it is just a really small unexciting adult ride.
Sea World's old plan was to add thrill rides to balance out the kid oriented aquariums and whatnot. Give the teens and adults something to do. Now that Peta is trying to put them out of business, they need to pivot to being a full fledged amusement park.
They simply need at least 6 family and bridge roller coasters. off the top of my head;
GG 40 ft woodie,
GG 70ft shuttle woodie,
Gerstlauer launched family with reverse section,
Gerstlauer spinner,
Gerstlauer 70 ft Infinity w/ vertical lift and 1 inversion.
Ice Breaker can fit in as the 6th if they fix the ride height requirement.
If not;
Intamin 100 ft mega twister
The park absolutely needs a Giga without question and they need to seriously consider a Tera as well.
Nobody mentioned that the planning people extended BG height approval.
are they really about to build Drachen Spire?
if this is still the layout they can keep it.
should have gotten a b&m wing
Its been nearly 10 years.
Realistically this should be in Spain or NW Croatia - if they really want to save money.
wait the ride itself is owned by an entity other than the park's owner? what in the russian nesting doll hell.
“The ride will not operate if those checks are not greenlighted. Again, everything was functioning properly when the ride started. What we don’t know is what happened after that,” Stine told WFLA. “We’re just deeply saddened and shocked by what happened last night. Our hearts break for the family.”
9 hours ago, KBrylczyk said:
Perilous Plunge has entered the chat.
Those 1st Gen Intamin hyper restraints are like skinny jeans. That's why Inta had to introduce the current design, since they realized their biggest customer base (USA at the time) had fat guests.
...somehow B&M has been using the clamshell since 1999 and I see fat boys riding those all the time. B&M is like Patek to Intamin's Rolex.
Lol if you want to get esoteric then every obelisk shape is.
I guess the theme is the ruins of the temples so they can explain why there is no theme...
I'm goin to have to make a trip to BGW maybe this week if I can sneak away.
Mattel Adventure Park Coming to Arizona
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
Lake Mead is low bc theyre forced to send water downstream by the Feds.
I dont even need google to know that.