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Everything posted by tndank

  1. Rumors are suggesting a roaming throng of Megans in Orlando. Seems last minute.
  2. I research queue times for same weekend last couple years. And look at Fast Pass and ticket prices.
  3. I'm pretty sure you'll enter from screampunk area across from the Thunder River entrance. I don't think it'll be a DC themed name. Website/app lists it in Screampunk.
  4. Name will be from the public. They are going to have a contest for it. Also, I verified with the park, riders do not get wet, only spectators. And they can run it without water in cold weather.
  5. Looks great. Can't wait to see it next year! They have created a new section in the park called The Fire District. I'd imagine the budget includes creation and theming of the whole area and the 2 new stores they mentioned (souvenirs and a pretzel hotdog place).
  6. I just assumed you got wet like a Mack powersplash. You appear to be correct here. Surely they got the water package. This is basically an upgraded Halfpipe.
  7. Fury now open again. https://www.carowinds.com/blog/media-center/official-statement-fury-325
  8. New boomerang coaster for next year. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/new-in-2024/snoopys-soap-box-racers Is this really half the length of Good Gravy or did HW just double the length for out and back?
  9. Solid reason to believe the box at Over Georgia is pointing to an Intamin Ultra Surf. https://www.intamin.com/product/ultra-surf/ Specs match. Locations match intamin offices, etc. Looking very possible OG is getting this spinning launch coaster.
  10. I think it's safe to assume there's a problem after they announced the ride and made a promo video for it's 2023 opening. And then there's the hype video a couple months ago when put one of the train cars on the track and talked about how it's opening soon. I'm hearing that getting someone to program it has been difficult/impossible. The current rumor among locals is: there is only 1 person in the world that can program these Schwarzkopf machines and he's been busy elsewhere.
  11. I think looking down while 350'+ up in the air will be kind of neat.
  12. Looks like details leaked this morning on Zamperlas site. Since removed. Shouldn't be hard to find today. 420' spike. Switch track. Fastest, tallest triple launch coaster in the world.
  13. Entry and preferred parking (if avail) at each park. You get discounts in the park on food and merch. QQ discount is a toss up and probably depends on the employee. BAF passes, monthly perks, free encounter, etc are home park only.
  14. Fury is testing today with 2 trains. That's interesting.
  15. How much are you looking to ride? Lines here generally aren't terrible during the week. This is especially true the first hour or two and the last couple of hours. Get there early and stay all day. Skip the TimeSaver. Probably still be able to ride everything multiple times.
  16. Park has announced maintainance work will continue on WR through the weekend unfortunately.
  17. Odds are it's just 2 of the basic flash pass skips. Same wording on that level and the sales page for this. No brainer if you visit somewhat regularly and have passes through the end of the year. Curious how much a full season will run you.
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