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Posts posted by CoasterAuditor

  1. I went to Six Flags America once in 2008 and I had a great time. It certainly is a low-tier park for me and shocking I've only been once since for the last three years I've lived down in Fredericksburg making it easily accessible. I do find the companys desire to invest in it lately somewhat encouraging. It's certainly a solid park and I love Superman, Roar, Wild One, and JJ. I do agree the atmosphere is pretty lacking and it makes it more difficult when you have people that frequent Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens like me comparing it.

  2. I've learned that clicking the "comments" section on any major announcement of new roller coasters is poison to the mind. I remember when Fury 325 was announced this lady commented saying "another huge coaster that parents can't ride with their little kids. SHAME ON YOU CAROWINDS!" Not to mention the complaints about walking slightly farther to the entrance.

  3. I am 100% in favor of a potential Thunder Rapids like addition since we have nothing like that in VA or around DC.


    Hershey is adding one for 2018 (though, I guess that's only a factor if you are more on the Maryland/PA side of the park and not the DC/VA side)...


    Yes I am excited for that to happen as well. Hershey is a 3-4 hour drive from me where SFA is a 1-57,392 hour drive from me (since it requires driving from Fredericksburg up I-95). But the drive to SFA is a lot easier to do in a day.

  4. My dad and I are going to be in Virginia October 19-22. I know the park will most likely be packed all of these days, but would Friday or Saturday be better? Is Quick Queue needed? Thanks in advance.


    Friday 100%. Amusement parks on Saturdays in October can set record crowds.

    I was assuming Friday would be better crowd wise, but was also wondering if the two extra hours the park is open on Saturday would give us more time to do things.


    Is Quick Queue worth it? The website says it's only good on 4 rides.



    I'm gonna say the extra two hours while the park is potentially at max capacity may give you time to do one additional thing but it's also possible with how busy it could be you would do less throughout the day. Not sure on Quick Queue. Never really been a skip the line type (because money ).

  5. Well it's not Steel Vengeance but I guess it may be o.k.


    Why is there a need to compare Twisted Timbers and Steel Vengence? They're both RMCs opening in 2018 yes but there is no point in letting a larger faster longer coaster overshadow another one. I'm not going to ride Apollo's Chariot at Busch Gardens and be bummed that it's not Intimidator 305 or El Toro. If you constantly think about how much better coaster x is than other coasters it makes the hobby a lot less fun for you. Just ride coasters and have fun.

  6. Without fastlane you might have to wait a whopping two trains to go out before you get on Hydra


    The funny thing is that while you're joking you're still overestimating the wait times by a full 2 trains. I've been going to Dorney since I was a kid (mostly on weekends) and have never seen a 2 train wait for Hydra in my life.


    Wow I went once in 2010 and if I remember correctly it was pretty much a 1 or less train wait for everything. Now when I got there Hydra.....,,actually had a line for the first hour because there were summer camp kids in the park. I also remember seeing somebody throw up after riding Hydra and that's the only time I've seen somebody vomit from a roller coaster in person ever and it was from Hydra

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