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Posts posted by CoasterAuditor
Awesome report Bill. Made me eager for my return to Busch Gardens in the Spring (I've been out of commission for most coasters recently due to the fact that pizza and beer are amazing but I've lost 40 pounds this year so that should be different in the Spring). Busch Gardens is just amazing and I haven't even been to ride Tempesto or InvadR yet. I do wish InvadR was a more typical GCI but I'm sure it serves its purpose pretty well.
I imagine if Carowinds gets a frisbee it will probably be the Mondial version since the most recent one that went up was the one at KD. Granted I don't work for Cedar Fair but they seem to have a good relationship with Mondial these days.
I went last year on closing-weekend-Saturday and crowds did get nuts by like 1:00. I'll be going this Saturday as well, and have fully budgeted for FL+ and Fright Lane.
1pm? Geesh gonna have to get the family members who haven't ridden Intimidator 305 yet over there early.
I'm heading to the park Saturday morning. I know very well that the later the day gets the more insane the crowds will become. Does anybody have any experience with what the early Saturdays in October are like? I went once 3 years ago but I can't really remember around what time the crowds started filling in. Believe the lines were pretty short the first couple hours.
I can’t wait to ride this 500 times in 2018
Excellent trip report Chuck! Sorry it took almost 2 weeks for anyone to respond to it. I really want to check out Hallowscream at BGW to compare it to KDs Haunt.
Have we figured out where they're moving the Flyers to yet? Glad those are leaving the kids area for those of us with no kids . If there's one thing I'd love to see go up at Carowinds now it would be a nice Mondial Revolution like Delirium at KD. For some reason I've always felt a Giant Frisbee would be a great addition to Carowinds lineup. Granted giant frisbees should be everywhere. Including the Wawa next to my apartment.
Just remember the best one is at Glenwood Caverns.
Bucket list ride for sure!
I'd love to see a Mondial Top Scan although not necessarily in Safari Village. I absolutely would LOVE an S&S Screamin Swing I rode the Barnstormer at Dollywood and now I want every park everywhere to build them but one hasn't been put up in years.
I would be kind of bummed out if The Crypt was removed but it makes sense it seems to have considerable downtime compared to other rides in the park. I hope if they take it out they add more large flat rides in because I do like parks with at least 3-5 larger flats.
^That image is unbearably depressing . The harry potter bike coaster better be REALLY REALLY REALLY good (it wont, maybe it'll be decent but not worth these).
Let me rephrase that. I shouldn't have said they don't care about the dry side but they are content with their coasters on the dry side. SFA just poured money into a ROAR retracking so I don't see an RMC retrack coming anytime soon and they certainly aren't going to build one from the ground up soon.
Yeah the only possibility I currently see is a S&S Free Spin which would be awesome as my other two local parks have nothing like that, but even that seems relatively unlikely.
Waking up to the worst news ever .
I'm so jealous that you don't remember November 9, 2016.
Because that day drastically effected your life so much. You still live in a free country where you post in a themepark forum every day.
As for SFA, I think they are moving the way of Dorney park in a sense that there is no need to pay attention to the dry side as much when the waterpark is the main draw.
I don't see the need to come to that conclusion just yet. They did just add a nice Star Flyer to the dry side of the park. Now if they next three years are all water park installations or 2 years of nothing and 1 waterpark installation then I could agree with you. SFA has gotten a good bit of stuff added to the dry park in the last few years with a Star Flyer, Super Loop, Larson Flyers, 2 coasters, and a large children's area in Gotham City. Sure nothing that we're all just itching to go ride like an RMC, B&M (ignoring Apocalypse), or an Intamin. Certainly a lot more stuff than Dorney has received in the dry park in the last 8 years.
I think down the road we'll all appreciate Wahoo River when we're in HH. Just a real low excitement factor at announcement date. But hey we always have Twisted Timbers to look ahead to!
^if I'm being honest about Six Flags naming tactics my least favorite BY FAR is Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster. Too many syllables.
^ this morning when I got my first look at the new rides list I was like "wow look at all these cool rides I wonder what my local six fl.......Wahoo River......back to sleep."
*I would almost guarantee one for SFStL in the next 3 years and I'd be 90% certain that one ends up at SFA also. I agree about TGE as it is is a different type of park
I certainly hope your 90% certainty is correct! You may be right to as I used to think SFA would never get a FunTime Star Flyer and now they have one.
I really hope the Giant Discovery purchases are far from over. I LOVE pendulum rides and would love to have them all over the place. I assume they'll go to literally every Six Flags park EXCEPT SFA, SFStl, and TGE
This just makes me REALLY want to go to SFOG. It's one of the few east coast parks I have yet to visit and I've heard such great things about it.
Pretty sure when I went to SFA in 2008 I had absolutely no interest in their lazy river. This new one may peak my interest a lot more. My only issue is the general lack of excitement factor for me personally but that is a personal problem.
Congratulations, you now have 2 super loops, LOL...replacing V2 with this crap!?
I have to admit Sky Warps look way cooler than Super Loops.
There must be something in the air in Virginia and Maryland that makes the coaster lovers slightly crazy.
It's the conflict of potential vs. outcome vs. locals. The area is jam packed with people (people with lots of money) so one would think that the potential for the area to have several VERY big (Orlando or LA magnitude) parks would be high, yet (and while I agree Busch Gardens is a very high caliber park adding high caliber attractions), Kings Dominion and SFA seem to be becoming second or third (or possibly even lower) tier parks in their respective chains. And when a big park chain does come along looking to build something amazing (which has happened a couple times now), the local "Not In My Back Yard" people come out in force to drive away any new builds (as you probably know, Disney has tried to build in the area before and even Marriott was looking to build a third park here around the time they were building the other two Great America parks [the ones that eventually became SFGAm and CGA]). It's quite frustrating...
Wait how on earth do NIMBY people have any effect on Kings Dominion or even SFA?? I know they do have an effect on Busch Gardens with Kingsmill but when you look at an overhead view of KD it's literally in the middle of nothing. SFA already has a 200 footer and they just built a 242 foot tall tower. The only place I believe that has to deal with NIMBY people is Busch Gardens. If you're referring to new parks specifically then yeah I suppose it is difficult to build more tourist attractions but I can't imagine a 4th park having a ton of success. Ironically the park in the largest metro area does the worst of the three parks.
I am very excited to check out Cyborg whenever I get back to SFGAdv. I do really hope that while Six Flags is on this bulk Giant Discovery purchasing that one of them makes their way to SFGAdv.
This thread is approaching King's Dominion thread levels.
There must be something in the air in Virginia and Maryland that makes the coaster lovers slightly crazy.
Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
I went yesterday and I305 was the only good coaster with a manageable line until I assume after I left at 5pm. Volcanos line was up to THREE HOURS when I left. Look Volcano is cool but three HOURS? Hard pass. Dominator was 2+ hours most of the day as well. There was a long period where FOF had a 2 hour wait. Delirium had an hour wait as well. Absolutely insane. I didn’t choose to make our family KD day a Saturday in October no say in that matter. Looking forward to Twisted Timbers in the Spring!