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Posts posted by CoasterAuditor

  1. I love how quickly this thing is getting constructed!! It looks amazing so far, can't wait to see more!!


    You know, I forgot that Wonder Woman Golden Shower Coaster was going to be mostly positioned over water... and I can't help but wonder how many cell phones, and other loose articles are going to find themselves in a watery grave because of how much people (mainly the GP) underestimate the forces on this ride!!


    This truly flabbergasts me that people take their $700+ phones on roller coasters. I had a friend that took his cell phone on Kingda Ka. Came off the ride pissed that his phone fell out of his pocket then made our whole group spend about 45 minutes in the guest services office trying to get somebody to go search for his (likely) shattered, destroyed, useless phone that went flying off a train going 128 mph.

  2. I agree 100% with the logic of roller coasters should be "just fun." There's no need to compare them all constantly. Maybe if you're bored one day and have a ton of free time it can be kinda interesting to think about but there's no need to be thinking about how much better you think Afterburn is than Alpengeist when you're at Busch Gardens. Just ride Alpengiest and have fun.


    I had one person say when I listed off Kings Dominions 5 best coasters next year that "Flight of Fear was a weak fifth coaster." How? Why would you consider a fun indoor launched coaster that's intense and claustrophobic "weak?" I just think it's really fun.

  3. Every time I see updates on this I think "Holy F*ck this is in the same park as Intimidator".


    Kings Dominion really is a stacked park (ducks before the B&M Hyper dreamers attack)


    Us Virginians are quite lucky to have KD and Busch Gardens in the state and SFA not too far from me but compared to those two noooobody cares


    -Insane Intamin Giga


    -B&M Mega

    -B&M Invert

    -B&M Dive Machine

    -B&M Floorless

    -Unique Intamin Launched Inverted Coaster

    -Premier Spaghetti Bowl Indoors


    -Sky Rocket II


    -Premier Themed Family launch coaster


    Not a bad lineup to have within 1.5 hours of where I sleep.

  4. I would be down for a few marathon rides on Wild One and Roar. I have yet to ride Apocalypse or Ragin Cajun.....Not in too crazy of a hurry for those credits though. SFA despite being close to me is a park I have only visited once in 2008 (I used to live in the no-coaster no-mans land that is Southwest Virginia). Looking forward to a return trip in the coming years. Bummer the only coasters added were a B&M Stand-up and old school zamperla spinner.

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