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Posts posted by CoasterAuditor

  1. I am not drunk. I am just stating a sad truth. As a country, AmeriKa has had it so easy that we have to invent things to be offended about. I have visited the south many times and I can tell you that southerners (both white and black) have a lot to be proud of. Heritage is heritage PERIOD. There was also other causes the south was fighting for besides slavery. We also can't support anything without it being connected to something screwed up somehow.


    Okay you have an opinion and that’s whatever but most of the people on this website come to this website to discuss roller coasters and theme parks not heritage and politics.

  2. 1. Intimidator 305 (Although lets be honest if you can ride that roller coaster period it's a great day)


    Hopefully my 50lb and continuing weight loss pays off this year and I can get on some more stuff notably Twisted Timbers (really worried about that notorious RMC lap bar). Hopefully I can lose another 20lbs before KD opens this year. Might be a tad difficult with the CPA exam dragging me out of the gym.

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