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Posts posted by CoasterAuditor

  1. The hours for opening weekend keep getting reduced. First Sunday went from an 8 pm to 6 pm closing, now Saturday changed to a 6 pm closing as well.


    the park is gonna be dead. everyone is heading over to KD for the opening of a RMC, Twisted Timbers. Whats the point to go to SFgadv for nothing new.


    you know NYC and Philly are full of people who don't give two sh*ts about Twisted Timbers or Kings Dominion right?

  2. Just curious? Why are theme parks moving more towards "memberships" than season passes? Is there some kind of ulterior motive?


    Few reasons as stated prior in the thread, but I'll highlight a few.


    -Constant cash flow throughout the year. This looks better on the books and to investors. Having cash coming in even during months the parks are closed.

    -Higher rate of sign ups. We keep seeing SF report growth in their membership sales. Personally the closest SF park to me is about 6-7 hours away. I still have a membership due to the low monthly cost. Psychologically it's easier for someone to part with $9/month then $200+ up front. (depending on park, used $200 as an example)

    -Higher retention rate. Memberships force people to go through a cancelation process. Compared to just NOT renewing it. I'm sure they have thousands of membership holders who may not even remember they have a membership.


    That's just a few examples, I'm sure there are tons more with the financial numbers to back it up.


    Interesting. That all makes sense to me being an accountant. I've even considered setting up Six Flags and Busch Gardens memberships because of how cheap they are. It's also a lot more likely to get people into the parks since they don't have to pay $70 or so once to get one person in.

  3. I have not ridden Anaconda in years. Granted I don't remember ever disliking it as much as Hurler or Shockwave. I always find myself obsessing over what KD could build but hey at least we have I305, TT, Dominator, Volcano, and Flight of Fear till they build whatevers next. Then if you get bored of those 5 fantastic coasters just go to BG where you have AC, Griffon, Alpengeist, Verbolton, LNM, InvadR, and Tempesto!

  4. From what I've seen of Wicked Cyclone, it seems like people are more likely to get the walk of shame on a B&M invert/floorless.


    I find this statement very intriguing. I am a KD local who is very excited for Twisted Timbers to open, I am 6'3 315 pounds with a 45ish" waistline and I've been actively in the gym for the last year now and I've lost 45 pounds in the last year. I've ridden Dominator in this weight range in the past in the non-big boy seats (albeit it was tight and it was also a time I was not actively going to the gym). I've been more or less obsessing over RMC lapbars over the last month. Imagine I will find out in the next month hopefully after losing a few more lbs.

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