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Posts posted by CoasterAuditor

  1. Started doing insanity today, ow. Working this routine in while I’m making my final push on the CPA exam. Put up a sticky note on my desktop at work that says “Twisted Timbers, Volcano, Dominator, Griffon, Alpengeist and InvadR” representing the six coasters in VA that I can’t ride because I’m currently too big, I think another 20 pounds of fat gone will get me on those or at least most of them.

  2. Actually, back in the days before the bins, there was a ride op with a buggy that would roll all the way down the aisle collecting loose articles. They would then park that buggy in the unload station where you'd collect your items, grab an empty buggy and take it back to the load platform for the next train.


    Considering this, I am not really surprised by them changing the policy.


    I recall them doing this with Volcano back in the day as well.

  3. ^I had more or less the same experience. Wasn't expecting it to live up to the hype, but was actually blown away by it.


    Just looking at those photos of the park makes me feel humid. Planning to drive to and from Orlando in June just so I can ride Fury again and visit SFOG again to ride TC. Worth it!


    Fury is worth at least an 8 hour drive. I was blown away by that coaster. The drop on the turnaround is just amazing air.


    I'm getting tempted by all this now more than ever since I found out I can fit B&M Hypers on Sunday with Apollo's Chariot. Granted I don't want to go all the way down to Carowinds until I can ride Alpengeist because going to Carowinds and being unable to ride Afterburn would kill me.


    ANYWAY Twisted Cyclone is looking great!

  4. ^ It's like one of those stories, being retold to everyone else, and it keeps growing and growing and...

    He probably just heard a 'click' and from there it grew wilder and more menacing, LOL!


    My comfort collar on Tempesto came loose Sunday and I told my co-workers about it and they were all absolutely horrified. I explained to them that comfort collars actually weren't necessary and one of them said they'd never ride Tempesto because the restraint system was "malfunctioning"

  5. Quick question for the KD regulars.


    I'll be driving down from Michigan this week and initially was planning on visiting Wednesday. While the forecast looks fine from a rain standpoint, there are projected winds of 15-20mph for most of the day (with heavier gusts). How likely are the major coasters to be operating in these types of conditions? I can potentially shift to visiting Thursday if this level of wind will shut a lot of stuff down.


    I have never actually seen any of the coasters closed due to high winds at Kings Dominion. Windseeker will shut down instantly once it has found the wind it seeks.

  6. Luckily I've ridden Griffon and Alpengeist in years past so they would not have been new to me. InvadR though was new and the denial truly a bummer. At least I got some new credit hotness out of Tempesto though (shockingly I literally thought there was a 0% chance I could ride that) The seat was huge and comfortable but the sensor for the lap bar just wasn't forgiving. Griffons test seat was two red belts which I believe indicates the larger seats.

  7. Just got in from a wonderful day at BGW. Rode Nessie, Verbolten 3 times, Tempesto 3 times, and Apollo’s Chariot 6 times. Got denied at the test seats for Alpengeist, Griffon, and shockingly InvadR I was legitimately surprised by that one. I thought I was a lot more likely for that than Tempesto. Ah well such a great park with fantastic operations. The San Marco marketplace is really nice I do wish I hit up the pretzel shop though.

  8. So no go for TT however I enjoyed myself plenty. Rode Racer 75, Grizzly, Backlot, Avalanche, Anaconda, Flight of Fear, and then I capped off the night with a 10 ride Intimidator 305 marathon all night rides. It was glorious. Then some Panda Express on the way out. Dominator unfortunately was closed but I checked the test seat and I think I’d be fine in the larger seats and regular seats maybe if somebody pushed down on it. Really wish I rode Apple Zapple. I think I may head to Busch Gardens Sunday since I haven’t been in 6 years and I just set up a membership. Based off how the above coasters went I like my chances for most of their coasters.

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