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Rusty Nail

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Posts posted by Rusty Nail

  1. Backdraft will be closing on Sunday.


    From the USH Annual Pass website

    Members can experience the heat of Backdraft before it closes its doors on Sunday, April 11th. This attraction has entertained guests from around the world for years, providing memorable experiences and amazing effects.


    The Special Effects Stage will also be closing on April 11th and will be moved to another location inside the park. Please check back soon for details on the new location and opening date.

  2. 1. Your duty is to the ride and the safety of your guest.

    2. No matter what happens remain calm and be professional.

    3. When things look out of place, stop, evaluate, respond.

    4. Be prepared for anything at anytime.

    5. Know your ride, Know your guest.

    6. Humor fix's everything. When things look dark - Smile, Tomorrow will be worse.





    8. No matter what a stripper tells you, there's NO sex in the champagne room.

    9. Do NOT feed Gremlins after midnight

    10. Never fall in love on the Jersey Shore

    11. The White Zone is for loading and unloading only.

    12. If the glove don't fit you must acquit

    13. That's no moon. It's a spacestation!

    14. Cardio. Double Tap. Check the back seat. Buckle up. Avoid bathrooms. Limber up. Don't be a hero. Enjoy the little things.

    15. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.

    16. Don't talk about fight club.

    17.Always remember the Alamo.

    18. Don't forget to bring a towel

    19.No groping on the Tokyo Subway or Tower of Terror.

    20.Forrest isn't a smart man, but he knows what love is.

    21. Please for the love of god always remember to wipe your butt

    22. Por Favor Mantengase Alejado De Las Puertas

    23. All your base are belong to us

    24. Do not talk about Fight Club.

    25. Do not talk about Fight Club.

    26. Never Ever watch Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

    27. Always remember to use protection

    28. Never engage in a conversation with a female about her "Feelings"

    29. Beauty is only a light switch away

    30. Everything must number OVER 9000!

    31. The Answer is 42

    32. Always take the blue pill.

    33. 4 8 15 16 23 42

    34. Don't eat the yellow snow.

    35. The love you take is equal to the love you make.

    36. Don't take the brown acid.

    37. If an erection persists after four hours, call your doctor.

    38. The Red zone is for loading and unloading of passengers only, do not stop in the white zone.

    39. Never stop on the tracks.

    40. Never sit in front of your spitting professor.

    41. Do not make Happy Fun Ball angry.

    42. Seriously, this is the answer.

    43. No, the white zone is for loading of passengers and there is NO STOPPING in a RED ZONE

    44. Make sure your pictures are no more than 800x600

    45. You may get wet in this ride. Why else would there be a poncho selling machine in the queue?

    46. And if all else fails email dan mrt0ad@aol.com he will have the answer

    47. NO! There is no stopping in a white zone, the red zone is for loading of passengers. The white zone is for unloading of passengers.

    48. Just keep driving until you find the Green Zone

    49. Never have a rendezvous in a basement.

    50. The brown zone is for passengers to dump a load.

    51. Have you emailed Dan yet?

    52. Under penalty of law, this tag only to be removed by consumer

    53. When in Mexico do not drink the water

    54. Grizzly Adams DID have a beard.

    55. Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer. Too bad he never cries. Ever

    56.When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.

    57. Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he lies in wait.

    58. Why are you still reading this?

    59. Serious forum topics must be turned into silly memes

    60. Do not belive everything you read on TPR and will will come out Disease Free

    61. Ich habe gebfurst!

    62. What happens on tour stays on tour

    63. This space left intentionally blank

    64. Wow you guys are mature

    65. Wait till rule 69 comes around

    66. If you don't have a sense of humor, or are easily offended, please turn back now!

    67. You will antagonise coaster enthusiasts at every opportunity.

    68. You will claim the coaster you operate is the best (refer rule 67).

    69. Use sexual double entendres that most park visitors would be too dumb to get.

    70. I like small boys in tights.

    71. Give a hoot, Don't Pollute!

    72. Needles in your eyes, are not as much fun as boobies in your eyes.

    73. No matter how much they cry, no matter how much they beg, never, never feed them after midnight.

    74. Moose should read Number 9!

    75. 60% of the time it works, every time.

    76. Oh really, Vernon, why pretend, we both know perfectly well what it is you're talking about. You want me to have an abortion.

    77. Okay, this is the little boys' room, and that cave over there is the little girls' room.

    78. Put Ham on 5, Hold the Mayo

    79. Never oppose an OCP officer

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