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Posts posted by LiftThrill

  1. Went yesterday from 7 until closing. Everything except WW was a walk-on, with a 3 train wait for the front of IRat. WW was about an hour line, but it broke down for ten minutes, which emptied a good chunk of the queue, so the wait ended up being around 45 minutes (2 train ops). The back row of WW is mindblowingly insane. The ride in that seat is absolutely more intense than Maverick with some ridiculous sustained ejector air over the predrop, first drop, the dive loop, and pretty much every element that wasn't a banked turn. It took a while afterwards to process what had just happened.


    Rode Superman in the front in pitch black, as well as IRat near the back. Poltergeist had no line for any row. Fun times.


    WW is up there, y'all.

  2. Glad you enjoyed Eagle. It really is great. The 42" minimum makes it all the more awesome.


    As for the Boss, I think a lot of people confuse roughness for intensity. The Boss in its current state is intense, but aside from a couple of turnarounds, it's not actually rough. It used to be rough all over, but all the new track has fixed that problem. It remains intense like the Voyage is, and is polarizing for that reason.


    I rode Boss when it was VERY rough, and Voyage when it was relatively smooth. I don't know if Boss has been extensively retracked since I rode it, but it jackhammered and jolted all over the place. I was holding onto the grab bar on the train and I got weird hand pain from riding it.


    It didn't detract for me, but if it's smoother that's not a bad thing either.

  3. All of SFStL's woodies were very fun to me. The Boss is possibly the roughest wooden coaster I've been on, but unlike some rides the roughness didn't detract at all. It made it a very characteristic ride and very unique with a fantastic setting. I wouldn't want to marathon it, but I'd ride it multiple times in a day for sure. American Thunder is a very fun and rerideable, haven't been on many GCIs but I'd say it feels like the "default" GCI coaster and that's not a bad thing. Screamin' Eagle is my comparison point for every coaster's floater airtime and like The Boss has an amazing setting. Honestly, the woodies and Mr. Freeze make for one of the more fun coaster collections out there. I only got to spend three hours when I went and honestly I'd love to go back.

  4. The Eagle has had a long wait all day. I'm currently queuing and this may be my only ride on it. Is it better towards the front or back?


    I've only ridden it once, somewhere near the middle/back area. I think the back area (non wheel seat) is probably the best due to how awesome the whip over the first drop is (WOW, gotta love those long trains) and the floater airtime is phenomenal presumably in most seats (seriously, this is the strongest and most sustained floater air I've ever felt)



    So excited to get to ride this later this season!!! ... Am I the only one who thinks this is one of the most "over looked" projects of 2018??


    Yeah, it feels like that. Probably because it didn't open as early as SV or Twisted Timbers.

    Can't wait to see how this one stacks up. Sometime in the (not-so-near) future I'm planning a SFOG/Carowinds/Dollywood trip and this just makes an already appealing park even more appealing.

  6. Got a ride in on Golden Shower Coaster today.

    Waited probably 25 minutes or so, starting around 4 when the Platinum/Gold+ time started.


    This is a ridiculously intense ride that puts all it has on the table for the short amount of time it can.

    Doesn't top IRat for best in the park, but as a coaster I'd say it beats S:KC out for second. As an experience, maybe not (due to the outstanding terrain usage on S:KC), but it's definitely my second favorite coaster in the park. You will not believe how out of control that first airtime hill is. Absolutely bonkers.


    Not 100% where to rank it yet, but that doesn't matter that much anyway

  7. New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Arkansas have pretty bad speeding traps everywhere. Tiny towns that get all their money from speeding tickets and such. A lot of times, speed limit signs are overgrown and not even fully visible. It's pretty hard to keep track of those and what speed you're supposed to be going, so keep a keen eye out, and when in doubt, go slower than you think you should in places like that.

  8. I'm totally ok with it being comparable in style to skyrush and i305, because I haven't ridden either


    The closest thing to those I've ridden is probably Maverick, at least from what I hear, and Maverick can make a strong case for being my favorite coaster on any given day. So lucky to be having a new major coaster at my home park this season (and damn, it's a good season for coasters in general, makes 2017's off year that much more worth the wait)

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