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Posts posted by MagnumFreak25

  1. Parks don't have to do exactly what we want or would like to see, but they do have make improvements and continually evolve. They're a business, and the tourism industry is particularly fickle. Older rides that no longer get a lot of attention from guests, specifically positive attention, are just dead weight to a park that must continually change to meet attendance and revenue goals.


    Cedar Fair also understands return on investment. Making a smaller change could see a fairly equivalent return as making a much more expensive installation, only in less time. While the rumors going around don't have a ton of weight behind them, they seem fairly cost-effective and would certainly increase the appeal of older rides.


    As a personal note, I do not find Mantis or Mean Streak appealing as they are now. They both physically hurt me. Mantis, at least, has a seemingly decent layout. I find Mean Streak's general design is out-dated; it has not aged well. The layout is peculiar and ineffective, IMHO. Any change to either coaster would make me want to ride them again.


    I don't predict a substantial change to Mean Streak next year. Any significant change to Mean Streak, and CP would likely give the public some warning so they could get their last rides in.


    Yes, I know how the business works and agree with you on the above. But what I'm getting at here is that I don't think the ridership on those rides has suffered to the point of removal or change. The Mantis to Floorless conversion wouldn't be that cost-effective (Sitdown maybe, but I don't think the layout would be fun for a sitdown without reprofiling), RMCing I guess I could see being there. But on your personal note, does John Q public feel that way? Last time I was at Cedar Point, Mantis was at a two hour wait. I'll admit that even I was surprised, but I don't think ridership is super suffering on those rides.


    The Gemini Midway improvements this year have proved to give a great ROI to the park. Tony stated in an interview that they do plan at looking around the park at what areas need to be refreshed or improved. I would not be surprised if the Blue Streak Midway was next. With the haunted house located at the Point Pavilion now axed for HalloWeekends, maybe that front area of the park is next.


    My bet is that nothing will happen to Mean Streak or Mantis this year outside of one of them probably getting the "King James" name for a bit.


    Those have some of the lowest rider ship in the park. On the busiest of days Mantis generally won't go above half an hour and Mean Streak will always take longer to walk to the station than actually waiting. When they took out Disaster Transport it was still getting waits over 2 hours. If they are gonna update an area of the park my bet would also be the Blue Streak Midway but the Maverick/Mean Streak area and Mantis/Iron Dragon areas are in a need of a refresh too.

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