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Posts posted by MagnumFreak25

  1. ^ Not too much in there that I didn't already know, but an interesting read nonetheless - thank you for sharing. It is very sad to see such a historic park (as well as a Sea World) go down the way that it did.


    Being that Anheuser Busch didn't get it done, maybe Great Lakes Brewery could buy the land and open up their own theme park?


    I am also wondering how much longer the water park will hold out. Perhaps if they would sink some money into expansion, I would go....but the fact that even Soak City makes this park look good makes me have no desire to drive three hours to get there. I'd rather just continue on to CP...which is certainly what Kinzel would have wanted!


    I don't think the water park is going anywhere soon. Most people still love the place and get season passes every year. Last time I was there I noticed an empty lot/field that would be big enough for a new slide tower (Drop Pod Slides at 122 feet tall anyone?) and a pile of white rotting wood that appears it could be from RWB.

  2. I'm planning a trip to CP on Saturday, and just got an email about "Point Fest." Has anyone been there during that? How much of a sh#tshow should I be anticipating? I'm hesitant to pre-purchase Fastlane because of weather, and would really appreciate any information.




    I was there last year and I didn't even realize it was going on(forgot to check the website). I got on most of the coasters and only rilized what was going on when in I could see it in line for Gemini.

  3. Couple things.

    1) Raptor getting stuck on the brake run is not the fault of operations. When trains stack they do not stop on the brake run, that was an E-Stop.


    2) Generally when dragsters line is going down the midway it means it just reopened or is broken down.


    3) In the last few years I've never seen a ride stacking trains. The only time was on Gatekeeper and a manager went up and started dispatching trains himself because the ops where to slow and he sped it right back up and there wasn't any stacking the rest of the day.


    4) Just look at Magnum. That ride is running three trains without stacking or a mid course.(Generally)


    5) I must just be lucky but I've never seen Maverick down once.


    Anyway I know CP isn't perfect but most of those complaints are easily explained.

  4. Two Things:


    1) I'm heading done to the point on 9/20 to get one last ride on (And First) on Mantis. I'm gonna get there probably by noon maybe by opening and am gonna stay till close. I don't want to do any of the Halloweekends stuff and want to know if I should get Fast Lane or if their won't be any lines. Also I wanted to know if Magnum's third train has been put back together and when they stop letting people into lines for the coasters.


    2) CF would probably try to relocate any rare ride like Iron Dragon like they did with Demon Drop.

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